1.Some main issues about designing this steel hanging bridge and the sling-equipment are briefly introduced in this article.今通过施工实例就该钢吊桥及起吊设备在设计上的一些主要问题作了简要介绍。

1.Research and Manufacture of Rotary Planetary Gear Reducer for Elevating Equipment起吊设备用回转行星齿轮减速器的研制
2.hoisting equipment吊装设备,起重设备
3.full rotating derrick全旋转吊杆起货设备
4.The sling attachment should be connected in such a manner as to avoid sharp bends in the cable.吊索设备应按照钢索避免突然弯曲的方式吊起就位。
5.Several countries are experimenting with them to lift heavy equipment.有些国家正在试验用软式飞艇吊起很重的设备。
6.European Federation of Lifting, Conveying and Handling Equipment Manufacturers欧洲起吊、搬运和操纵设备制造商联合会
7.Insulation hanger bridge is applicable to factories with equipment to electrolyze non-ferrous metals such as aluminum and magnesium.绝缘吊钩桥式起重机,适用于冶炼铝,镁等电解有色金属设备的工厂。
8.The hook and rope of a crane can be regarded as a pendulum that is drived by slewing motion and derricking motion and cause sway.起重机这类起重运输设备的吊钩缆绳可以看作受大车、车运动驱动的机械摆,会产生摆振。
9.Hatch covers handled with the aid of a lifting appliance shall befitted with readily access ible and suitable attachments for securing theslings or other lifting gear.用起重设备开启或关闭的舱盖应装有易接触且合适的附属装置,供紧固吊链或其他升降装置。
10.The bracket was disassembled by swinging scaffold from down to up.支架通过吊篮设备由下至上进行拆卸。
11.Stress detecting/monitoring system based on RS485 bus for hoisting equipment基于RS485总线的设备吊装应力监测系统
12.Most plants are provided with hoist wells for handling parts.大多数工厂设有搬运零件的起吊孔。
13.Auto Gearshift Design of 7500 ton Floating Crane Hoisting Mechanism7500t浮吊起升机构自动换挡装置设计
14.Three points must be located in the roof hanging intersection nodes. Roof lifting at50 cm from the suspended after inspections continue lifting unmistakable.吊点必须设在屋架三汇交节点上.屋架起吊时离地50㎝暂停,检查无误后再继续起吊.
15.An Approach to Design Debug System for Signal Processor of Dipping Sonar吊放声呐信号处理机测试设备系统设计
16.Parametric design and finite element analysis of special sling used in large equipment installation大型设备专用吊具的参数化设计与有限元分析
17.sling [lash, put up] a hammock吊挂 [系绑,挂起] 吊床
18.Of course, especially the main engine room control, cargo handling, and electronic systems.是的。特别是机舱控制,货物吊运和电子设备。

lifting device起吊设备,吊具
3)hoisting facilities for maintenance检修用起吊设备
4)other hoisting device其他起吊设备
5)emergency hoist equipment应急起吊设备
