1.Analysis on Safety Monitoring of the Shuibuya Concrete Face Rockfill Dam;水布垭面板堆石坝安全监测分析
2.Anti-crack design for concrete slab of Shuibuya rock-fill dam;水布垭堆石坝混凝土面板抗裂设计与工程实践
3.3-D Stability Analysis on Emptying Tunnel of Shuibuya Project on Qingjiang River;清江水布垭水利枢纽放空洞三维稳定性分析

1.A Feasibility Study of Hubei Qingjiang Shui Bu Ya Hydro-hinge;湖北清江水布垭水利枢纽可行性研究
2.Failure Mechanism of Muzhuping Landslide in Shuibuya Reservoir Area,Qingjiang River清江水布垭库岸木竹坪滑坡失稳探讨
3.Overflow Cofferdam and Diversion Scheme Study for Qingjiang Shuibuya Hydropower Project;清江水布垭水电站过水围堰及度汛方案研究
4.Construction Technology of Large Cross-Section Diversion Tunnel of Shuibuya Water Conservancy;水布垭水利枢纽特大断面导流隧洞施工技术
5.Final archives management of Shuibuya Hydropower Project;水布垭水电站工程竣工档案的管理工作
6.Practice of disperse-resettlement for Shuibuya Hydropower Station;水布垭水电站库区移民分散安置的实践
8.Key technology for construction of anti-scour wall by shaft method on the left bank of Shuibuya hydropower station水布垭水电站左岸防淘墙竖井法施工关键技术
9.Intelligent optimization analysis of excavation and support sequence of tailrace tunnel for Shuibuya Project水布垭尾水洞开挖与支护顺序的智能优化分析
10.Treatment on oil throw fault in lower guide bearing of generator of Shuibuya Hydropower Plant水布垭水电站发电机下导轴承甩油问题处置
11.Research on the key shotcrete technologies for the underground tunnel chambers of Shuibuya Project水布垭地下洞室喷射混凝土的关键技术研究
12.Displacement Back-analysis of Soil Parameters for Shui Bu Ya CFRD;水布垭面板堆石坝土体参数的位移反演分析
13.A Toe Board Foundation Treatment of the High Concrete-Faced Rockfill Dam in SHUIBUYA;水布垭高面板堆石坝趾板基础处理研究
14.Earthwork Design for Cubic Meter of Earth and Stone in Qingjiang Rockfill Dam Construction;清江水布垭面板堆石坝动态土石方平衡设计
15.Case Study Approach to Cost Management in Shuibuya Curtain Grouting Project;水布垭帷幕灌浆项目成本管理案例研究
16.Practice of Involvement of Owner in Reservoir Resettlement of Shuibuya Hydroelectric Project;水布垭工程业主参与库区移民工作的实践
17.Bringing Project Owner s Leading Role into Play, Building Green Environmental Shuibuya Hydroproject;发挥业主主导作用 建设绿色环保水布垭工程
18.Countermeasure for Resettlement Work of Shuibuya Hydroproject & Realization about It;水布垭工程坝区移民问题、对策及几点认识

Shuibuya project水布垭
1.Aiming at the problems of the Shuibuya Project s wide grading anti seepage material,the method of filter design is researched.针对水布垭宽级配防渗料,研究了反滤设计方法。
2.On the background of ShuiBuYa Project,by means of FLAC,the field pressure-bearing slat tests on compound rock mass includingsingle soft rock formation are simulated by computer.本文以清江水布垭工程为背景,采用FLAC方法,对合单一软岩层的复合岩体进行了现场承压板变形试验的计算机模拟,研究了软弱岩层埋深、变形模量以及承压板直径对复合岩体宏观力学参数的影响。
3)Shuibuya Reservoir水布垭水库
1.The construction of Shuibuya Reservoir is an important decision of developing the water resource of Qingjiang River mad.水布垭水库淹没涉及巴东、鹤峰、建始、宣恩、恩施5 县( 市) 的陆地面积55 。
2.The Dayantang landslide in Qingtaiping town of Badong county,Shuibuya reservoir,slipped on June 15,2007.2007年6月15日位于水布垭水库巴东县清太平镇的大堰塘滑坡发生滑动,激起高达50m的巨大涌浪,造成了沿岸的人员伤亡。
4)Shuibuya Project水布垭工程
1.Rational Allocation of the Construction Mechanical Equipment of Earth-rock Works of the Shuibuya Project;水布垭工程土石方施工机械设备的合理配置
2.Allocation of earth-rock volumes by computer for Shuibuya Project and its results;水布垭工程土石方调配的计算机实现及结果
3.Research on Properties of Face Plate Concrete for Shuibuya Project;水布垭工程面板混凝土性能试验研究
5)shuibuya hydropower station水布垭电站
1.The synchronizing point plan for shuibuya hydropower station to paralle in power system has been analysed comperhendively on technical and economic aspect,and the importance and rationalization of the synchronizing point plan was expounded.对水布垭电站接入系统主要落点方案进行了较为深入的技术、经济综合分析,阐述了落点方案优化的重要性和合理性。
2.A new 500 kV switch station will be build near shuibuya hydropower station after the cutover design of shuibuya hydropower have been censored .水布垭电站接入系统设计(一次部分)通过审查后,在电站附近将新建500kV开关站。
3.The successful experiences and inadequacies in implementation of resettlement work of Shuibuya Hydropower Station are summarized;the thinking and suggestions on strengthening the management of resettlement work are proposed.总结了水布垭电站移民工作实施中的成功经验与不足之处,提出了加强移民工作管理的思考和建议。
6)Shuibuya Dam水布垭大坝
1.Regularity of karst growth on the left bank of Shuibuya Dam and its permeability analysis;水布垭大坝左岸岩溶发育规律及渗透性分析
2.The adit at the right bank of Shuibuya Dam passes through karstic fractured rock strata,some technical measures for curtain grouting are adopted,such as visual display detection,water injection test,overgrouting and wait-setting and mortar grouting etc.水布垭大坝右岸平洞穿过岩溶发育地层,帷幕灌浆施工中采用了摄像检查、压水试验、多灌待凝和灌砂浆等技术措施,确保了灌浆质量。

又名“巴东垭”,在神农架主峰西侧,距松柏镇117公里、木鱼镇30公里。最高处海拔2950米,有“神农第一顶”之誉。该处的景观特色就是峰奇谷秀,站在垭口极目四眺,只见山峦起伏,气象万千,景色十分壮丽。[编辑]概况景区内峰奇谷秀,怪石累累,曲峰丛丛,有的盘结曲扭,有的亭亭玉立,有的傲骨嶙绚,有的遮崖蔽天,或若袅娜少女,或若龙钟老人,或若铁塔昂举,或若冷剑劈空,光怪陆离,不可名状。从垭底至近顶,条梁耸翠,涧谷含幽,小径回旋,山花遍缀,葱茏树木间以青藤缠绕,潺潺泉声伴以唧唧鸟鸣。尤其是突横之飞壁,乍陈之危崖,密挤一片,宛若绿色绒缦,迎风摇曳,令人赏心悦目,只觉妙趣横生。登临崖顶环顾四周,只见千峰竞峭,万嶂争拔,龙腾蛟升,直冲凌霄;高低森林,起伏碧连,若沧海巨涛,滚涌天际。断壁间,百丈瀑布好似银丝飘垂;稍远处,浩瀚长江恍若长带飘动。山峦、密林、流水时而滴苍飞翠;时而融金耀彩;时而裹雾笼烟;时而披纱缠云;真乃景象万千。石林周围,杉木竹海苍翠,高山杜鹃摇红,流云飞霞缠绕,石峰若隐若现。若万里睛空,眺望南方,俯高垭下,巴东县境,山岭纵横,河水蜿蜒,如在脚底;若天气阴沉,临崖观望,削壁深涧,云雾涌起,层层上升,石林隐现,真乃仙境。[编辑]小贴士可先游燕子垭和燕子洞,之后经红坪画廊到风景垭,这样,最美的风景就不致错过了。风景垭交通 松柏镇可以包车到燕子垭游玩,小面包7人座几百天,玩完燕天景区还可以让他开到木鱼。六点抵神农架红坪镇。这里住宿非常方便。一般标间要价也不高。但如仔细找,可找到1一百以下的标间。因神农架的景点都在这附近,这应该是从北方去的dx最好的选择。建议不住燕子垭。一冷,二贵。同时也不建议住木鱼镇。因离主要景点偏远。 农家美酒在这一带农家吃饭,主人家很有可能会拿出自家酿制的米酒招待你,酒色清白,味道甜美,可不要贪杯啊,后劲很大的。