1.Design and Construction of Cofferdam for Diversion Channel at Tingzikou Water Conservancy and Hydropower Project亭子口水利枢纽工程导流明渠围堰的设计与施工

1.Technology and Measures on Mixed Sand Processing of Tingzikou Water Control Project亭子口水利枢纽混合砂加工工艺措施
2.Using Characteristic Water Level for Gradation Study on Bank Slump in Tingzikou Reservoir Area利用特征水位对亭子口库区塌岸进行分段研究
3.Automatic Measurement and Prediction System of Water Regime in Construction Period of Tingzikou Water Control Project亭子口水利枢纽施工期水情自动测报系统
4.Temperature Control of Longitudinal Cofferdam RCC in Tingzikou Water Control Project亭子口水利枢纽纵向围堰碾压混凝土温度控制
5.Construction Design on Second-phase Cofferdam and River Closure of Tingzikou Water Control Project亭子口水利枢纽二期围堰与大江截流施工设计
6.Selection and Major Technology Study of Turbine of Tingzikou Water Control Project亭子口水利枢纽水轮机的选择及主要技术研究
7.Ideas on Soil and Water Conservation Plan of Tingzikou Water Control Project亭子口水利枢纽水土保持方案编制思路
8.Introduction to the Resettlement Planning of Tingzikou Water Control Project亭子口水利枢纽移民安置规划工作简述
9.Management on Initial Design of Tingzikou Water Control Project亭子口水利枢纽前期设计工作管理综述
10.Working out the pattern of reservoir operation and calculating the benefit of flood control for Tingzikou hydroproject Huang jia-wen Luo bin;亭子口水利枢纽防洪调度方式拟定及防洪效益计算
11.Design and Construction of Cofferdam for Diversion Channel at Tingzikou Water Conservancy and Hydropower Project亭子口水利枢纽工程导流明渠围堰的设计与施工
12.Review on Comprehensive Treatment of Dayuanbao Landslide in Tingzikou Water Control Project亭子口水利枢纽工程大园包崩滑体综合治理施工综述
13.Using Advanced Management Mode and Enhancing Safety and Quality Management to Construct Tingzikou Project with Excellent Quality采用先进管理模式 强化安全质量管理 创精品亭子口工程
14.Plan of Concrete Aggregate Material Sources and Processing Factory Settings for Tingzikou Water Control Project亭子口水利枢纽混凝土骨料料源规划与施工工厂的设置
15.Analysis of Anti-sliding Stability of Tingzikou Gravity Dam Based on Partial Coefficient基于分项系数法的亭子口重力坝坝基抗滑稳定分析
16.Research on the Static & Dynamic Analysis of Stress-deformation and Anti-sliding Stability of the Upper Lock Head of Tingzikou Hydropower Station亭子口水电站上闸首应力变形与抗滑稳定静动力分析研究
17.A booth where a toll is collected.收费亭征收费用的亭子
18.Kiosk that sells foreign product to tourists, as in snickers chinese sprite and lays from2001.卖进口产品给外国人的亭子,哈哈,中国产的雪碧还是2001年的。

Tingzikou Reservoir亭子口库区
1.Characteristics of Hg Pollution in the Waterbody of Proposed Tingzikou Reservoir Area and Its Prediction after the Reservoir Being Built;亭子口库区水质汞的污染特征及建库后水体中汞的预测
3)Tingzikou Reservoir亭子口水库
4)Tingzikou power station亭子口水电站
5)Tingzikou Dam亭子口重力坝
6)Tingzikou Water Control Project亭子口水利枢纽
1.Automatic Measurement and Prediction System of Water Regime in Construction Period of Tingzikou Water Control Project亭子口水利枢纽施工期水情自动测报系统
2.General Layout of Tingzikou Water Control Project Construction亭子口水利枢纽施工总布置综述
3.Technology and Measures on Mixed Sand Processing of Tingzikou Water Control Project亭子口水利枢纽混合砂加工工艺措施
