
2.Application and Research of Energy Dissipation about Multi-outlet and Mixed Flow on Roller Bucket with Low-ridge;多孔低鼻坎消力戽混合流消能的应用研究
3.Study test on combined energy dissipator of flaring pier and flip bucketT型宽尾墩+消力戽(池)联合消能工试验研究
4.Study on Arrange and Energy Dissipation Problem of Narrow Gap Bucket-stilling Box in Mid-low Head Sluice-dam Project;中低水头闸坝枢纽布置与窄缝式戽式消力池消能问题的研究
5.bucket for stators or rotors of hydraulic turbines水力涡轮机定子或转子戽斗
6.The application of the mixed-energy-dissipation in narrow-based bucket in the low dam of qiaogong hydroelectic power station“戽底设窄缝混合消能”在桥巩水电站低坝的应用
7.There is a can to bail with.有个罐子可以戽水。
8.To take up or remove(water)with a ladle or dipper.用长柄勺子或戽斗将(水)舀去或汲取
9.Farmers brought water from the river to the fields and raised their crops.农民将水从河中戽到田地里,培植他们的庄稼。
10.A Study of the Configuration of Stilling Basins for Gravity Arch Dams重力拱坝底流消能消力池体型的研究
11.A water wheel with buckets attached to its rim, used to raise water from a stream, especially for transfer to an irrigation channel.戽水车边缘安有桶的水轮,用于从溪流中提水,特指向灌溉水渠传递
12.If you look on that waterwheel, you will see that it has fourteen buckets, which is quite unusual.如果你观察那个水车, 就会发现它带有14个戽斗, 这是很不寻常的。
13.A mechanism, often with buckets or scoops attached to a conveyor, used for hoisting materials.吊车一种通常配有联接在传送带上的吊桶或戽斗,用来举起材料
14.Developing consumer credit energetically Initiate credit consumer enthusiastically;大力发展消费信贷 积极倡导信用消费
15.portable pressure steam steriliazer手提式压力蒸气消毒器
16.The firemen battled to control the flames.消防队员奋力控制火势。
17.thrust specific fuel consumption单位推力燃料消耗量
18.direct hose stream(消火栓有足够的压力

energy-dissipating bucket消力戽挑坎
1.Considering that the slope of weir face is milder and that of energy-dissipating bucket is steeper,mass concrete casting for outlet-sluice weir face and energy-dissipating bucket adopted slipform,which could guarantee the planeness,radian and elegant appearance of the the weir and bucket.泄洪闸堰面大体积混凝土及消力戽挑坎混凝土浇筑,由于堰面坡度较缓,而消力戽挑坎坡度较陡,采用滑模施工能保证堰体及挑坎的平整度、弧度、美观性。
3)bucket basin戽式消力池
1.The compound energy dissipator is applied for surface orifices,with "X" shaped flaring pier plus step weir surface plus bucket basin,and is adopted for the project with the highest dam in China for the time being.鲁地拉水电站采用五表孔集中布置、两底孔分列两侧的孔口布置方案,表孔采用"X"型宽尾墩+台阶堰面+戽式消力池的联合消能方式,是目前中国采用这种联合消能型式的工程中坝高最大的水电站;底孔采用长泄道挑流消能方式。
2.Crest drop flaring pier + bucket basin joint energy dissipation is adopted for the surface spillway of Pingban Hydropower Plant.平班水电站溢流表孔的消能方式是在“Y型宽尾墩”的基础上,经过试验探索和模型验证,提出的适合于中等坝高、大单宽流量、下游水深浅等具体工程条件的新型消能工———“顶部跌流宽尾墩+戽式消力池”联合消能型式,工程实践证明,这种消能方式为缩短池长、改善流态及节省工程投资取得了明显的效果。
3.High and low bucket basins are arranged by taking advantage of topographic conditions underlining river bed at release sluice of Qiaogong Hydropower Station.利用桥巩水电站泄水闸河床地形特征,布置高低两种戽式消力池。
4)pondtype energy dissipating bucket池式消力戽
5)flared pier and bucket basin dissipator宽尾墩戽式消力池
6)roller buckets戽斗消能
1.The results showeel that the aerated narrow crack pier roller buckets flow had the obvious dissipator effect.试验结果表明掺气窄缝戽流具有消能效果显著,下淤冲刷深度与没有窄缝墩的戽斗消能相比,可减少冲恻深度60%以上,可减少尾水的波度高度和长度1。

消力槛消力槛baffle sill  xiaolikan消力槛(b affle sin)设于泄水建筑物下游护坦末端的连续槛。其作用可以是蜜高护坦上水深,促使下泄水流在槛前形成底流式淹没水跃,也可以是将底部水流挑向水面,促进水流扩散,减少底部流速,削减下游侧边回流,使出池水流尽早恢复到河(渠)道的正常流速分布,缩短海漫长度。 消力槛可做成实体槛或齿形槛。实体槛断面一般为折线或曲线形实用堰,迎水面常采用直立面。试验表明,直立面对水流的反击力大,消能效果较为显著。齿形槛对水流的反击力小,其效果仅相当于合(高槛高度加低槛高度)的直立槛,但有助于槛后水流的横向和竖向扩散(见图)。 实体槛齿形槛 消力槛 消力槛水力计算的主要内容为确定槛高及槛的位置。在设计消力槛高度时应遵循以下原则:①槛前奎高的水深应满足在池中形成具有一定安全系数的淹没水跃;②过槛水流宜为淹没堰流。如过槛水流为自由溢流,应校核槛后水流衔接的流态,倘若出现远驱水跃,则需设置第二道消力槛或采取其他消能措施;③槛高应不影响建筑物的泄流能力。消力槛位置的确定,应使槛前所形成的清力池长度略大于或等于淹没水跃所需要的长度。 消力槛受水流顶冲,承受较大的水流冲击力,一般需采用钢筋混凝土结构,即使强度计算表明不需要受力钢筋,也应配置足够的构造钢筋,并与消力池底板内的钢筋可靠地连接在一起。(竺慧珠)