
1.Preliminarily on Zhouqu Tibetan Costumes--The Primary Discussion about the Classification and Its Cultural Connotation of Zhouqu Tibetan Costumes.;舟曲藏族服饰初探——浅议舟曲藏族服饰的分类及其文化内涵
2.On the Relationship of Tibetan Buddhism and the Local God "PoPo "in ZhouQu County论舟曲地方神“婆婆”与藏传佛教的关系
3.Study on Tibetan Festival Convention in ZhouQu County;舟曲藏族的年节习俗研究——以黑峪沟为个案
4.Implementation Evaluation of Tuberculosis Control Program 2001-2010 in Zhouqu County舟曲县结核病防治规划(2001-2010年)实施效果评价
5.An Anthropological Analysis of the Tibetan Custom-Chaoshui Festival in Zhouqu County,Gansu甘南舟曲藏族“朝水节”习俗的人类学分析
6.An Investigation into Economy of Rural Workers into Cities on the Borders of Tibet and its Corresponding suggestions--A Case Study of the Village of Gemainuo,Zhouqu边缘藏区农村打工经济的调查与建议——以舟曲噶麦诺村为例
7.Economic Analysis on Bored Litigation of Tibetan Farmers;藏族农牧民厌诉的经济分析——基于对甘肃省舟曲县拱坝乡先锋村的调查
8.A Anatomy Research on the Relationship between Radial Scaphoid Fossa Curvature and the Stability of Scapholunate Interosseous Joint;桡舟窝曲率与舟月关节稳定性的相关性研究
9.Representative works are The Fishermen Sing in the Evening, Mountain Torrent, The Han Palace in the autumn Moonlight,代表曲目主要有《渔舟唱晚》、《高山流水》、《汉宫秋月》、
10.The ark was beyond the danger of pursuit by the time these little events had occurred.小插曲过后,独舟已到了安全地段,再也没有被追踪的危险了。
11.The tune describes a fisherman who steers his boat on a river as fascinated with the surrounding landscape.乐曲描绘了渔人泛舟江上,摇棺荡桨,陶醉于山水之间的情态。
12.The Vagabond Against the Marriage Song:Christianity in Coleridge s Rime of Ancient Mariner;管萧婚曲声中的流浪者——柯尔律治《古舟子咏》中的基督教主题
13.To travel in or propel a canoe.乘坐木舟,划独木舟
14.The same knife cut bread and finger.水能载舟,亦能覆舟。
15.The water that bears the Boat is the same that swallows it up水能载舟,亦能覆舟
16.A canoe made by hollowing out a tree trunk;a dugout.独木舟将树干中心挖空制成的独木舟;独木舟
17.So much for the 'comradeship of the road!'什么‘同舟共济’!
18.He would get aboard at Ying'Tai and enjoy a cruise on the South Sea.他常在瀛台登舟,在南海中荡舟游赏。

Euphorbia wangii舟曲大戟
3)L. zhouquensis舟曲橐吾
4)ZhouQu County of Tibetan舟曲藏族
5)Zhouqu county舟曲县
1.The Phenomenon of Co-existence of Different Religions and Its Change in Dual Peripheral Area——A Case Study of the Relationship between Tibetan Buddhism and the Local Goddess Popo in Zhouqu County双重周边地带的宗教共存现象及其演变——以舟曲县藏传佛教与地方神“婆婆”的关系为例
2.The article aims to analyze the special phenomenon of Tibetan Buddhism and the "PoPo" religion s co-existence in Zhouqu county in Gansu province.在甘肃省舟曲县长期存在着藏传佛教与“婆婆”两种宗教共处一隅的独特宗教现象。
6)pontoon bridge舟桥
1.Experimental investigation on welding of aluminumalloys used in pontoon bridge;舟桥结构用铝合金的焊接试验
2.Based on the need of development of pontoon bridge and designing of its structure, mechanical properties of five kinds of aluminum alloys (6063-T6, 6005-T6, 6061-T6, 7005-T6, 7A05-T6) are investigated by tensile experiments.根据舟桥装备发展及结构设计的要求,选择5种铝合金(6005、6061、6063、7005、7A05)通过静载拉伸试验法测定了材料的应力-应变曲线和若干重要力学性能参数,通过数据分析与处理,获取了目前国产铝合金的状态信息,并对国产铝合金应力-应变关系的数学模型进行了初步探讨。
3.For solving the key problems concerned in design,analysis and manufacturing technology of aluminum alloy pontoon bridge,the research on design of main structure of the pontoon bridge made of aluminum alloy is carried out.针对铝合金舟桥在设计、受力分析、制造工艺诸方面的技术难题,开展了“铝合金用于舟桥承重结构的设计研究”预先研究工作。

如此江山 泛曲阿后湖 曲阿词综曲阿词综中,【诗文】:依依杨柳,青丝缕、掩映绿波南浦。燕掠横斜,鳞游荡漾,恰是湔裙时序。清泠如许。恍镜影空磨,簟痕密聚。欲问伊人,且自溯洄前渚。并倚木阑无语。到来还、远树遥山,凝眸同睹。雁齿参差,*流逦迤,多少鸥群鸳侣。最饶闲趣。且酒斟绿蚁,玉杯时举。*乃一声,移入柳阴深处。西半夜惊罗一首,乃黄 词。 眼儿媚萧萧江上荻花秋一首,乃张孝祥词。堞恋花越女采莲秋水畔一首,乃欧阳修词。相见欢无言独上西楼一首,【注释】:【出处】: