1.Settlement Observation Design of Flood Control Dike in Yancang盐仓防洪堤沉降观测的设计与实施
2)SUI:Supervisor of the salt storehouse盐仓督
3)Chagcam Caka Salt Lake扎仓茶卡盐湖
1.Phase Diagram Analysis of Producing Potassium Chloride from the Brine of Chagcam Caka Salt Lake in Tibet西藏扎仓茶卡盐湖卤水制取氯化钾的相图分析

1.Phase Diagram Analysis of Producing Potassium Chloride from the Brine of Chagcam Caka Salt Lake in Tibet西藏扎仓茶卡盐湖卤水制取氯化钾的相图分析
2.Research on Colour-Removal from Raw Lithium Carbonate in Zabuye Lake, Tibet;西藏扎布耶盐湖初级碳酸锂脱色工艺研究
3.Late Holocene climatic and environmental changes inferred from multi-proxies from Zabuye Saline Lake in Tibet;青藏高原扎布耶盐湖晚全新世气候环境演化
4.A Study on Solar Pan and Its Related Technologies for Extracting Lithium Carborlate (Li2co3) from Brine of Zabuye Saline Lake,Tibet;西藏扎布耶盐湖碳酸锂提取盐田工艺及其相关技术研究
5.Petrogenesis and implications of the volcanic rocks in Zabuye salt lake area,western Lhasa terrane,Tibet,China西藏拉萨地块西部扎布耶茶卡火山岩的成因与意义
6.The Preliminary Study on the Equilibrium Solubility and Crystallization Laws of Lithium Carbonate Based on the Composition of Zhabuye Salt Lake Brine扎布耶盐湖卤水碳酸锂恒温平衡浓度和结晶规律初步研究
7.Flamingos stand in a salt lake in Larnaca, Cyprus.塞浦路斯的拉纳卡市一个盐湖中的火烈鸟。
8.A salt marsh, spring, pond, or lake.盐沼,盐泉,盐塘或盐湖
9.We returned to the barn and slaked our thirst with tea.我们回到谷仓,饮茶解渴。
10.We returned to the barn and slake our thirst with tea我们回到谷仓,饮茶解渴
11.Tea Culture and Japanese Sado in Kamakura and Muromachi Period;镰仓、室町时期的茶文化与日本茶道
12.The most saline of Africa's large lakes, Turkana is an outstanding laboratory for the study of plant and animal communities.图尔卡纳湖是非洲含盐量最高的大湖,它为研究动植物种群提供了良好的环境。
13.A large body of salt water.盐湖水巨大的盐水体
14.Bin Card [GF 263]仓卡〔通用表格第263号〕
15.phenoxy benzamine hydrochloride苯氧基β-优卡因盐酸盐
16.a screw of salt, tea, tobacco, etc一小纸包盐、 茶、 烟草等.
17.Put a teaspoonful of salt into the pan .往锅里放一茶匙盐。
18.He put salt into his tea by mistake.他把盐误放进茶里。

SUI:Supervisor of the salt storehouse盐仓督
3)Chagcam Caka Salt Lake扎仓茶卡盐湖
1.Phase Diagram Analysis of Producing Potassium Chloride from the Brine of Chagcam Caka Salt Lake in Tibet西藏扎仓茶卡盐湖卤水制取氯化钾的相图分析
4)Storage management of salt食盐仓储管理
1.Concerning the problem of the provison storehouse of the garrison system in Hexi region of the han Dynasty, the researcher has already affirmed its independent position, but there is also lack for the concrete judgment and the systematic investigation.关于汉代河西屯戍系统粮仓的问题,研究者多已肯定其独立地位,但就一些具体的论断和系统性的探究而言,尚有欠缺。
2.The market follows many principles, which are storehouse principle, principle of unconditional deal, equivalent principle, principle of speculation, principle of control, principle of competition of price and principle of stability.期货市场是为解决“卖”与“买”的矛盾所形成的一种系统市场模式 ,它在运行中所遵循的仓房原理、无条件交易原理、等效原理、投机原理、支配原理、竞价原理、稳定性原理等 ,使其各要素联结为整体最优的市场系统。
3.There are many strategy and debates in the existing studies on the storehouse of the garrison system of Hexi region in Han dynasty the bamboo slips.学者们对简牍所见汉代仓制的认识存在一些错误,可补充纠正如下:居延仓的驻地在居延都尉府,而不在瓦因托尼;汉简中所见的部仓还有卅井候官的孤山燧仓,第廿六仓、第廿五仓是燧仓而不是部仓;候官仓不存在仓长及丞,屯戍系统仓的管理离不开候、将转守尉、士吏、令史、尉史、候长、候史、燧长、燧卒等传统意义上非仓人员的参与;廪给程序中所谓"下发通知"是不存在的,仓的等级考核在汉简中也没有体现。
6)Warehouse to Warehouse仓至仓
1.Warehouse to Warehouse Clause is one of the clauses that modern insurers, providing insurance for marine cargo transportation, states their insurable responsibility of when to begin and when to end.“仓至仓”条款是现代海洋货物运输保险人规定其保险责任起讫的一个条款,应用非常广泛。
