
1.A water power station must have a dam.水电站必须有拦河坝
2.The mouth of the river is dammed and a freshwater lake created behind the dam.河口筑起了拦河坝,坝后便形成了淡水湖。
3.Concrete Construction Plan of Motan Hydroelectric Station’s Diversion Dam磨滩水电站拦河坝工程混凝土施工方案
4.3-D Finite Element Analysis of the Dam in the Barrage of JiSha Hydropower Station;吉沙水电站拦河坝底孔坝段三维有限元计算分析
5.Hydrolical Model Test Research on Zhanghewan Pumped Storage Plant Tail Reservior;张河湾抽水蓄能电站下水库拦河坝水工模型试验研究
6.Application of Cement Mixing Pile to Strengthen Complex Foundation--Study on Dividing Yi River into Shu River;深层搅拌桩技术在分沂入沭拦河坝基础处理中的应用
7.Analysis and treatment of water retaining dam foundation plane gentle-dip weak intercalation for Baishiya reservoir白石牙水库拦河坝建基面缓倾角软弱夹层分析及处理
8.Returning to the river, a method of using their water which has been much discussed is the estuarine barrage.再回到河水的问题上来。 经过多次讨论,利用河水的方法是建造河口拦河坝
9.The dam cuts the river in the middle.大坝把河水拦腰截断。
10.a dam to make a millpond to provide power for a water mill.为磨坊提供水力而造的拦河水坝。
11.The old Aswan dam was a barrage.老的阿斯旺坝是一个拦河闸。
12.The river valley has been dammed up to provide hydroelectric power for region.河谷已拦起了水坝为该地区供给水电。
13.The dammed stream backed up and flooded the wheat fields那条用堤坝拦起的小河淤塞泛滥,淹没了麦地。
14.Research on Gully Erosion and Seabuckthorn Dam Sediment Intercepting Effect in Coarse-Sediment Producing Area of Yellow River Basin;黄河粗沙区沟道侵蚀与沙棘坝拦沙效应研究
15.Aseismatic Liquefaction Analysis of a Dam on the Foundation with Deep Sand Overburden Layer深覆盖砂层地基上拦河大坝抗震液化分析
16.Dislocation Numerical Simulation Study on River Weir of Gengda Hydropower Station耿达水电站拦河闸坝错位数值模拟研究
17.When a river valley is dammed up, the waters contained by the barrage rise to form an artificial lake.在河谷上筑起水坝,被水坝拦住的水就会升高而形成一个人工湖。
18.Function of Series of Silt Arrester Dams to Detain Silt in Velley of Middle Reaches of the Yellow River--Taking Wangmau Valley as an Example黄河中游沟道流域淤地坝坝系拦沙作用分析——以王茂沟流域为例

sluice and dam拦河闸坝
1.Study on repair technique of sluice and dam destroyed by flood;水毁拦河闸坝修复修补技术研究
3)ditch head dam across a river渠首拦河坝
4)overflow dam溢流拦河坝
1.Design of hydraulic drop reinforced earth overflow dam;跌水式加筋土溢流拦河坝的设计
5)latex barrage橡胶拦河坝
1.The author introduces briefly latex barrage control system and application of Composite softwarein the system.简要介绍了橡胶拦河坝控制系统及组态软件在该控制系统中的应用,并结合在系统软件编制过程中所出现的问题给出了解决的方法。
6)Lixi gate dam李溪拦河闸坝
1.Osmotic pressure data analysis on foundation of Lixi gate dam;李溪拦河闸坝地基渗压监测数据分析
