1.The deep fracture regularity of Pusiluogou left abutment slope at Jinping first stage hydropower station is comprehensively studied; and four deformation models of deep fracture are put forward; they are gentle shear and steep tension, gentle shear-tension belt, steep shear and gentle tension as well as tension respectively.通过对锦屏一级水电站普斯罗沟坝址左岸深部裂缝的发育特点及规律的研究,提出了深部裂缝4种变形模式,即缓剪陡张型、缓倾张剪带型、顺剪反张型和引张型。
2.The deep fissures develop at left bank of the Pusiluogou dam site of Jinping I Hydropower Station.锦屏一级水电站普斯罗沟坝址左岸发育的深部裂缝,由于其分布深度大,张开破裂形态多样,且超出过去工程经验认识范围。

1.Deep fracture deformation models of pusiluogou left abutment slope at jinping first stage hydropowerstation锦屏一级水电站普斯罗沟左岸深部裂缝变形模式
2.Development Character of Pusiluo Debris Flow Gully in Jinping Hydropower Station and Its Negative Influence on Rpoject;锦屏一级水电站普斯罗沟泥石流发育特征及其对工程危险性评价
3.PRODROMOU, Loizos洛伊佐斯·普罗德罗穆
4.rover Vanden Plas罗弗-范登普拉斯牌汽车
5.Franco-Provencal dialect法兰克-普罗旺斯方言
6.Provins, Town of Medieval Fairs中世纪城镇普罗旺斯
7.Prometheus Bound《被缚的普罗米修斯》
8.Prometheus Unbound解放了的普罗米修斯
9.Warpsgrove, nr Chalgrove, Oxfordshire牛津郡查尔格罗夫附近沃普斯格罗夫.
10.Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur普罗旺斯-阿尔卑斯-蔚蓝海岸
11.Provence-Alpes-C?te dAzur普罗旺斯-阿尔卑斯-蓝色海岸
12."Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus"弗蓝肯斯坦,又名现代的普罗米修斯
13.Afterwards, Prometheus returned to Mount Olympus.后来普罗米修斯重返奥林帕斯山。
14.Ratatouille is a Provencal dish of stewed vegetable .普罗旺斯杂烩是一道蔬菜经煮制再加上普罗旺斯浓汁烧的菜。
15."Technique is far weaker than Necessity":A Reading of Aeschylus Prometheus Bound 436-525;“技艺胜不过定数”——埃斯库罗斯《被缚的普罗米修斯》第436-525行解读
16.Harold Shapiro is a professor and former president of Princeton University.哈罗德·夏皮罗是普林斯顿大学教授及前校长。
17.The Tale Theory of V.Propp and Historical Peotics of A.Vitielovski;普罗普故事学思想与维谢洛夫斯基的“历史诗学”
18.Proxmire struck back.普罗克斯麦尔进行了反击。

1.Xiangxi and Provence——The ideal worlds of Shen Congwen and of Alphonse Daudet;“湘西”与“普罗旺斯”——沈从文和都德的理想世界
2.In the southern France,the old Provence attracted most attention because of its beauty and purity,which are valuable and significant for Daudet s fictions.在法国南部,古老的普罗旺斯以其丰富的自然形象、淳朴独特的民风而引人注目,并对小说家都德的创作具有价值与意义。
1.The “Trops” and the Reform of Athletic Contests in Higher Institutions;托罗普斯运动和高校体育竞赛改革
1.Contrast of Cultural Differences between the East and the West Based on the Tales of Gun and Prometheus;从鲧治水和普罗米修斯盗火看东西文化差异
2.An Allegory of the Aesthetic Approach to Human Civilization——Review on the Case of Work on Prometheus Myth in Work on Myth;人类文明审美化道路之寓言——以《神话研究》中普罗米修斯“神话创作”为例的述评
3.The Historical Evolution of the Image of Prometheus;论普罗米修斯形象的历史嬗变
5)Philip Roth菲利普·罗斯
1.The Crisis of Identity in Philip Roth s Fiction;菲利普·罗斯小说中的身份危机
2.Narrative Strategies in Philip Roth’s Exit Ghost论菲利普·罗斯小说《鬼退场》的叙事策略
3.Metamorphosis and Parody of the Body:A Study of Philip Roth's The Breast身体的变形与戏仿:论菲利普·罗斯的《乳房》
6)E. F. Calthrop卡尔斯罗普

【原料】20颗蒜头、四五个成熟红西红柿。1/4杯橄榄油、1杯鲜奶油。1大匙盐、1包500公克的意大利面、研磨意大利干酪粉、九层塔丝、少许普罗旺斯香草(可省略)。【制作过程】1. 20颗大蒜剥皮切片。西红柿在热水中略烫过,以方便去皮去籽,然后再切成小丁。2. 在锅中混合橄榄油和蒜片,置炉上开小火,熬卅、四十分钟,直到蒜片变软且呈金黄色。接着鲜奶油入锅,搅拌一下,把火转至最小保温,勿使沸腾,洒少许普罗旺斯混合香草。即成大蒜奶油汁。3. 大锅中加四、五公升水,沸腾后加1大匙盐,把意大利面入锅,煮至软硬适中的弹牙程度,即可捞起,沥去水份。4. 把大蒜奶油汁浇在面上,搅拌后,分置四只温过的盘子上,洒上干酪粉,再把西红柿丁和九层塔丝平均铺在面上,食用时由各人自行搅拌均匀.