泄洪闸门,spillway gate
1)spillway gate泄洪闸门
1.After introducing the design, debugging, and operation of the spillway gate monitoring & control system at the Fuchunjiang Hydropower Plant, this paper indicates the functions of this system.介绍了富春江水力发电厂泄洪闸门计算机监控系统的设计、调试和运行情况,指出了该系统发挥的功能和作用。
2.The theoretical model and the calculation method for the control of the spillway gate in the reservoirs are studied, and a new model for the optimization procedure of the dynamical tracking of practical spillway flow is developed.从理论模型和计算方法上对水库泄洪闸门控制问题作了深入的探讨 ,提出了实际下泄流量动态跟踪优化过程的新模型 ,并以一次洪水优化调度计算出的优化泄水曲线为依据 ,建立能量损失函数 ,求解闸门启闭方案 ,制定闸门控制策略 。
3.This paper briefly introduces the present status of the spillway gate,the structure and features of the reformed computer monitoring & control system and the reformation of rolling bearing at the fixed roller gate in the Penglatan hydropower plant.介绍了蓬辣滩水电站泄洪闸门的状况、计算机监控系统改造方案的结构和特点及闸门定轮轴承的改造情况,通过上述改造,提高了泄洪设备运行的自动化水平,同时也为其他闸门工程提供参考。

2.Structure recheck and reinforcement of pier of spillway tunnel of Lishimen reservoir里石门水库泄洪孔闸墩结构复核及加固
3.They are used for connecting the sluice of the Three-gorge Dam and the gantry or disconnecting them.该液压系统为三峡大坝泄洪闸实现与门机联接或脱开的系统。
4.Physical Model Study on the Dynamic Loads and Flow-induced Vibration of Emergency Sluice Gate in Xiluodu Tunnel Spillway;溪洛渡水电站泄洪洞事故闸门启闭力及流激振动试验研究
5.Test of Cavitation Characteristics on Service Gate Slotss for Middle Outlet Works in Jishixia Hydropawer Sation;积石峡水电站中孔泄洪洞平面工作闸门槽空化特性试验研究
6.Study on cavitation characteristic of working gate slots in middle spillway tunnel of Jishixia hydropower station积石峡水电站中孔泄洪洞平板工作闸门槽空化特性研究
7.3D FEM methods Analysis on Plate of Flood-Relief Sluice泄洪闸有底坎折线型闸底板三维有限元研究
8.Study on model test for a large scale prestressed pier of a flood releasing and scouring sluice大型泄洪排沙闸预应力闸墩结构模型试验研究
9.Design of Pre-stressed Pier for Sluice Gate in Third Cascade of Baishuijiang Power Station白水江三级水电站泄洪闸预应力闸墩设计
10.A gate used to control the flow of a body of water.防洪闸门控制水体流量的门
11.3D Finite Element Analysis of Spillway Chamber by ANSYS;基于ANSYS的泄洪洞出口闸室三维有限元分析
12.Forecast of Dam Pier s Ability to Get Across Ice Sheet and Study of Icebreaker Project;泄洪闸墩过冰能力预测与破冰方案研究
13.Study of BeiyinQushou Sluice Scheme Optimization in Northern Nenjiang Water Transfer Key Project引嫩骨干工程北引渠首泄洪闸方案优选研究
14.The Structural Design of the Floodgate in Preliminary Design of the Project of Tanghe Hydropower Station唐河水电站工程初步设计中的泄洪闸结构设计
15.Multi-objective and multiple fuzzy optimization of sluice scheme in north conveyance canal head北引渠首泄洪闸方案的多目标多级模糊优选
16.The floodgate was closed to control the flow of water.为了控制水流,防洪闸门关闭了。
17.The floodgate is closed to control the flow of water为了控制水流,防洪闸门关闭了
18.Another sluice gate keeps floodwater out of the lake.另一闸门使洪水致流入湖内。

1.The situation of leak in floodgate of Lushi water project is introduced, cause and the urgency of it is analyzed.介绍了陆水枢纽泄洪闸门漏水情况,分析了原因和危害性,总结了对其中5号闸门漏水的研究和处理,提出了继续处理的必要性和基本条件。
3)redial gate of discharge tunnel泄洪洞弧形闸门
1.The application of plywood/squared timber formwork in sluice concreting of Suzhi hydropower project;胶合板配方木模板工艺在苏只泄洪闸混凝土浇筑中的应用
2.Multi-objective and multiple fuzzy optimization of sluice scheme in north conveyance canal head北引渠首泄洪闸方案的多目标多级模糊优选
3.Therefore, after detailed studies of the above influence factors,the paper establishes the index eval uation system,and applies many models to the sluice optimum scheme of BeiyinQushou project.泄洪闸是引嫩骨干工程北引渠首最为关键的建筑物,其规模大小将直接决定整个工程的投资、淹没占地及未来防洪成本,更会对嫩江河势产生深远影响,因此本文在详细研究了上述影响因素后,建立了指标评价体系,并应用多个模型对北引渠首泄洪闸各方案进行了优选。
5)spillway gate泄洪闸
1.Design of stilling basin for spillway gate of Kangyang hydropower station on the Yellow River;黄河康扬水电站泄洪闸消力池设计
6)release sluice泄洪闸
1.This paper analyzes the influence of bucket angel to the characteristic of surface current energy dissipation, which is base on the experiment result of surface current energy dissipation of release sluice in Mohu water power station.在综合莫湖水电站泄洪闸面流消能试验成果的基础上,分析泄洪闸低溢流堰鼻坎挑角对面流消能特性的影响。
2.Due to the discharge of the release sluice, the left dyke downstrea m of the barrage has collapsed eventually.共青河泄洪闸下游河道由于人为过量挖沙导致下游河床下切、水位降低 ,泄洪闸泄洪造成了下游左堤岸决堤。

泄洪闸门泄洪闸门flood discharge gate x旧nong Zhomen泄洪用门(fl以对discharge gate)用以宜泄洪水并调节控制水序水位的工作闷门。它具有承受各种静、动载荷的能力;能在动水中启闭,并具备良好的结构和水力学特性.泄洪闸门的水流流态直接影响闹门运行的可靠性,在高速水流下,往往会引起闸门及其所在建筑物产生振动、空性、冲刷或加剧泥沙磨损等不良后果。因而对闸门的结构动力特性和水流流态应予十分重视。 类型泄洪闸门常用弧形用门、平面闷门或锥形阀等.弧形闸门和平面闸门可布t在泄水建筑物的进口、中段或出口。弧形闸门在布t上一般不设门槽,水力学条件好,动水中操作时启闭力小,适于用作泄洪闸门。平面闸门一般指直升式平面闸门,其水力学特性比弧形闸门差,但在布里上比设里弧形闸门紧凑,同时闸门可提出门棺便于检修。在泄水建筑物的出口往往选用各类阁门,如锥形闷、针形周、空注闷及高压闸阀等等,其中以锥形阀结构简单,便于制造,自重轻,并具有水力条件好和流量系数大等特点,常用于中、小水利水电工程泄水管道的出口。其他阀门因结构复杂,制造加工困难,造价高,较少采用。 泄洪闸门的水力学问题一般弧形闸门在布里上由于没有门槽对水流的干扰.闸门水力学条件较好.对带有突扩门擂的弧形闸门,需考虑弧门启闭过程中的掺气、水翅及缝隙射水等水力学问题,对突扩门槽的体形及通气等设施,应进行水力模型试验验证确定。 平面闸门门槽的水力学条件较差,是产生空性的主要因素。要合理选择平面闸门门植型式以防止门槽空蚀损害。水流空蚀数与反映门柑体形空蚀特性的初生空蚀数进行比较,作为判别所用门描是否会发生空穴的条件。闸门底缘型式对闸下水流流态有一定影响,一般当底缘上游倾斜角为45。~600时,在闸下自由出流及底缘水流不出现分离现象的条件下,底缘上游倾斜面上的上托力系数汽较为德定(汉~0.7~1.0);下游倾角大于或等于300时,底缘下游通气充分,流态良好,可不计下吸力。 泄洪闸门的通气孔在泄洪闸门门后应设工通气孔,供闸后水流补气或排气之用。这是保证闸门正常工作,改善水流流态,防止空蚀、振动,减小闸门启闭力的重要措施之一。门后水道因不设通气孔或其面积偏小或位置不当,都会造成闸门操作过程中的故障,影响安全运行,或加剧空蚀、振动等问题的发生. 闸门振动水工闸门为一弹性系统,在动水及其他动力作用下,会使系统中任一构件的位移或应力产生随时间的往复变化,即为闸门振动现象。在一般情况下,闸门振动是轻徽的,只有在某些特定条件下(如共振)才较严重。