
1.Studies on Biological Properties of Lactic Acid Bacteria of Milk and Milk Products from Kelun River Region;克鲁伦河流域牛乳及乳制品中乳酸菌生物学特性的研究
2.Analysis on the Land Use and Land Cover in Kherlen River Basin,Mongolia;蒙古国克鲁伦河流域土地利用与土地覆盖现状分析
3.Analysis of Climatic Change in Basin of Kherlen River of Mongolia Plateau for the Past 50 Years近50年蒙古高原东部克鲁伦河流域气候变化分*析
4.Main Cast:Glenn Close (as Cruella De Vil);主要演员: 格伦·克洛斯(饰克鲁拉·德维尔);
5.New Housing in Inner City:Housing in Donnybrook,London新内城住宅——浅析伦敦多尼布鲁克住宅
6.a tidal strait separating Manhattan and the Bronx from Queens and Brooklyn.分隔曼哈顿,布朗克斯与皇后区,布鲁克林的河。
7.On Harold Macmillan and the Suez Canal Crisis;论哈罗德·麦克米伦与苏伊士运河危机
8.The New Critical Theory of Short Story;“理解小说”——简析布鲁克斯和沃伦短篇小说观
9.Research on basin-mountain tectonic-thermal history of Kongquehe Slope and Kuruketag Uplift孔雀河斜坡与库鲁克隆起构造-热演化史研究
10.The largest rivers in South Island is the Clutha, and in the North Island is the Waikato and the wanganui.南岛最大的河流是克鲁沙河,北岛最大的河流有2个,是怀卡托河和黄加雷河。
11.An Anatomy of Peter F.Drucker s Thought of Business Ethics;企业伦理的管理学态度——论德鲁克的企业伦理思想及其对企业伦理学的拒斥
12.They cut off her head and threw her into the Cle Elum River.他们割下她的头,把他扔进了克莱伦姆河。
13.The Quebec city is the center of the province.其中心是位于圣劳伦斯河上的魁北克城。
14.a suspension bridge across the Saint Lawrence River at Quebec.在魁北克省的一座横跨圣劳伦斯河的吊桥。
15.Québec's St. Lawrence river is covered in ice every winter.每到冬天, 魁北克的圣劳伦斯河都会被冰雪封冻。
16.the French-speaking capital of the province of Quebec; situated on the Saint Lawrence River.在法语中是魁北克省的省会;位于圣劳伦斯河畔。
17.Brenda McClain, director of pediatric pain management services at Yale University.耶鲁大学儿科疼痛处理部门的主任,布伦达.麦克刻林博士说。
18.Workers went as much as78 feet underwater to dig the supports for the Brooklyn Bridge.工人必须到河水下方78英尺的地方,设置支撑布鲁克林桥的装置。

basin of Kherlen river克鲁伦河流域
4)Kelulun basin克鲁伦盆地
5)Kelulun sag克鲁伦凹陷
1.Damoguaihe Formation,which is mainly of alluvial fan,fan delta and lacustrine depositional systems,is the target horizon for the prospecting of sandstone-type uranium deposit in Kelulun sag,Hailaer basin.克鲁伦凹陷下白垩统大磨拐河组是海拉尔盆地寻找可地浸砂岩型铀矿的目的层。
6)Kelulun downfaulted basin克鲁伦断陷

克鲁伦河克鲁伦河亚洲中部河流。发源于蒙古人民共和国肯特山东麓。在中游乌兰恩格尔西端进人中国境内。流经呼伦贝尔盟新巴尔虎右旗,东流注入呼伦湖。全长1264公里,在我国境内206公里。流域面积7153平方公里,两岸为半荒漠的低山围绕,地表径流不发育,河谷宽约3 5公里,河宽60一70米。两岸沼泽湿地多,较高的阶地上生长着优良牧草,牧业发达。