1.Core Cultural Value and Exploration Countermeasures of Tourist Resources in Nanjiang Region;南江地区旅游资源核心文化价值与开发对策
2.Exploring Construction of Human Settlements of Small Mountains Towns in Underdeveloped Area-A Case Study of Nanjiang County in Bazhong欠发达地区山地小城市人居环境建设初探——以巴中市南江县为例
3.There contain abundant coal resource in Shuidong village of Nanjiang county of Sichuan province. 四川省南江县水洞乡蕴藏着丰富的煤炭资源,且煤质好,市场上较为畅销,目前,该区以采煤为主的矿业经济较为发达,有国营及私营煤矿企业约十多家,其采煤方式均为地下坑采。
2)south China江南
1.The Social Control System in the Towns of South China in the Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清时期江南市镇的社会控制体系
2.The Social Operating Mechanism of Township in the South China in the Ming and Qing Dynasties——A case study on Zhujing town in Jinshan county;明清时期江南市镇的社会运行机制——以金山朱泾镇为个案的考察
3.Marginalization:the Modern Fortune of Cotton Town in South China——Taking Zhujing Town as the Case Study;边缘化:江南棉布业市镇的近代际遇——以朱泾镇为个案的考察

1.The Professional Female Dancer s Songs and the Ci Poetry in the Southern Tang Dynasty;乱世江南著雅音──南唐妓乐与南唐词
2.Everyone knows that south of the reaches of the Changjiang River is a picturesque and poetic destination for many people.男:江南好,风景旧曾谙,日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝,能不忆江南
3.The scenery is very beautiful in the southern areas.江南一带景色非常秀丽。
4.North and south of the River How many warriors died!一江南北,消磨多少豪杰。”
5.Jiangnan Foreign Investment Zone of Linhai City临海市江南外商投资区
6.On the Jiangnan Camp of Qing's Troops;清军江南大营研究(1853—1860)
7.an old saying goes, "the gardens south of the Yangtze River are the Best under Heaven, and among them the gardens of Suzhou are the Best."俗话说,“江南园林甲天下,苏州园林甲江南”。
8.The Connection of the Traditional Architecture Sculpture and the Traditional Landscape Region Vision of the Southern Region;江南传统建筑雕刻与江南传统城镇景观形象
9.Evolution of Jiangnan Concept before Tang and Formation of Jiangnan Culture;唐前江南概念的演变与江南文化的形成
10.On Hanyu′ s seeking shelter in Jiangnan--In Addition On Hanyu s Literary Friends;韩愈避乱江南经历考辨——兼论其江南文友圈
11.On Shen Fengquan's Contribution to the Traditional Stringed and Woodwind Instruments in South of the Yangtze River丝竹相和 江南神韵——论沈凤泉对江南丝竹的贡献
12.Analysis of the Jiangnan Cultural Impact on the Jiangnan Civil Religion Belief探析江南文化对江南民间宗教信仰的影响
13.Jiujiang is the thoroughfare connecting Yangtze River's north and south.九江是连接长江南北的要道。
14.Underground Party members and guerrilla fighters south of the Yangtze also helped us in the battle.江南地下党、游击队配合了渡江作战。
15.View stone marketin Zhejiang province Special report of view stone in Zhejiang province (Four);浙江石市 烟雨江南——浙江赏石专题系列报道(四)
16.The ``South'' refers to the area south of the Huaihe, not south of the Yangtze.淮河以南就叫南方,不是长江以南才叫南方。
17.The Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge is as long as 6,700 meters.南京长江大桥长达6,700米。
18.Shan dong is bounded on the south by Jiangsu.山东的南面与江苏相邻。

south China江南
1.The Social Control System in the Towns of South China in the Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清时期江南市镇的社会控制体系
2.The Social Operating Mechanism of Township in the South China in the Ming and Qing Dynasties——A case study on Zhujing town in Jinshan county;明清时期江南市镇的社会运行机制——以金山朱泾镇为个案的考察
3.Marginalization:the Modern Fortune of Cotton Town in South China——Taking Zhujing Town as the Case Study;边缘化:江南棉布业市镇的近代际遇——以朱泾镇为个案的考察
3)south of the Changjiang River江南
1.Fashion, Environment, and Scholars—Accounting for the Flourishing Tourism in South of the Changjiang River in Ming and Qing Dynasties;风尚·环境·文士——明清江南游风炽盛原因初探
2.Buddhism of the south of the Changjiang River plays a very improtant role in expanding Chinese Buddhism to foreign countries,the most outstanding and typical role among them is the effect of Buddhism of the South of the Changjiang River on Japanese Buddhism.江南佛教在中国佛教向海外弘传方面发挥了极其重要的作用,其中最显著和最典型的即是江南佛教对日本佛教的影响。
4)South of the Yangtze River江南
1.The Comparison of Social Culture between Modern South of the Yangtze River and North Huai Area;近代江南淮北社会文化的差异
2.Analyses on the developing prospect of the early industrialization in South of the Yangtze River;江南早期工业化发展前景试析
3.During the Ming and Qing Dynasties,a lot of towns specializing in commerce and handicrafts e- merged in south of the Yangtze River.明清时期,随着商品经济的繁荣与市场交流的扩大,江南地区各类商业、手工业专业市镇大量涌现,江南经济也因此而引人注目。
1.Environment,Farming and Farm Cattle:the Farm Cattle s Breeding and Utilizing in Jiangnan of Modern Times;环境、农事与耕牛——近代江南地区耕牛的饲育与役用
6)the south of Yangtze River江南
1.Firstly, the south of Yangtze river has a goo.这不但促进了当时苏州地方慈善事业的兴盛,也使他自己成为明清江南地区慈善家谱系中重要的一环。
2.The South of Yangtze River was one of the regions where the social economy develops most vigorously in the whole country in Qing Dynasty.清代江南地区是全国社会经济发展最具活力的区域之一,在农业和手工业发展的基础之上,商品流通加速,各种各样的商品交易频繁发生,商品经济走向繁荣。

南江南江【政区位置】南江位于四川北缘米仓山南麓,东邻通江,南接巴州,西界旺苍,北靠陕西省南郑县。  【历史沿革】南江古属巴国,后为集州,先秦两汉就有政区建置。南北朝时期的梁普通六年(公元525年)始建难江县(取江水难涉之意),距今1480年,明正德十一年(公元1516年)改难江县为南江县(江水绕城南而名)至今。  【面积人口】幅员面积3383平方公里,有耕地41.3万亩;总人口63万人,总户数17万户。  【政区划分】全县辖48个乡镇,523个村,2461个村民小组,38个居民委员会。  【自然特征】境内地势北高南低,最低海拔370米(凤仪乡桑树坝村),最高海拔2507米(光雾山),平均海拔1100米。南北长84.3公里,东西宽31公里。境内地形复杂,溪沟纵横,山水相依,有“八山一水一分田”之称。  【资源特点】南江物华天宝,资源富集,素有大巴山“百宝箱”之美誉。境内拥有煤、铁、花岗石等50余种矿产资源,非金属矿及稀有金属等门类齐全,已探明磁铁矿储量8500万吨,铜矿储量0.8万吨,铜锌矿储量9万吨,霞石铝矿储量1500万吨,石墨矿770万吨,煤炭储量4000万吨,大理石、花岗石储量约3亿立方米,白云石、钾长石、石膏矿、磷矿、金矿储量也十分丰富。有幅员830平方公里的光雾山国家重点风景名胜区,神门洞、皇柏林、小巫峡、断渠公园等10多个景点独具特色。全县有森林249.7万亩,其中原始森林50多万亩,草地155万亩,活立木蓄积量810万方,森林覆盖率62.2,绿化覆盖率98.5。境内有野生动物195种,其中有金猫、云豹、金钱豹、黑熊、红腹角雉、穿山甲、大鲵等国宝重点保护野生动物41种,省级保护动物17种。有野生植物2000多种;稀世独有的巴山水青杠,被誉为“植物活化石”,其它还有红豆杉、鹅掌楸、娑罗树、连香树、银杏等珍稀植物20种。大坝林区被中外专家称为“四川盆地北缘山区重要的生物基因库”;大小兰沟自然保护区以“珍稀物种种植资源基因库”享誉中外,2002年被列为中德合作自然保护区自然资源保护项目。  南江,红色土地。这里是第二大苏区的中心,第二次国内革命战争时期,徐向前、李先念等老一辈领导人曾在这里战斗两年多,有2.2万多名南江儿女参加红军,1.6万多人为革命献出了宝贵生命。  南江,绿色宝库。森林覆盖率62.2,绿化率98.5;境内有野生动物195种,珍稀植物46种,稀世独有的巴山水青冈被誉为植物“活化石”,大坝林区被中外专家称为“四川盆地北缘山区重要的生物基因库”,煤、铁、霞石、花岗石等矿产资源多达50余种,潜在价值400亿元以上。光雾山国家重点风景名胜区和米仓山国家森林公园“峰奇、石怪、谷幽、水秀、山绿”堪称“五绝”,形成了“春赏山花、夏看山水、秋观红叶、冬览冰挂”四季突出、主题鲜明的独特风光。南江,特色故乡。享有大巴山“百宝箱”之美誉,“云顶茗兰”、“云顶绿芽”和“米仓山牌”核桃、核桃仁获得国家AA级绿色食品品牌认证和国家有机食品认证,是“中国南江黄羊之乡”、“中国核桃之乡”、“中国银花之乡”。2004年,南江黄羊饲养量达到101万只,核桃、银花种植面积分别达到17.2万亩、13.3万亩,初期产量分别达到420万公斤、200万公斤。