1.An introduction is given to dewatering design, calc ulation of gushing water volume, and selection of pump for the construction of underdrain.结合工程实际情况 ,介绍在有地下水地区的暗渠施工降水案设计、涌水量计算、水泵选择。

1.Controlled Blasting Practice on the Foundation Excavation of the East River in the South-to-North Water Transfer Project南水北调东河暗渠基础开挖控制爆破实践
2.Numerical simulation and application of construction process of underdrain beneath expressway暗渠下穿高速公路施工过程的数值模拟及工程应用
3.In spite of the contradiction between these two worlds, the unity of the personality passes through hidden channels from one world into the other.尽管这两个世界之间存在着冲突,个性的形成却通过暗藏的渠道此来彼往地趋于统一。
4.marketing channel销售渠道,市场渠道
5.A complete irrigation system was made up of the main ditch, the branch ditches and many water channels through which water was diverted into the cultivated fields.渠分干渠、支渠、小沟不同等级,以引渠水灌溉耕地。
6.In the succeeding dynasties, new irrigation works were added and named respectively the Han Canal System, the Lai Canal System of Tang, the Huinong Canal System, the Main Eastern Canal, the Main Western Canal, and so on and so forth.往后各个朝代,又留下了汉渠、唐徕渠、惠农渠、东干渠、西干渠等等。
7.available capacity [stormwater drain]有效容量〔雨水渠〕
8.sources, channels of revenue岁入的来源、 渠道
9.channel [trade]渠道,途径 [贸易]
10.The fields are crisscrossed by irrigation canals and ditches.田野上沟渠纵横 。
11.To make, form, or cut channels in.开辟沟渠在…上制作、形成或切割沟渠
12.connecting drains and sewers clause接驳排水渠及污水渠条款
13.The Discovery ot the Dam of Zhengguo Canal of Qin Dynasty and its Architectural Characteristics at the Starting Part秦郑国渠大坝的发现与渠首建筑特征
14.The Channel Management and Channel Transform of China Mobile;中国移动公司的渠道管理与渠道变革
15.Sale SystemThe Point of Sale Management;销售渠道系统―销售渠道管理的关键
16.Forward Positions of Marketing Channel Theory and Trends of Distribution Channel Management;营销渠道理论前沿与渠道管理新发展
17.Conformity of Electronic Channel and Traditional Channel in B TO CB TO C中电子渠道与传统渠道的整合
18.make dark, dim, or gloomy.使变得黑暗淡或黑暗。

closed conduit暗管,暗渠
3)covered drain暗置排水渠;暗渠
4)underground conveyance canal输水暗渠
1.In Beishu Reservoir,the displacement destruction appears at the underground conveyance canal because of ageing without repair.由于工程老化,年久失修,北墅水库输水暗渠墙体多处发生位移破坏,严重影响工程的正常使用。
5)covered ditch排水暗渠
1.in the urban drainage covered ditch system were discussed.针对施工现场的技术难点给出相应解决方案,并对城市排水暗渠与大管径管线进行经济对比分析。
6)Enclosed channel project暗渠工程
