
1.rosewood cabinet with bamboo desigÓÐÖñ×Óͼ°¸µÄ̴ľ¹ñ
2.rosewood couch with inlay of mother of pearlÏâǶÕäÖéĸµÄ̴ľ´²
3.rosewood chair carved dragon design inlaid with mother of pearlÏâǶÕäÖéĸµñÁú̴ľÒÎ
4.Study on Wood Structural Features and Aesthetic Value of Red SandersÌ´Ïã×Ï̴ľ²Ä¹¹ÔìÌص㼰ÆäÃÀѧ¼ÛÖµµÄÑо¿
5.rosewood cabinet with peach flower and magpie design´øÌÒ»¨Ï²È¸Í¼°¸µÄ̴ľ¹ñ
6.The wood of this tree, used mainly for decorative cabinetwork.×Ï̴ľ²ÄÕâÖÖÊ÷µÄľ²Ä£¬Ö÷ÒªÓÃÀ´×÷×°ÊÎÓõÄϸľ¹¤¼Ò¾ß
7.A queen sat at her window and embroidered on an ebony frame.ÓÐһλ»Êºó×øÔÚ´°±ßÔÚºÚ̴ľµÄ¿òÉÏ´ÌÐå¡£
8.I would like to have a child as white as snow, as red as blood and as black as ebony.¡°ÎÒÏ£ÍûÉú¸öÏñÑ©°ã°×¡¢Ñª°ãºì¡¢ºÚ̴ľ°ãºÚµÄº¢×Ó¡£¡±
9.Her skin was as white as snow, her lips were as red as blood and her hair was as black as ebony.Ó¤¶ùµÄ¼¡·ôÏñÑ©Ò»Ñù°×£¬×ì´½ÏñѪһÑùºì£¬¶øÍ··¢ÏñºÚ̴ľһÑùºÚ¡£
10.Another dozen of scrolls were still slumbering in the ebony box -- in dream, oblivious to light for untold years.̴ľÏäÀ»¹Ë¯×ÅÊ®¶à·ù»­¾í£¬Ë¯£¬ÏëÊÇËüÃǶàÉÙÄêû¼û¹âÁË¡£
11.Sandalwood. It's a kind of precious wood in China.Ì´Ïãľ¡£ÄÇÊÇÖйúµÄÒ»ÖÖÕä¹óľ²Ä¡£
12.very dark wood of any of several blackwood trees.¸÷ÖÖºÚÌ´Ê÷ľµÄÉîɫľÁÏ¡£
13.pale easily worked timber from the quandong tree.Ò»ÖÖÌ´Ïã¿ÆÊ÷ľµÄľ²Ä£¬»Ò°×É«£¬Ò×¼Ó¹¤¡£
14.Main ingredients: shea, beeswax, sandalwood and bergamot.Ö÷Òª³É·Ý£ºÈéľ¹û¡¢·äÀ¯¡¢Ì´Ïã¡¢·ðÊָ̡£
15.Poplar, elm, walnut, camphor, fir, rosewood, bamboo, etc.°×ÑÓÜľ£¬ºúÌÒ£¬ÕÁÊ÷£¬èÈÊ÷£¬×ÏÌ´£¬Öñ×ӵȡ£
16.Ingredient: Verbena and sandalwood etc.Ö÷Òª³É·Ý£ºÂí±Þ²Ý¡¢Ì´Ïãľ¡¢çúçê¡£
17.hard durable wood of red sandalwood trees (Pterocarpus santalinus); prized for cabinetwork.ºìÉ«Ì´ÏãÊ÷Ó²¶øÄ;õÄľ²Ä£¬ÒËÓÃÓÚϸľ¹¤¡£
18.A tropical tree(Pterocarpus indicus)native to southeast Asia, having reddish wood with a mottled or striped black grain.×ÏÌ´Ò»ÖÖÈÈ´øÊ÷ľ£¨ÇàÁúľ×ÏÌ´Êô£©Ô­²úÓÚÑÇÖÞ¶«Äϲ¿£¬Óа߲µµÄ»òÌõ×´µÄºÚÁ£ÃæµÄºìɫľ²Ä

wingceltis" floor"Ì´"ľµØ°å
4)rosewood,yellow sandalwood»ÆÌ´<Ïãľ>
5)yellow sandal»Æ̴ľ
6)padauk,red sandal wood×Ï̴ľ
