1.First of Xingren coal soil / sedime.本文运用环境地球化学学科理论,在野外调查和实验室分析相结合的基础上,对兴仁煤矿区土壤/沉积物的砷的分布规律进行研究,揭示了高砷与土壤/沉积物的物化特性之间的关系,探讨典型高砷土壤/沉积物的赋存状态及矿山砷元素的地球化学迁移转化特征,获得以下认识:(1)通常,与高砷煤矿点距离近的土壤/沉积物中As含量分别高于远离矿山周边的土壤/沉积物中As含量,在接纳AMD的水系沉积物中砷含量比周边的土壤中砷含量高。
2.There are numerous minings in Guizhou, however the mercury mining area of Danzhai, the high arsenic coal area of Xingren and the mercury mining area of Wanshan are the unique and the mercury mining area of Wanshan is the famous for its largest area in our country.贵州省矿区众多,以丹寨汞矿区、兴仁高砷煤矿区和万山汞矿区等典型矿区最具代表性,万山汞矿区是我国最大汞矿区。
3.The High-Arsenic coal mining area in Xingren is one of the High-Arsenic coal mining areas in southwestern Guizhou Province.兴仁县高砷煤矿区是黔西南高砷煤矿区之一。

1.The Characteristic of Groundwater Quality of Xingren Basin in West of Ningxia宁夏西部兴仁盆地地下水水化学特征
2.The Primary Research of Arsenic Hypergene Geochemistry in the Coal Mining Area of XingRen Country in Guizhou;贵州兴仁县煤矿区砷的表生地球化学初步研究
3.An Investigation of a Fire Accident Happened in Xingren County,Guizhou Province贵州省兴仁县一起死亡两人的火灾事故调查
4.Studies on development and countermeasure for selenium sand melon industry in Ningxia,based on the SWOT analysis基于SWOT的宁夏环香山地区兴仁镇硒砂瓜产业发展对策分析
5.Owes the developed local income assignment problem and the conter measure research hased on the efficiency and the fair relations;基于效率与公平关系的欠发达地区收入分配问题及对策研究——以贵州省兴仁县为例
6.The basin acidification affected by AMD:A case study in Xingren county,Guizhou,China酸性矿坑废水对流域酸化的影响——以贵州兴仁县典型废弃煤矿区小流域为例(英文)
7.He responded joyfully that to do so was his mission in life.他高兴地说,这是他当仁不让的天职。
8.Theoretical Thoughts on Implementing the Development Strategy of "Enriching the Region through Boosting Industries" in Tongren;铜仁实施“兴工富区”发展战略的理论思考
9.The entire staff is just delighted; the prospects for completion look very promising.看来很有希望完成,所有的同仁都很高兴。(翻成全体同仁好一点,而且好像没有必要倒著翻吧?)
10.Bayern Munich have joined the race for Fiorentina striker Luca Toni.拜仁慕尼黑已经加入到对佛罗伦萨前锋卢卡.托尼的兴趣行列中.
11.He travelled to South East Asia where he received donations to help Tai Situ Rinpoche build a new retreat centre.为此,他行旅至南印度筹款,之后协助大司徒仁波切兴建闭关中心。
12.Benignity Image and the Patriotic Complex of Nation Resurgence--on the unique aesthetic value of Du Fu s poem "Phoenix Dais;仁者形象与忧国思兴情结——论杜甫《凤凰台》的独特审美价值
13.kernel fruit (excl. of apricot)果仁(不包括杏仁)
14.Benevolent heart, benevolent method, and benevolent intelligence --Brief discussion on the value of Confucian benevolence;仁心·仁术·仁智——儒家仁学价值简论
15.Women also preferred dry foods, such as almonds and walnuts, and were more likely to consume eggs and yogurt when compared with men.女性还爱吃杏仁和核桃等坚果类食品,此外,与男性相比,她们对鸡蛋和酸奶更感兴趣。
16.We wish to refer you to the recent exchange of faxes and are pleased to confirm having concluded with you a transaction of500 m/ ts of Bitter Apricot Kernels.请参阅近日往来传真并高兴地确认与你方达成了五百公吨苦杏仁的交易。
17.But German giants Bayern have been showing an interest in the tricky wide man and are weighing up a summer bid.但德国豪门拜仁慕尼黑仍旧对这位足智多谋的边锋充满兴趣,并且准备做出报价。
18.As a result, any part of the fear-inducing situation could end up triggering more firing between neurons in the amygdala.结果是,任何能引发惧怕的情境细节,都会造成杏仁体的神经元更加兴奋。

RenXing Company仁兴集团
3)Xingren basin兴仁盆地
1.The chemical characteristic of the groundwater in Xingren basin of Ningxia was studied.对宁夏西部兴仁盆地地下水水化学特征进行了研究。
4)Xingren coal area兴仁煤矿区
5)Anoectochilus xingrenensis Z. H. Tsi et X. H. Jin兴仁开唇兰
1.Trial Remark on the Environment Logic Thought about the Benevolence of the Harmony Between Heaven and Man Held by Confucianists;试论儒家仁学天人和谐之环境伦理思想
