1.Impacts of Solar Radiation and Desiccation on the Physiology of Aquatic-living Colonies of Nostoc Flagelliforme;阳光辐射和干出对水培发状念珠藻生理特性的影响
2.Effects of desiccation on the photosystem II ( PSII ) performance in Ulva lactuca were investigated by analyzing the fast chl a rise of fluorescence and parameters of JIP-test.通过分析快速叶绿素a荧光动力学上升(荧光快相)和JIP-test的参数探讨了干出对石莼光系统II特征的影响。
3.Agardh and Gracilaria textorii(Suring) De Toni,were investigated at different periods of desiccation(0,0.Agar-dh,中潮带)和扁江蓠(Gracilaria textorii(Suring)De Toni,低潮带)在干出状态下的脱水率及每天干出0、0。

1.Elbow grease gives the best polish.〔谚语〕苦干出好活。
2.Now you have been and gone and done it.你竟然干出这等蠢事!
3.I don't see what you can accomplish by working like that.我看不出你们这样的干法能干出什么名堂来。
4.The sun came out and dried up the streets.太阳出来把马路晒干了。
5.Off on some fool errand or other.出去干一些愚蠢的差事
6.Don't show your face on my property again.别再出面干涉我的财产
7.partial disturbed one output signal半选干扰“1”输出信号
8.undisturbed one output signal未干扰“1”输出信号
9.partial disturbed zero output signal半选干扰“0”输出信号
10.Come on, cough up: who did it?好了, 说出来, 是谁干的?
11.You know,it's a business tri出差公干都是如此的了
12.showing fine captaincy表现出任职船长的才干.
13.N, cough up: who did it?好了,说出来,是谁干的?
14.He worked on until he was in a sweat.他一直干到出一身汗。
15.Please wipe up the spilled milk.请将溢出的牛奶擦干净。
16.a certain time after date出票后若干日付款汇票
17.The cat licked up the spilled milk.猫把撒出来的牛奶舔得干干净净。
18.An extension or a projecting part, as of a building or mountain range.突出物支干如建筑物或山背的支干或突出部分

Brainstem hemorrhage脑干出血
1.Clinical Analysis in 29 Patients with Brainstem Hemorrhage;脑干出血29例临床分析
2.Objective: To explore the effective method to treat severe hypertensive brainstem hemorrhage.目的:探索重症高血压脑干出血的有效治疗方法。
3.Brainstem hemorrhage clinical analysis of 87 casesObjective: To investigate the CT scan of the brainstem hemorrhage in the early diagnosis and assessment of prognosis.目的:探讨CT扫描对脑干出血的早期诊断价值及预后评估的意义。
3)Brain stem hemorrhage脑干出血
1.Clinical analysis of 40 cases of patients with brain stem hemorrhage;原发性脑干出血临床分析
2.Comparison of the relation between coagulation and fibrinolysis in spontaneous brain stem hemorrhage;自发性脑干出血凝血和纤溶关系的比较
3.Objective To investigate the clinical nursing methods in the process of mechanical ventilation withdrawal in the patients with acute brain stem hemorrhage combined with respiratory failure after mechanical ventilation.目的探讨急性脑干出血并发中枢性呼吸衰竭患者行机械通气后期采用间断撤离呼吸机过程中的临床护理。
4)drying capacity干燥出力
1.During the low load operation of a 670 t/h Soviet made boiler there emerged a dramatic reduction in coal mill drying capacity, which led to a drastic increase in unit consumption of energy.阐述原苏制 6 70t/h锅炉低负荷运行时磨煤机干燥出力严重下降和导致制粉系统单耗剧增的原因 ,提出相应开启该套制粉系统一部分未投粉一次风管的风门的解决措
2.This paper analyzed the problems existed:such as drying capacity of MPS pulverizer for lignite,pyrophoricity,slagging,etc.分析了中速磨直吹式制粉系统磨制M ar>30%褐煤过程中存在的问题:诸如MPS磨对褐煤的干燥出力、易自燃、易结渣等进行了分析,并提出了相应的对策。
5)dry-slice-yielding rate出干率
6)drying height干出高度

出出世间【出出世间】 (术语)超出出世间之法也。三分菩萨之十地为三世间。五教章上曰:“如本业经仁王经及地论梁摄论等中,以初二三地寄在世间,四地至七地寄出世间,八地已上寄出出世间。于出世间中,四地五地寄声闻法,第六地寄缘觉法,七地寄菩萨法,八地已上寄一乘法。”