1.We consider that the quarrying damage extent is not great and it is beneficial from a long-term point of view in spite of the the quarrying will disrupt the circumstance.鸭也山将被征作花岗岩石料开采区进行石料开采作业,为此而进行了环境影响和安全两方面的评价,评价认为,尽管石料的开采将不可避免地给环境带来破坏,但其破坏程度并不大,而且从长远利益看,在某些方面还是有利的。

1.Application of the Value Engineering in Mining of Rock-fill Material;价值工程在坝体堆石料开采中的应用
2.Study on Techniques and Experiments Quarrying Construction Materials of Concrete Face Rock-fill Dam in SHUIBUYA Project;水布垭面板堆石坝石料爆破开采技术及试验研究
3.They were quarrying limestone.他们在开采石灰石。
4.Limestone had been carved away.石灰石已被开采运走。
5.a quarry worker who splits off blocks of stone.一个开劈石头的采石工。
6.To obtain(stone) from a quarry, as by cutting, digging, or blasting.采石如通过挖掘、切割或爆破从采石场获取(石料)
7.Research of Mining the Material for Rock-fill Dam of Blasting Technique of the Mixed Loading Emulsion Explosive Truck;乳化炸药混装车爆破技术开采面板堆石坝料的研究
8.pollution control in petroleum exploitation石油开采的污染和防治
9.onomically recoverable oil可经济地开采的石油
10.mining for gold, diamonds, etc开采黄金、 金刚石等.
11.To extract from a mine or from mined ore.开采从矿或矿石中提取
12.Economically minable limestone does not occur so frequently.经济上值得开采的石灰石并不这样多。
13.they extracted some calcium carbonate ores in the mine.他们在矿上开采出了一些石灰质矿石。
14.A rock containing enough iron to permit commercial extraction; an iron ore.铁矿石含有足够商业开采用铁量的岩石;铁矿石
15.To excavate the earth for the purpose of extracting ore or minerals.开矿,采矿为开采矿石或矿物而挖掘土地
16.Other basic metals and minerals mined on a large scale in the United States include zinc, copper, silver and phosphate rock -- which is used for fertilizers.在美国大量开采的其它基本的金属和非金属矿产包括锌、铜,银和用于制造肥料的磷矿石等。
17.(3) equipment and materials imported during the period of 1996 to 2000 for drilling, petroleum and natural gas exploitation;(3)1996年至2000年期间进口的、用于钻孔、石油和天然气开采的设备和材料;
18.Application of Fully Mechanized Coal Mining Face Crossing over Rock Crosscut in Tucheng Mine综采工作面跨石门开采在土城矿的应用

exploitation of stone石料开采
1.The demolition described here is a chamber blasting which conducted for exploitation of stones within a limited time, under a strict requirement of high quality and low cost.在时间紧、任务重、要求高、成本低的情况下,进行了一次以石料开采为目的的硐室爆破。
3)exploitation of rock materials料石开采
1.Applied to exploitation of rock materials of quarry gains good technology and economy benefit and has broad prospects in application.将切缝药包能量控制技术应用到了某采石场料石开采,取得了良好的爆破效果与经济效益。
4)sand and gravel exploitation砂石料开采
5)Stone quarrying粗料石开采
6)petroleum exploitation石油开采
1.The value chain analysis and demonstration of petroleum exploitation;我国石油开采企业的价值链分析及实证研究

石料开采加工机械  开采和加工天然石料的机械设备的统称。土木工程中采用的石料有散粒石料和块状石料两类。散粒石料的开采机械有凿岩机、风镐等。开采时,先在天然岩体上钻凿炮孔,然后装药爆破。常用的有风动、电动和内燃凿岩机,近年来又出现了液压凿岩机。散粒石料的加工有石料破碎机和筛分机等。常用的有颚式、圆锥式、锤式和辊式破碎机,以及振动筛、 转动筛、 篦筛等。用爆破法开采所得的大块碎石一般需经破碎机破碎成碎石,再经筛分机筛分成各种规格的石料。    块状石料用裂开法开采时,可用凿岩机沿开裂面以一定的间距凿孔,然后用锤将斜楔打入孔中使岩石裂开。近年来,开始采用液压压楔的专用设备开采规则形状的石料。块状大理石可用钢丝绳锯石机、圆盘锯石机等开采,前者利用钢丝绳与岩体的相对运动,在切割处加入磨料和水进行切割;后者利用专用锯盘切割石料。锯石机开采块状石料效率高、质量好。块状石料加工机械有切割板材及小块料的往复式无齿钢带锯石机和圆盘锯石机,有加工粗糙表面的铣床和凿琢机,以及加工光滑表面的磨光机等。