
1.Research on Forecasting and Evaluation of Overbreak as Well as Underbreak in Jointed Rock Mass Openings;裂隙岩体地下洞室超欠挖预测及评价研究
2.Design and Implementation of Arrearage Detecting System Based on Data Mining;基于数据挖掘的欠费预警系统的设计与实现
3."There is a saying a friend of mine says over and over to people in debt. "If you find you have dug yourself into a hole... stop digging."我的一个朋友对那些欠债的人一遍又一遍地说:"如果你发现你已在洞里,那就别再挖了。"
4.The day is past when the United States can afford to give high school diplomas to all who sit through four years of instruction, regardless of whether any visible results can be discerned.所以首先我们欠我们的孩子最大的要求,就是在他们的可挖掘能力之内的挑战环境。
5.a liability account showing how much is owed for goods and services purchased on credit.表明欠多少钱的欠款单。
6.The act of yawning.打哈欠打哈欠的动作
7.He owed three month's back rent.他欠了三个月的欠租。
8.To make(a tunnel) by digging.挖出通过挖掘而挖成(沟)
9.To dig a hole or tunnel in or through.挖洞,挖隧道在…中或穿过…挖洞或挖隧道
10.Undervoltage (Voltage Drop).欠电压(电压降低)。
11.These buns haven's been steamed long enough.这一屉馒头欠火 。
12.She is in debt to her neighbors for 5000 yuan.她欠邻居5000元.
13.(2) To withhold the taxes due;(二)扣缴所欠税款;
14.purchase liabilities aging schedule购货欠款赊欠期间分析表
15.He rose slightly and then sat down to work again.他欠了欠身子又继续工作。
16.The bishop gave his hand quickly, made his little studied bow.主教连忙伸出手去,很矜持的欠了欠身。
17.A promise is a debt许诺等于欠债欠债要清,许诺要还
18.To dig a mine or tunnel beneath.在下面挖矿或挖隧道

1.Applying the fractal geometry,it have been indicated that the overbreak-underbreak curve of tunnel has a self-similarity,and the fractal dimension of the overbreak-underbreak of tunnel is the function of structure of rock mass and the tunnel axes.从分形几何角度分析,隧道围岩超欠挖具有自相似性,对于一定洞径的隧道,隧道围岩超欠挖曲线分形维数是岩体结构和洞轴线的函数。
1.It is a very difficult problem of overbreak in tunnel excavation.超欠挖一直是隧道开挖中遇到的一大难题,文章在对金丽温高速木西岙连拱隧道超欠挖现场调查的基础上绘制出开挖断面线及平均开挖断面线,应用在评价岩体结构面几何形态时普遍使用的粗糙度方法对断面线进行评价,以分析开挖断面上不同部位超欠挖的差异性。
2.On the base of investigation of overbreak in Jinliwen expressway doubled arch tunnels,the projection map of overbreak blocks in excavating section is drawn in this paper.超欠挖一直是隧道开挖中遇到的一大难题。
4)Over-under-excavated values超欠挖
1.Study of statistical law on over-under-excavated values of highway tunnel;公路隧道超欠挖统计规律研究
5)underbreak treatment欠挖处理
6)overcut and undercut prevention防止超挖欠挖
