1.On apron design of energy dissipation for sluice gate;底流式消能水闸的海漫设计
2.Numerical Simulation of Vertical 2-D Flow Affected by Roughened Apron;海漫加糙影响下水流垂向二维数值模拟
3.Study on Design of the Apron by Roughened Flexible Rubbers Technique and Validation to the Effects of Scour;海漫柔性加糙设计方法的研究与防冲效果的验证

1.Study on the Mechanism of Effect of Roughened Apron Extension upon Energy-Dissipation and Erosion Control;海漫加糙对消能防冲影响机理的研究
2.China has a very long coastline.中国有漫长的海岸线。
3.I Traveled Among Unknown Men我曾在海外异乡漫游
4.The Effect of Japan s and America s the Animation Tourism Development on Animation Tourism Industry of Shanghai;美、日两国动漫旅游开发对上海动漫业的影响
5.a barrier constructed to contain the flow or water or to keep out the sea.能够控制水泛滥或海水漫堤的建筑。
6.The ship' s deck was awash in the storm.在暴风中轮船的甲板被海水漫过.
7.We were drifting on the boundless ocean.我们在漫无边际的海洋上飘泊。
8.We go flotilla cruise in the aegean.我们随小船队漫游了爱琴海。
9.I often walk by the sea to commune with nature.我常在海滨漫步,与大自然神交。
10.A Real-Time 3D Ocean VR System Based on GPU-Acceleration;GPU加速的实时三维海洋漫游系统
11.Talk About Sails and Olympic Yachting Competition;直挂云帆济沧海——漫话帆与奥运帆船赛
12.CLEAR vs Head & Shoulders;清扬巷战海飞丝 漫天清扬胜算几何
13.The Burst-up of Romance:On"A Doll s House"and"Lady of Ocean";浪漫的破产——解读《玩偶之家》兼《海上夫人》
14.The Romantic Gnosticism in Modern Contexts--A Discussion on the Poetics of Haizi;现代语境下的浪漫灵知——海子诗学探源
15.The Research on Design and Application of 3D Digital Marine Animation三维海洋数字动漫的创意研究与应用
16.A Parameterization of the Atmospheric Diffuse Transmittance over Ocean参数化计算海洋上空大气漫射透过率
17.Massive terrain navigation search model based on P2P基于P2P的海量地形漫游搜索模型
18.The sea has come up over Babylon; she is covered with the mass of its waves.海水涨起,漫过巴比伦。她被许多海浪遮盖。

1.Application of Polypropylene Fibre Concrete in Riprap Consolidation Work;聚丙烯纤维混凝土在海漫加固工程中的应用
2.Study on the building of diswatering riprap in the middle and miniature reservoir;中小型水库泄水建筑物海漫破坏原因及防治措施
3)chart navigation海图漫游
1.The basic realization algorithms for the electronic chart are introduced,such as drawing the coastline,chart navigation,minifying and enlarging,etc.介绍简易电子海图海岸线标绘,海图漫游以及海图缩放的基本实现算法。
4)apron roughness improvement海漫加糙
5)platform deck clearance海水淹漫
1.As their applications examples, the risk assessment of platform deck clearance and overturning moment for platform failure is eval.本文针对国内在海洋工程领域风险评价研究的现状,以定量风险评估理论为基础,从极端海洋环境入手,分析了极端海况对平台的破坏情况,初步建立了固定式海洋平台结构风险评价理论框架,并以埕北12C井组平台甲板海水淹漫和整体失效为例进行了风险分析。
6)archipelagic apron漫坡海底
