1.The application of the clay-cementmortar in reinforcing the culvert of the small reservoir水泥黏土砂浆在小型水库涵洞加固中的应用

1.The application of the clay-cementmortar in reinforcing the culvert of the small reservoir水泥黏土砂浆在小型水库涵洞加固中的应用
2.Overview of research on crumb rubber in mortar and concrete橡胶改性水泥混凝土(砂浆)的研究综述
3.Foundation Reinforcement Technology of the Cement-sand-mortar Cast-in-place Pre-Mixed Pile预拌灌筑水泥土砂浆桩地基加固技术
4.Study on the Smart Properties of the Graphite Slurry Infiltrated Steel Fiber Concrete (GSIFCON);石墨水泥砂浆注浆钢纤维混凝土智能性质研究
5.Experimental Study on Graphite Slurry Infiltrated Fiber Concrete Slab for Snow Melting石墨水泥砂浆注浆钢纤维混凝土板融雪试验
6.Research on non-dispersive underwater cement-clay grout in cofferdam seepage prevention围堰防渗水下不分散水泥黏土浆液研究
7.Compaction of wet material, such as clay, in order to make a watertight paste.和泥将黏土等潮湿的物质捣密以制成防水浆
9.Study on the properties of portland cement mortar and concrete containing crumb rubber aggregate橡胶集料水泥砂浆和混凝土的性能研究
10.Experimental Research on Grouting Mechanics in Clayey Sand Using Super-Micro Cement;砂土层中超细水泥注浆机理的试验研究
11.kaline resistant cement mortar flooring耐碱水泥砂浆楼地面
12.Graphite Slurry Infiltrated Fiber Concrete for Snow Melting and Finite Element Simulation石墨水泥砂浆注浆钢纤维混凝土融雪及有限元模拟
13."For tilework, a very thin mortar called grout is used. Pointing is the process of finishing a masonry joint. "制瓦使用的是一种叫做薄泥浆的很薄的砂浆。完成泥瓦黏合可削尖。
14.Experimental Study of the Mechanic Performances of Hydrosoluble HP Fibre s Reinforcement to Cement Mortar and Concrete;水溶性高分子纤维增强水泥砂浆、混凝土力学性能试验研究
15.The Application of Clay Slurry in Fracture Sealing in Long-distance River Crossing Project.黏土水泥浆堵漏液在长距离河流穿越工程中的应用
16.Experimental research of compounding the cement mortar with high effective mortar plasticizer高效砂浆增塑剂配制水泥砂浆试验研究
17.Decoration and protection of the concrete, cement mortar, mixed mortar, brick and stone surfaces various buildings.各种建筑物的混凝土、水泥砂浆、混合砂浆、以及砖石表面的装饰与保护。
18.concrete, sand, stone and cement proportioner混凝土、砂、石、水泥配料机

clay and cement grout黏土水泥浆
1.Under the guidance of the principle and in full consideration of the control cost,the low cost clay and cement grout was applied to replace the conventional cement grout for the water control operation.分析了葛泉矿东井9号煤层底板突水的主要原因,确定了奥灰水要以防为主,五灰(本溪灰岩)水以治为主的治水原则,在此原则的指导下,充分考虑治理成本,决定采用低成本的黏土水泥浆代替原常用的单液水泥浆。
3)clay-cement grouting黏土水泥灌浆
4)cement-clay grout水泥黏土浆液
1.Research on non-dispersive underwater cement-clay grout in cofferdam seepage prevention围堰防渗水下不分散水泥黏土浆液研究
5)soils stabilized by cement mortar水泥砂浆固化土
1.Physico-mechanical properties of soils stabilized by cement mortar;水泥砂浆固化土物理力学特性试验研究
1.Mechanical and abrasion properties of fiber reinforced rubberized mortar;纤维增强橡胶粉水泥砂浆的力学性能和耐磨性能研究
2.A study on the cylinder-mould testing method for the compressive strength of the mortar with highly fine-grained sand;筒压法检测特细砂水泥砂浆抗压强度的试验研究
3.The structural and electric properties of carbon fiber reinforced mortar and the related factors;碳纤维水泥砂浆的力学与电性能及其影响因素研究
