
1.The technique of directional demolition blasting of a tall frame-structured reinforced concrete tower is introduced.介绍了高耸框架结构的定向爆破拆除方法
2.Studies on The Controlled Blasting Demolition on Chimneys in Complex Conditions复杂条件下烟囱控制爆破拆除方法研究
3.Conventional demolishing work would have caused considerable interruptions in traffic.如果采用一般的拆除方法就要引起交通的严重中断。
4.To demolish(a building) by causing to collapse inward.内爆拆除用造成内爆的方法拆除(建筑物)
5.On dismantling steps of DXZ 32m/900t bridge fabrication machine and inspection methods浅谈DXZ32m/900t造桥机拆除步骤及检算方法
6.When it comes to demolishing buildings, there are two basic approaches: demolition without material separation, and selective reverse construction.说到拆除建筑物,有两个基本方法:只拆除不进行材料分离,选择性逆向建筑施工拆除。
7.A Study on the Safety Assessment Method and Application of Demolition Blasting of Buildings and Structures;建(构)筑物拆除爆破安全评价方法及应用研究
8.Present Situation and Methods of Improvement for Assembling and Removing of Mechanical and Electrical Equipments in Fully Mechanized Mining Face;综采工作面机电设备安装拆除现状及改进方法
9.The inward collapse of a building that is being demolished in a controlled fashion by the weakening and breaking of structural members by explosives.内爆拆除用爆炸的方法削弱或弄断结构支架,从而按控制好的方式拆除的房子向内崩塌
10.In this paper, demolition of an all-buried reinforced concre te acid-pond by water-pressure bla sting is introduced.用水压爆破方法拆除一个全埋式钢筋混凝土酸罐池。
11.The practical suture lysis methods for high intraocular pressure after trabeculectomy青光眼小梁切除术后高眼压拆线方法降眼压的探讨
12.Remove machine basting by snipping the top thread at frequent intervals and pulling out the bobbin thread first.拆除机制粗缝的方法:先抽出底线,后剪断间隔处的面线即可。
13.The best way to open an envelope is to slit it at the top.拆信的最好方法是在顶部拆开。
14.On Necessities for Separation and Separation Principles in E-C Translation;英汉翻译拆译的必然性以及拆分方法
15.Research on the Disassembling Methods and Force for Electronic Components on PCBs电路板元器件拆卸方法及拆卸力研究
16.if they refuse to do so, they shall be ordered to pull them down.拒不拆除的,责令拆除。
17.Construction Scheme of Blast Engineering of a Flood Spillway Gate Urge某溢洪道闸墩爆破拆除工程施工方案
18.On the Arbitrary Administrative Execution in Demolishing the Illegal Building;刍议拆除违法建筑中的行政强制执行

demolishing scheme拆除方案
1.Drawing up of the demolishing scheme of continuous double arch bridge and its on-site demolishing construction supervision;双曲连拱桥拆除方案拟定及现场拆除施工监控
3)Suture lysis拆线方法
4)dismounting method拆装方法
1.This paper made a detailed description on the working principle of interference fit (no key) connection of conical surface and the calculating methods of its strength and stress, as well as the liquid pressure dismounting method.文章详细介绍了圆锥面过盈(无键)联接的工作原理、强度、受力计算以及该联接的液压拆装方法。
5)erection and demolition method搭拆方法
6)Knock down method装拆方法
