1.Research Progress on Trash Rack and Feculence-clearing for Pump Station;泵站拦污栅及其清污研究进展

1.Statutory requirements for enforcing compulsory preventive measures & the nature of the cost incured;强制清污应具备的法定条件及清污费用的性质
2.A Study on Claim for the Clean-up Costs for Oil Pollution Damage from Ships;船舶油污事故中清污费用的索赔研究
3.Upgrade of trash raking system for Zhaoping Hydropower Station广西昭平水电站清污排污系统技术改造
4.antipollution vessel反污染船污染清除船
5.Mother was in the garage, brushing the dirt aside母亲在车库里清扫污垢。
6.sewer cleasing sludge从下水道清出的污泥
7.spill cleanup activities溢漏污染物的清除活动
8.Management of Cleaning Pollutants from Ships船舶污染物清除管理
9.et removal rate雨水清除污染物速率
10.tispotting textile cleaning agent敌污灵多用织物清洗剂
11.He cleared out the drain.他清除了水沟中的污物。
12.Polluter Pays Principle (PPP)污染者付清理费原则
13."deodorising, cleansing & air freshening"除臭、去污及清新空气
14.air pollutant emission inventory大气污染物排放清单
15.Contamination can't be ruled out entirely.污染是不能完全清除的。
16.Cast no out the foul water till you bring in the clean.清水汲水前,污水休倒掉。
17.To free from dirt, defilement, or guilt; purge or clean.使清洁,清洗使免除灰尘、玷污或罪责;洗净或清除
18.Sewage Pipe Construction Technology of D4 Section in Qingshui Creek Pollution Control Project清水溪治污工程D4标段排污管道施工技术

diverting wastewater from clean water清污分流
3)contaminant expelling污物清除
4)fouling cleaning污垢清洗
5)bridge for trash-eliminating machine清污机桥
1.By comparing the rate of water blocking,the price of per meter,referring designing experiences of many pump stations,the writer concludes the economic span of bridge for trash-eliminating machine is 4.介绍南水北调东线第一期工程沿线泵站清污机桥的现状和规划,计算了3~6m宽回转式清污机的主要参数,通过对清污机桥阻水率、每延米长造价的分析比较,结合工程经验,推定清污机桥合理、经济的孔口宽度为4。
6)Cleaning machine清污机
1.Combining with the process features of a sewage treatment plant,by using the powerful programming and controlling functions of PLC and aided with some monitoring elements such as level gauge,this paper improved the control system of a cleaning machine by replacing the relay control with PLC control.结合污水处理厂生产工艺特点,依据PLC强大的编程和控制功能,辅以接近开关及液位差计等监测元件,对清污机原继电控制系统进行了改造,实现了污水中的漂浮污染物自动去除的目的。

清污机  清除附着在拦污栅上杂物(一般称污物)的机械设备。在污物较多的水库或河道上,为保证水电站或泵站得以安全、正常地运行,常需设置清污机,以便在不停机和不放空水库的条件下进行清污。较常采用的耙斗式清污机由门架、台车、耙斗、启闭机械和排污系统等部分组成,其清污效果主要与耙斗形式和尺寸有关。此外,还可根据污物情况和进水口的布置等选用抓斗式、铲耙式、压耙式、回转式和梳齿式等形式。对清污机的设计要求是:具有足够的重量,能靠自重下水;刚度大,运用灵活;性能可靠;清污效果好等。