遗传结构,genetic structure
1)genetic structure遗传结构
1.Screening of microsatellite primers and population genetic structure of Hemibarbus labeo in Heilongjiang River and Wusulijiang River;黑龙江和乌苏里江唇的微卫星引物筛选及群体遗传结构
2.Bemisia tabaci:biotype monitoring and genetic structure analysis;烟粉虱生物型的监测及其遗传结构研究
3.Distribution posture of Chinese poultry resource and genetic structure of four endangered chicken breeds;中国家禽资源分布现况和四个濒危鸡种遗传结构的研究

1.Population genetic structure and genetic diversity of Acer miaotaiense庙台槭的居群遗传结构和遗传多样性
2.Genetic Variation and Spatial Genetic Structure of Chinese Pine (Pinus Tabulaeformis Carr.)油松遗传多样性与空间遗传结构研究
3.Studies on Genetic Structure and Genetic Diversity in Provenances of Black Locust (Robinia Pseudoacacia L.) in China;中国刺槐次生种源遗传结构及遗传多样性研究
4.RAPD Analysis of Population Genetic Diversity and Genetic Structure of Cinnamomum Camphora (L.) Presl;樟树居群遗传多样性及遗传结构的RAPD分析
5.Genetic Analysis of Different Populations of Fenneropenaeus Chinensis Based on RAPD and ISSR Markers;中国对虾地理群体遗传多样性及遗传结构分析
6.RAPD Analysis of Population Genetic Diversity and Genetic Structure of Alsophila Spinulosa;桫椤居群遗传多样性及遗传结构的RAPD分析
7.Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of the Tiger Frog (Hoplobatrachus Rugulosus) in Zhejiang Area浙江地区虎纹蛙遗传多样性与遗传结构研究
8.Genetic Structure and Genetic Differentiation of 10 Domestic Chinese Geese Populations我国十个鹅品种的遗传结构及遗传分化研究
9.Genetic Structure and Diversity of Soybean Germplasm in Heilongjiang,China黑龙江省大豆种质遗传结构及遗传多样性分析
10.Genetic Structure Analysis of Selected Populations and Construction of Genetic Linkage Map of Marine Shrimp Fenneropenaeus Chinensis;中国对虾人工选育群体遗传结构分析及遗传连锁图谱的构建
11.The human genome is a map of our genetic structure.人类基因组是我们遗传结构的图谱。
12.Study on Develop of EST-SSR Primer and Genetic Structure of Tamarix Chinensis;柽柳SSR标记开发及群体遗传结构分析
13.Studies on Genetic Structure of Superior Clones in Seed Orchard of Pinus Koraiensis;红松种子园优良无性系遗传结构研究
14.Genetic Structure and Variability of a Virus in Geminivirade;双生病毒(geminiviruses)的种群遗传结构和变异
15.RAPD analysis of genetic structure in Eucalyptus.grandis populations;巨桉不同种源群体遗传结构的RAPD分析
16.Genetic Structure and Geographic Phylogeography of Phasianus Colchicus in Northern China;中国北方雉鸡的遗传结构和系统地理
17.Genetic Structure of Five Sub-Populations of Dendrolimus punctatus tabulaeformis (Lepidoptera:Lasiocampidae) Detected with Microsatellite Markers油松毛虫亚居群遗传结构的SSR分析
18.ISSR Analysis on Genetic Structure of Six Sinonovacula constricta Populations缢蛏6个群体遗传结构的ISSR分析

Population genetic structure遗传结构
1.By means of random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD)markers,genetic diversity and population genetic structure in 3 natural populations of Ph.本文采用RAPD分子标记技术,研究了篌竹(Phyllostachys nidularia)的遗传多样性,揭示其群体遗传结构,并在遗传多样性研究的基础上,探讨篌竹种质资源的保存方法;采用同样的技术又分析了篌竹五个变型遗传变异的大小。
2.This paper manages to look into population genetic structure and Phylogeography, to investigate the evolutionary history of Feirana quadranus in Tsinling Mountains.本文试图从种群遗传结构和谱系地理学两个方面的研究,来初步探讨秦岭地区隆肛蛙的的演化历史。
3)population structure遗传结构
1.AFLP were used to investigate the genetic diversity and population structure of eight natural populations (103 individuals) and one ex situ population (29 seedlings) of the species.本研究利用AFLP分子标记对该物种分布区内发现的8个自然居群进行了遗传多样性与遗传结构的分析;同时将采自野外不同自然居群的29株幼苗作为一个迁地居群,用AFLP分子标记检测了该迁地居群的遗传多样性。
4)structural genetics结构遗传学
5)single inheritance structure单遗传结构
1.The single inheritance structure method is proposed to describe the parts parameters,and the multilevel data storage structure is proposed as the way to store the parts parameters,so that the 2D table(or complicated tree-like table) is simplified as a linear data structure.分析了当前零件库设计方法存在难以动态扩充的问题,提出了模型参数驱动的零部件设计方法;以注塑模具零件为例分析了零件参数的复杂性,提出以"单遗传结构"的形式描述零件参数,以多级别数据存储结构作为零件参数的存储方式,使得平面二维表格(或者复杂的树状表格)简化为线性数据结构,每条记录均成为仅包含参数控制关系的单个参数的数据,从而建立起可动态扩充的系列化、标准化的零部件库。
6)population genetic structure群体遗传结构
1.The gene flow of population genetic structure;群体遗传结构中的基因流
2.Molecular population genetic structure of Anopheles lesteri(Diptera:Culicidae) based on mtDNA-COI gene sequences基于mtDNA-COI基因序列的雷氏按蚊分子群体遗传结构研究
3.Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) has become one of the important methods utilized in analysis of population genetic structure.最后 ,以产自中国和巴西 8个普通野生稻 (Oryzarufipogon)天然群体为例 ,演示了对RAPD表型数据进行AMOVA分析的过程 ,讨论了AMOVA分析结果在群体遗传结构上的意义。

精细结构遗传学图精细结构遗传学图  指对突变位点的重组做精细分析所获得的遗传学图。