1.The 3/4 length of the 110 kV transmission line along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway passes through the high altitude permafrost region,so the lightning activity and the soil geological condition of these regions will greatly affect the lightning protection function of the transmission line,and this should be considered in the design process.青藏铁路110 kV输电线路全程3/4处于高海拔冻土地带,该地区特有的雷电活动规律和土壤地质状况对输电线路的雷电防护效果有着很大的影响,需要在防雷设计中予以考虑。
2.Thermosiphon piles enable to increase the stability and bearing capacity of permafrost foundation and to prevent the foundation from frozen expansion and thaw settlement.在多年冻土地带进行管道、铁路、公路等工程建设,必须解决冻土地基的稳定性问题。

1.On four legs, they resemble the great timber wolves that make the tundra their home.当他们四足的时候,象来自冻土地带的森林巨狼。
2.also, he knew that in that direction the Arctic Circle cut its forbidding way across the Canadian Barrens.同时,他还知道在那个方向,北极圈的禁区界线深入到加拿大冻土地带之内。
3.The Study of Calculation Method of Soil Frost Depth ln the Forest Zone关于森林地带土冻结深度计算方法的研究
4.The warm oil will produce thawing of ice rich soil adjacent to the pipeline when it crosses through permafrost zone, resulting in thaw settlement of the pipeline and variation of soil properties.埋地热油管道通过永冻地带时,会导致土壤解冻,进而导致管道沉陷和土壤物性参数变化。
6.Thermal analysis of artificially frozen wall in seasonal frozen area季节冻土地区人工冻土墙的冻结特性研究
7.Because of the intense cold, the subsoil of the tundra remains permanently frozen to a great depth.由于严寒,冻土带的底层土仍然长久冷冻得很深。
8.Research on the Forming and Thawing of Frozen Soil Walls by Artificial Ground Freezing Method;人工地层冻结冻土帷幕形成与解冻规律研究
9.On freeze damages of frozen soil to foundation and roadbed and treatment measures thereof浅谈冻土对地基和路基的冻害及处理
10.Field Measurement Analysis of Natural Thawing and Artificial Thawing of Frozen Soil by Artificial Ground Freezing人工地层冻结冻土自然解冻与强制解冻实测分析
11.Green Belt [GB] [land use zone]绿化地带〔土地用途地带〕
12.Experimental Research on Seasonal Subgrade Freezing Damage in Gobi Region;戈壁地区季节性冻土路基冻害的试验研究
13.Analysis on Bearing Capacity of Refreezing Process of Cast-in-place Bored Pile in Permafrost Region;多年冻土地区钻孔灌注桩回冻过程承载力分析
14.Anti-frost Design Method for Highway Pavement in Seasonal Frost Region季节性冻土地区公路路面抗冻设计方法
15.Frozen Injury of Railway Subgrade around Seasonal Frozen Earth Area as Well as Prevention Measures季节性冻土地区铁路路基冻害及其防治措施
16.Salt and Frost Heaving Composite Diseases of Frozen Saline Soil Area冰冻盐渍土地区公路盐胀和冻胀综合病害
17.Everything, pretty much, tastes like the mosses of tundra, dug up in mid-winter.这些东西,有相当多一部分,尝起来就像深冬季节挖出的冻土带的地衣。
18.It is very hard under foot when the ground is frozen hard.土地结冻时,地面非常坚硬。

permafrost zonation of ground temperature多年冻土地温带
1.Stability of gas hydrate in permafrost;冻土带天然气水合物稳定性研究
5)tundra zone冻原地带
6)Frozen earth section冻土地段

冻土层此图为弗兰格尔岛冻原冻土层(tundra),亦作冻原或苔原,语出萨米语tūndra(tundar的属格),意思是“无树的平原”。在自然地理学指的是由于气温低、生长季节短,而无法长出树木的环境;在地质学是指零摄氏度以下,并含有冰的各种岩石和土壤。一般可分为短时冻土(数小时、数日以至半月)、季节冻土(半月至数月)以及多年冻土(数年至数万年以上)。地球上多年冻土、季节冻土和短时冻土区的面积约占陆地面积的50%,其中,多年冻土面积占陆地面积的25%。冻土是一种对温度极为敏感的土体介质,含有丰富的地下冰。因此,冻土具有流变性,其长期强度远低于瞬时强度特征。正由于这些特征,在冻土区修筑工程构筑物就必须面临两大危险:冻胀和融沉。中国的青藏铁路就有一段路段需要通过冻土层。工程师需要透过多种方法去使冻土层的温度稳定,以避免因为冻土层的转变而使铁路的路基不平,防止意外的发生。北极冻原的分布北极冻原的分布冻原依据其地理位置,可分为以下三类:1. 北极冻原、2. 南极冻原和3. 高山冻原。冻土带边缘的植物冻土带边缘的植物无论哪一类冻原,占优势的植物都是草、苔藓和地衣。在森林和冻原之间的过渡地带称为树木线。在地质学里有一门专科叫作冻土学,专门研究有关冻土层的地质特性。