1.The prerequisite and the Foundation to University Autonomy——The Vision of the International Comparison大学“自主管理”的前提条件与保障基础——国际比较的视野
2.From a view of the connotation of quality-oriented education,the status quo of teachers qualification and the prerequisite of the implementing of quality-oriented education,to improve teachers cultural level is a guarantee of the implementing of quality-oriented education.从素质教育的内涵、目前教师素质状况及实施素质教育的前提条件来看,提高教师素质是实施素质教育的保证。
3.The paper has elaborated that culturing and training a batch of new-type farmers is the prerequisite preconditions of building a new socialist countryside construction and developing a modern agriculture.论述了着力培养和造就一批新型农民是我国新农村建设、发展现代农业的前提条件;并且培养新型农民,是一项艰巨而复杂的系统之程;培养新型农民,应着力抓好农民教育;培养新型农民,应着力提高农民的科学文化素养、培养新型农民,还要加强农村基层文化建设;培养和造就新型农民,应加强农民的技能培训;培养和造就新型农民,应创新农村职业教育;培养新型农民,必须有管理作保证诸方面,系统阐述了培养和造就新型农民、整体提高农民素质的方向与途径。

1.The conditional member of a hypothetical proposition.前提,前提条件假设命题中的条件
2.Precondition - line %1, file %2, condition = %3, message = %4前提条件-行%1,文件%2,条件=%3,消息=%4
3.Patience must suppose pain痛苦是耐心的前提条件
4.The fact, observation, or premise from which a reasoning process is begun.前提条件进行推理过程所需的事实、观察及前提
5.Patience must suppose pain(Samuel Johnson)痛苦是耐心的前提条件(塞缪尔 约翰逊)
6.A Test for Presupposition of Open Capital Account中国开放资本账户的前提条件检验
7.This is a precondition for the continuity of the human race.生儿育女是人类得以延续的前提条件
8.These are the preconditions for continuous development in China.这是我们国家不断发展的前提条件
9.Precondition and Trend of Democracy in Southeast Asia民主在东南亚的前提条件和发展趋势
10.We have the first prerequisite.我们具备首要的前提条件
11.Why is it a prerequisite for business success?为什么它是业务成功的一个前提条件
12.On the Precondition of the Moral Consciousness-Influencing People with Emotion;论道德内化的前提条件——以情感人
13.Cultural Idea Change:The Premise Condition to the West Develop Greatly文化观念变革:西部大开发的前提条件
14.Precondition analysis on annual flood resources exploitation of the Yongding River永定河中小洪水利用的前提条件分析
15.Knowledge is the important base and premise of teacher's specialization.知识是教师专业化的重要基础和前提条件
16.One of the outstanding prerequisites of any city is a local transportation system.本地运输系统是任何城市的突出前提条件之一。
17.Economies of scope are the precondition of financial mixed operation.范围经济是金融业混业经营的前提条件
18.This is the base of adding the humanistic education in the course of Chinese teaching.这是语文教学实施人文教育的前提条件

1.Then she discusses the preconditions and concrete measures of how to set up this system.文章指出建立区域性跨系统文献信息资源共建共享体系对于城市和大学的发展都具有重要意义,并探讨了建立区域性文献信息资源共建共享体系的前提条件和具体措施。
2.And the preconditions of the aca-demic periodical such as issue consciousness,social consciousness,literal training consciousness,resource consciousness,co-operative consciousness,etc.而学术性的前提条件诸如问题意识、社会意识、文字修养意识、资源意识、合作意识等应该得到人们的重视。
3.The preconditions for development of diversified economy is presented.论述了多元化经营的战略思想,分析了多元化经营陷入误区的几种表现,提出了发展多元化经营的前提条件
1.This article analyzed the 5 necessary preconditions for implementing emission trading in China\'s power sector from the aspect of creating political environment,establishing corresponding emission trading market for power sector and system aspect of setting mid and long term goal.文章从创造政策环境、建立和电力市场相适应的排污权交易市场、制订中长期总量目标等制度层面分析了我国开展电力排污权交易需要具备的5个前提条件,并针对当前环境管理面临的挑战进行了探讨。
1.Though the abuse of earnings management is hard to eliminate, this paper still puts forward some countermeasures to it after a careful analysis of its prerequisites.本文从分析盈余管理产生的前提条件入手提出治理盈余管理的对策。
6)three major premise conditions三大前提条件
1.It classifies three categories of strata regularrity pro files,Then, from five practical cases,it discusses the schemes Ielating to foundation pit excavation, and synthetically considers three major premise conditions to make it safe and feasible on the one hand and en hancing the working effect and lowering the cost on the other.本文据工作经验,归纳了武汉地区工程地质水文地质基本条件,划分出三大类地层规律性剖面;再以五个工程实例探讨有关基坑开挖的方案,在综合考虑三大前提条件下,使之即安全可行,又提高工效、降低成本。
