
1.Research on Soft-sensing Technique for Water Discharge at Lateral Gate of the Irrigation Channel in the Yellow River引黄灌渠斗口水流量软测量技术研究
2.Yeah sometimes we quarrel, but more often we cuddle, chat, and stuff ourselves together even when we've a roomy home( especially in the winter time).我们是一对欢喜冤家,閒时喜爱斗斗口,又不时会糖糲豆,天气寒冷时更加是形影不离!
3." Grampy asked, never removing the pipe from his mouth.祖父烟斗不离口地问我。
4.pick a fight or a quarrel.煽动一次打斗或者口角。
5.He took a few whiffs, ie of a cigar, pipe, etc.他吸了几口(雪茄、 烟斗等).
6.funnel-type guide frame具漏斗形承口的导向架
7.The ovarian opening of a fallopian tube.输卵管的漏斗形开口
8.four-funnel guide frame有四个漏斗形导向承口的导向架
9.An Analysis on the Internal Conflicts in Guominjun before the Great Battle in Nankou;试析南口大战前国民军内部矛盾斗争
10.The Design of the Spinning Machine Useed to Spin Oral Area of the Projectile Bodies某弹种战斗部入壳收口旋压机的设计
11.At the door of the engine room,the engineer sat smoking a pipeand taking the air.机械师 坐在机房门口,边抽烟斗边透一透空气。
12.Slogan or rallying cry of a group of people fighting for the same cause(为共同事业而斗争的人们所用的)标语或口号
13.a wind instrument that consists of a brass tube (usually of variable length) blown by means of a cup-shaped or funnel-shaped mouthpiece.通过杯状或漏斗状吹口吹奏的铜管乐器。
14.He uttered several vigorous expletives when he dropped the iron on his foot.他的熨斗掉下砸在脚上, 他随口骂了几声.
15.He utter several vigorous expletive when he drop the iron on his foot.他的熨斗掉下砸在脚上, 他随口骂了几声。
16.He uttered several vigorous expletive when he drop the iron on his foot.他的熨斗掉下砸在脚上,他随口骂了几声。
17.War thundered and whined around the dugout and battered at the door.战斗在地下掩蔽部外面雷鸣着,而且猛击着入口。
18.Israeli warplanes bombarded a port city in southern Lebanon.以色列战斗机轰炸黎巴嫩的一个港口城市。

an estuary of channels支斗口
3)Doukou modular system in Qing Dynasty清斗口制
4)Water-flow at the outlet斗口流量
5)dipper lip杓斗刃口
6)belling bucket扩口铲斗

斗口  中国清代官式建筑设计中的基本模数,又称“口数”或"口份",见于清工部《工程做法》。斗口原指斗栱(清式平身科)的坐斗中承托昂、翘的卯口,卯口的宽度一般就是栱材方料的宽度。清代以斗口尺度作为设计的基本模数,因此斗口成为模数单位量。此种设计方法被称为"斗口制"。    清代"足材"为材厚二倍,斗栱每拽架(每跳)为三斗口,每踩高为二斗口,全为整数。斗口值为宋制材份中份值的十倍,计算简便。清制的斗口从六寸到一寸共分十一个等级,级差均为半寸。不过一至四等的大型斗口尚未见实物,十等和十一等的小型斗口仅见于牌楼和琉璃门。常用的斗口为六至八等(三寸半至二寸半斗口)。用材普遍缩小,是清代斗栱的特点。    房屋的步架和进深紧密相关,又是建筑规模的重要指标之一,因而在清代建筑设计中首先明确檩数(如清工部《工程做法》中对几檩庑殿顶或歇山顶的规定),根据步架定椽径(椽径为1.5斗口)和柱径(椽柱径为6斗),求出斗口,则其他尺度都可依此推算。面阔尺度可按斗栱的攒当计,清代一般殿阁的明间斗栱为六攒,翘昂斗栱每攒间距11斗口,于是明间面阔即为7×11斗口=77斗口(一斗二升交麻叶和一斗三升的攒当为 8斗口)。次间斗栱依次递减。进深按通面阔的 5/8,并核正攒当,定出确切尺度。在房屋高度方面,檐柱高为60斗口(或从地面至蚂蚱头下皮为70斗口),于是檐部尺寸即可确定。再按举架坡度定出侧样,梁架部位均有依据。至于每个构件的尺寸,小至升斗,大至梁枋,均按口份确定。有些构件虽然以柱径计算(如柱顶厚为一个柱径,古镜高为1/5柱径,上槛为1/2柱径等),由于檐柱径为 6斗口,金柱径为6.6斗口,实际上一切尺度均与斗口尺寸有比例的关系。