1.In the light of more horniness sand & the characteristic of tuibine structure,this paper introduces simply the technology of cooling water supply from turbine head-cover and the combined cooling water supply system from turbine head-cover & pumps in Yaoheba Hydropower Plant and indicates that this system is simples,reliable & economy,and can be controlled automatically.针对姚河坝水电站过机水流多硬质泥沙的特性及水轮机的结构特点,将机组冷却供水系统设计与KVAERN-ER公司无接触主轴密封和泵板装置组合结构设计有机结合起来,使顶盖的排水变废为宝,实现了水轮机顶盖取水与水泵供水的联合供水方式。
2)cope intake顶盖取水口
1.Tests on the air supplement and vibration reduction for the cope intake of Dongjiang Hydropower Station;东江水电厂顶盖取水口补气减振试验
3)tectum extracts顶盖提取液
1.Objective:To study the effects of tectum extracts on the morphology of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and to know whether tectum extracts can keep RGCs living.目的:通过胎大鼠顶盖提取液保存视网膜神经层,观察其对视网膜节细胞(RGCs)的形态结构影响,了解其对RGCs保护作用。

1.(2)To determinate effect of Te and rat's tail collagen on RGCs.(2)检验鼠尾胶原及中脑顶盖提取液(Te)对培养的乳鼠RGCs的影响。
2.DPPH free radical scavenging activities of extracts from liquid culture of Acremonium terricola with different solvents地生枝顶孢液体培养物不同溶剂提取物清除DPPH自由基活性的研究
3.And the young girl, kneeling on the top, pressed the two parts of the portmanteau together, and Mademoiselle d'Armilly passed the bolt of the padlock through.于是那青年女郎膝盖顶在提包盖上,把提包的箱盖盖好,而亚密莱小姐则把锁插到锁臼里。
4.Such an extract in a solution of alcohol.酒精提取物酒精溶液中的提取物
5.a medicinal extract in an alcohol solution.酒精溶液提取的药物。
6.He put a new roof on his house with a view to increasing its value.为了提高房屋的价值,他给房子盖了个新屋顶。
7.bring, take, or pull out of a container or from under a cover.从容器中或从盖子中拿出取出或提出。
8.The Picking Vegetation Fraction by SPOT5 DATA;由SPOT5提取植被覆盖度技术研究
9.Algorithm for MODIS subpixel snow fractionMODIS亚像元积雪覆盖率提取方法
10.A Research on Extracting Vegetation Fraction Based on MODIS Image基于MODIS影像的植被覆盖度提取研究
11.Extract into the currently 'active' (On Top) Source Model Document.提取到当前“活动的”(顶部)源模型文档。
12.RNA Isolation from Apical Buds of Chrysanthemum and mRNA Differential Display Reversetranscription-PCR(DDRT-PCR)菊花顶芽RNA提取与mRNA差异显示
13.Method of Extracting Surface Peaks Based on Reverse DEMs基于反地形DEM的山顶点自动提取
14.Bulding Roof Boundary Extraction from LiDAR Point Cloud建筑物LiDAR点云的屋顶边界提取
15.Collagen, Hyaluronic Acid, the extract of Australe, Panax, Barm and Liquorice etc.胶原蛋白、透明质酸、灵芝提取液、人参提取液、酵母提取液、甘草提取精华等。
16.The ascending mineralized solutions move up to the cap of nearly horizontal.上升矿化溶液运移到近于水平的科姆尔吉建造沉积层的顶盖部位。
17.Technology of extraction of compost extracts to make liquid fertilizer用于液体肥料的堆肥浸提液提取工艺参数
18.Study on Extraction Conditions of Tremella Fuciformis Polysaccharide and Viscosity Characteristics of Its Extract;银耳多糖提取条件及提取液黏度特性的研究

cope intake顶盖取水口
1.Tests on the air supplement and vibration reduction for the cope intake of Dongjiang Hydropower Station;东江水电厂顶盖取水口补气减振试验
3)tectum extracts顶盖提取液
1.Objective:To study the effects of tectum extracts on the morphology of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and to know whether tectum extracts can keep RGCs living.目的:通过胎大鼠顶盖提取液保存视网膜神经层,观察其对视网膜节细胞(RGCs)的形态结构影响,了解其对RGCs保护作用。
4)head cover drainage顶盖排水
1.Discussion on fault disposal and design of head cover drainage;顶盖排水的故障处理与设计探讨
5)hydroturbine's headcover水轮机顶盖
6)withdraw closure dome提取封头顶盖

地表水取水构筑物勘察地表水取水构筑物勘察investigation of surface water catchment structure 为:管坯约2.1~1.15t,燃料约2.7~3·IGJ,电力约surfaee water eatehment strueture)为地表100~nokw·h。水取水构筑物的设计和施工而进行的工程地质勘察。 (宋本仁)地表水一般是工业生产和生活用水的主要水源。地表 水取水构筑物常设置在江河岸边或伸入河床中(见dibiao Shui qushui gouzhuwu kanCha图),其基础埋深受江河最低水位或最大冲刷深度控地表水取水构筑物勘察(investigation of制,通常埋深较大。架含分j母一 地表水取水构筑物示意图 。一河床式取水构筑物,1一取水失部,2一自流管;3一进水孔 b一岸边式取水构筑物;1一集水井;2一水泵房;3一闸阀井 勘察阶段与设计阶段相适应,一般分为选址勘察阶段、初步勘察阶段和详细勘察阶段。 (l)选址勘察。以搜集已有地形地质、气象水文资料和现场踏勘为主,重点调查:河段形态、流态特征,河曲变化趋势,岸坡形态和稳定性,毗邻的山坡是否稳定,有无威胁场地安全的冲沟和泥石流,水位变化幅度,河床冲淤情况等。对拟建场地的适宜性和稳定性作出初步评价,推荐最优场址方案。 (2)初步勘察。以工程地质测绘、工程地质勘探、试验为手段,重点查明:地质构造,地基土的构成、岩性,岩土的物理力学性质,地下水条件,地层的渗透性,有无软土、流砂等不良地层及其分布,不良地质现象的发育程度等。为总图的布置、构筑物选型、施工方法选择提供可靠的工程地质资料。勘探线和勘探点间距,根据地质条件和构筑物特点确定。勘探深度在河床区要达到最大冲刷深度以下3一sm,在岸边区要达到最低水位以下s~lom。 (3)详细勘察。以勘探、试验为主,为取水构筑物的设计、施工和防治措施提供详细的工程地质资料和设计所需的岩土计算参数;预测施工降水产生涌土、流砂的可能性;对于用沉井施工的工程,还要评价地层的均匀性,并根据地质条件提出地基处理、施工方法和防治不良地质现象的建议。 (何匆,1).。目J,二二才.、*、,二。J,。二、二.二、·,~。、~·。~