1.Practice of O&M of rural small water structures in polder area of Songjiang District;松江区圩区小型农田水利工程设施管养的实践与思考
2.Then different runoff models and confluence processing patterns were adopted according to different characteristics of confluence inside and outside of polders.针对平原区下垫面多样变化和在分区内分布不均匀的特点,将平原区分解为水面、水田、旱地与城镇建设用地4种下垫面,分别采用不同的产流模型,根据圩区内外不同的汇流特性,分别采用不同的汇流处理模式。
3.Southern Jiangsu province is on the rapid course of urbanization,thus much of the rural district in polder has become urban area at present.江苏省苏南城市化进程迅速,不少圩区从原来的农村成为城区,在目前的水利规划中,农村城市化后的排水河网与城区排水管渠设计面临着2种不同的标准体系,根据江苏苏南典型圩区的自然、水文特点,通过分析给出了2种排水标准之间的关系,供城市圩区水系规划时参考。

1.Research on the Influence of Polder Regulation on Regional Flood Control and Drainage圩区治理对区域防洪排涝影响的研究
2.Governmental Management and the Effects of Wei-tian in the Tang and Song Dynasties--Centering on the Wei-tian along the Downstream of the Yangtze River唐宋时期政府对圩田的管理及其效应——以长江下游圩区为中心
4.Application or Spectrum Analysis in Flood -control System Analysis for Protective Embankments Along Yangtse River谱分析在沿江圩区防洪系统分析中的应用
5.Study on Random Model for Water Environment Simulation and Training on Closed Polders and Its Application;大型圩区水环境随机模拟模型及应用研究
6.Studies on the Urbanization Drainage Criteria and the Optimal Water Surface Rate of the Ploder Areas in Southern Jiangsu Province;苏南圩区城市化排水标准与最优水面率研究
7.Study on the Method of Quantitative Analysis for Water Biological Service Functions in Polder Area;平原圩区水体生态服务功能定量分析方法研究
8.Principle and Model Study of Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution of the Representative Polder Area in Taihu Lake Basin;太湖流域典型圩区农业非点源污染产污规律及模型研究
9.Study of Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution in the Representative Drainage Area of Lake Taihu Watershed Base on GIS Technology;基于GIS下太湖流域典型圩区农业非点源污染研究
10.A Computer-aided Design System for the Planning of Polder Region River Net Based on GIS;基于GIS的圩区水系规划计算机辅助设计系统开发
11.Exploration on Work for Dole in the Traditional Social Security--Take the Dike Paddy Field of the Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River in the Song Dynasty for the Centre;略论传统社会保障中的以工代赈——以宋代长江下游圩区为中心
12.Research on the Special Education Experimental Area in Baishe Xu in Nanfeng (1934-1937);南丰白舍圩特种教育实验区研究(1934-1937)
13.Study on the Causes of Cotton Senilism and the Measure to Prevent or Resist It in Alluvial Flat and Polder in Tongling;铜陵洲圩生态区棉花早衰致因及预抗措施研究
14.The Polders Development and Country Society in Poyang Lake Area during Ming and Qing Period;明清时期鄱阳湖区的圩田开发与乡村社会
15.Dyke Farm Management in Poyang Lake Area in the Ming and Qing Period and Modern Enlightenment;明清鄱阳湖区的圩田管理及其现代启示
16.Cultivation of Diked Paddy-Fields in Ancient South-East China and Their Effects on Ecological Environment;古代江南地区圩田开发及其对生态环境的影响
17.The Development of Country Fair in Northeast Guangxi and the Integration of National Economy in Modern Times;近代桂东北地区圩市发展与民族经济融合
18.Study on the Protection and Utilization of Rural Landscape Resources in the Urban Fringe--Taking Dawei Town, Hefei as an Example城市边缘区乡村景观资源的保护与利用研究——以合肥大圩镇为例

polder area圩区
1.Influence of reinforcement of cut-off walls for dikes on groundwater quality of polder areas;堤防截渗墙加固对圩区地下水水质的影响
2.Calculating design drainage discharge have important significance for water safety and derating economic losses of waterlog in the polder areas.圩区常受洪涝的双重威胁。
3.The southern polder area of China has fertility soil, variegated rivers and plentiful natural resources.我国南方圩区土壤肥沃,水网密布,资源丰富。
3)diked area圩区
1.Study on drainage modulus calculation method of diked area;圩区排涝模数计算方法研究
2.To reasonably determine drainage modulus is very important for decreasing logging loss in diked area.合理确定圩区排涝模数对于降低涝灾损失有重要意义。
4)polder areas圩区
1.The polder areas of Southern Jiangsu province lie in Taihu basin.苏南圩区地处太湖流域,改革开放以来,城市化水平显著提高,圩区内河网水系及水文状况随着经济发展产生了显著变化。
5)Construction in low-lying region圩区建设
6)plain polder area平原圩区
1.Optimization of planning for drainage system in plain polder area based on experimental genetic algorithm;基于试验遗传算法的平原圩区除涝排水系统最优规划
