1.Based on the study and summarization of experimental data of low reservoir at Guangzhou pump-storaged plant in this paper,the experimental research results of model design and hydraulic character,and somatotype optimization of the low reservoir inlet/outlet is introduced.对该电站下库进出水口试验资料进行分析和总结 ,并介绍该电站下库进出水口模型设计、水力参数和体形优化等试验研究成

1.The Research on Outflow Characteristic of Flank Inlet-Outlet in Pumped Storage Station;抽水蓄能电站侧式进出水口出流水流特性研究
2.The Stability Analysis of the In-Outflow Slope of Shuangjiangkou Hydroelectric Power Station;双江口水电站进出水口边坡稳定性分析
3.Study on 3-D Numerical Simulation of the Hydraulic Characteristics of Lateral Intake with Two-Direction Flow;双向水流侧式进出水口水力特性三维数值模拟
4.Analysis on Water Transport and Concentration Field in Lakes with Multi-inlet and Multi-outlet;多进出水口湖泊水体推移及浓度场预测分析
5.Numerical simulation on the side inlet/outlet of pumped storage power station抽水蓄能电站侧式进/出水口数值模拟
6.Study on the Hydraulic Characteristics at the Side Inlet/outlet of the Pumped Storage Plant;抽水蓄能电站侧式进/出水口水力特性研究
7.(23) import and export;(23)进出口界;
8.Assessment of Water and Land Resources Based on Imports and Exports of Foodstuff;基于粮食进出口的水土资源潜力估算
9.Study on Hydraulic Design and CFD Numerical Simulation for Side Inlet-Outlet of Pumped Storage Power Stations;抽水蓄能电站侧式进/出水口设计研究及CFD模拟
10.Numerical Simulation of Trash Rack in a Pumped Storage Plant;抽水蓄能电站进/出水口拦污栅数值模拟
11.Numerical Simulation on the Vertical Pipe intake of Pumped Storage Plants;抽水蓄能电站竖井式进/出水口数值模拟
12.Design of upper water inlet/outlet penstock for Yixing Pumped-Storage Power Station宜兴抽水蓄能电站上进/出水口压力钢管设计
13.3D Numerical Simulation of Flow in Two Lateral Inlet/Outlet at Pumped Storage Plant抽水蓄能电站侧式双进/出水口三维数值模拟
14.The hot water outlet and cold water inlet are identified on the back panel of the heater.这种类型热水器的热水出水口和冷水进水口位于热水器的面板后部。
15.China has a trade surplus of 8 billion US dollars.进出口相抵,出口大于进口80亿美元。
16.European Union of the Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale Import and Export Trade水果和蔬菜进出口批发贸易欧洲联合会
17.We will also strive to develop import and export trade, and enhance the foreign capital utilization level.努力发展进出口贸易,提高利用外资的水平。
18.The Methods of Measuring Intake and Outlet Profile for Francis Turbine Runner混流式水轮机转轮进、出口型线的测量方法

3)Lower intake下进出水口
4)Upper intake上进出水口
5)inlet and outlet water temperature进出口水温
1.Tests the inlet and outlet water temperature of the ground heat exchanger and temperature distribution around it in winter and summer.测试了冬夏季工况时换热器的进出口水温及地埋管换热器周围的温度分布,分析了地埋管换热器与周围土壤之间的换热状况,确定了该地源热泵系统地埋管换热器的实际换热量。
6)lateral inlet/outlet侧式进出水口
1.A series of hydraulic model experiments and 3-D numerical simulation of water flow and head losses of lateral inlet/outlet under various conditions were carried out for the design of a pump-storage plant.结合某抽水蓄能电站的设计,对该侧式进出水口在不同工况下的流速分布、水头损失等水流特性进行了水力模型试验与三维数值模拟,并对原设计体型成功地进行了优化。
2.Some of the design and experimental results about lateral inlet/outlet at the existing pump storage power plants are studied in this paper, some results and research methods of the experiments and the questions in designing of inlet/outlet are presented importantly, the results are valuable for the similar project.本文对已有的部分抽水蓄能电站侧式进出水口的设计和试验研究资料进行了综合及分析研究 ,重点介绍了模型试验的研究方法、进出水口设计应注意的问题和一些试验研究成果 ,可供应用参考。
3.The lower reservoir of Huizhou Pump Storage Plant has a lateral inlet/outlet.惠州抽水蓄能电站下库采用侧式进出水口,一期尾水隧洞与进出水口采用同轴线布置,二期尾水隧洞在平面上布置有一弯道。

进出水管道进出水管道inlet and outlet pipe lines iinehushui guandao进出水管道(inlet and outlet pipe lines)使用较小口径水泵时,用以连接水泵的进出日和进出水池的管道。 进水管道应满足不存气、不漏气、使水泵进口断面的流速和压力分布均匀等要求,以保证水泵具有较高的运行效率。常见的进水管有橡胶管、钢管和铸铁管等。前者适用于小型流动抽水装置,大、中型泵站常用钢管和铸铁管。为了减少管路损失,提高水泵的安装高程,应使管内流速控制在1 .5一2.0米/秒的范围内,以此作为确定管径的依据。为了保证水泵进口断面有良好的流态,在水泵进口前,应有长度为4倍D的直管段(D为进水管直径)。 出水管道在高扬程长管道的泵站中,出水管对工程投资、运行费用和安全运行都有很大影响。在选择管材、管径和线路时,应该全面考虑。出水管多为钢管、铸铁管和预应力钢筋混凝土管等。前者强度高,管壁薄,但价格贵、易腐蚀,常采用明式铺设。若须埋于地下,其外表应涂良好的防锈保护层。管间常用法兰连接或焊接。预应力钢筋混凝土管价格较低,寿命较长,但笨重易裂,不便运输,宜采用地下埋设,管间为承擂式连接,承口和插口之间的间隙用橡胶圈密封。出水管的直径过大,会使工程投资显著增加,过小又会使能量消耗急剧上升。按年费用最小原则确定的管径为经济管径,以此作为管道直径较为合理。但该法较繁琐,在初设阶段,可按经济流速为2 .5一3 .0米/秒来选定管径。出水管道应按需要设置管道附件。在管道的转弯处和斜坡上,为了消除振动和位移,需要设置座垫、支墩和镇墩。出水管穿出泵房时,需考虑设置结构缝,以防泵房与管道产生不均匀沉陷而遭破坏。多台水泵的泵站,当管道较长时,可采用并联管道输水。在选择管线时,应力求短而直。为了保证泵站安全运行,在设计出水管时应该进行水锤计算,以校核管道强度。(皮积瑞)