小湾水电站,Xiaowan Hydropower Station
1)Xiaowan Hydropower Station小湾水电站
1.Practice of Project Environmental Supervision System at Xiaowan Hydropower Station;工程环境监理制度在小湾水电站的实践
2.Regression analysis of 3D initial geostress field for dam site of Xiaowan Hydropower Station;小湾水电站坝址区三维初始地应力场反演回归分析
3.Discussion on abrasion-resistant concrete mixing ratio for construction of water cushion pond of Xiaowan Hydropower Station;小湾水电站水垫塘抗冲耐磨混凝土配合比的讨论与施工

1.Brief introduction to the power market and power transmission scheme for Xiaowan Hydropower Station;小湾水电站电力市场和输电方案概述
2.Summary on the Excavation of Tailrace Surge Chamber in Generating System of Xiaowan Hydropower Station小湾水电站引水发电系统尾水调压室开挖综述
3.The Optimization Study of Construction Diversion Buildings in Xiaowan Power Station;小湾水电站施工导流建筑物优化研究
4.Study on the Properties of Concrete for Arch Dam of Xiaowan Hydropower Station小湾水电站双曲拱坝混凝土性能研究
5.A summary of land acquisition and resettlement for the construction of Xiaowan Hydropower Station;小湾水电站工程水库建设征地移民工作综述
6.Quality Control of Anti-scouring and Anti-abrasion Concrete for the Water Cushion Pool of Xiaowan Hydropower Station小湾水电站水垫塘抗冲耐磨混凝土质量控制
7.Discussion on Construction Technology of Abrasion-resistant Concrete for Water Cushion Pond of Xiaowan Hydropower Station小湾水电站水垫塘抗冲耐磨混凝土施工技术
8.Summary on the Excavation Method of Underground Cavern Chamber of Xiaowan Hydropower Station小湾水电站工程地下洞室开挖方法小结
9.River Closure Model Test and Study for Construction of Xiaowan Hydropower Project on the Lancang River澜沧江小湾水电站施工截流模型试验研究
10.Surrounding Rock Stability Analysis of Xiaowan Hydropower Project Underground Powerhouse Chambers小湾水电站地下厂房洞室群围岩稳定分析
11.Safety monitoring of the construction of high cable foundation of arch bridge on Xiaowan left bank小湾水电站高缆基础拱桥施工安全监测
12.Optimizement Study of Pre-splitting Parameter in Xiaowan Dropower Station;小湾水电站开挖中预裂爆破参数的优化研究
13.Dynamic Response Analysis of Blasting Vibration in Xiao-Wan Side Slope Excavation;小湾水电站边坡开挖爆破震动动力响应分析
14.Practice of tendering & bidding method in Xiaowan Hydropower Project;招标投标法在小湾水电站工程招标中的实践
15.Analysis of Result on Deformation Monitoring of Xiaowan Arch Dam Foundation Rock Mass小湾水电站坝基岩体全过程变形监测成果分析
16.Planning, Design and Management of Kongquegou Artificial Aggregate System of Xiaowan Hydropower Station小湾水电站孔雀沟砂石系统的规划、设计与管理
17.Operation and Management of Cable Cranes in the Construction of Xiaowan Arch Dam小湾水电站拱坝施工中缆机的运行管理与探索
18.Application of Blind Hole Method and Impact Indentation Method in Residual Stress Measurement of Runner of Xiaowan Hydropower Station盲孔法及压痕法在小湾水电站中的应用

Xiaowan hydropower project小湾水电站
1.Consolidation grouting features of dam foundation and construction quality control for Xiaowan hydropower project;小湾水电站坝基固结灌浆特点和施工质量控制
2.Design of concrete mixing plant on left bank for Xiaowan hydropower project;小湾水电站左岸混凝土拌和系统设计
3.Study of Powerhouse Intake Vertical High Slope Monitoring and Information Feedback for Xiaowan Hydropower Project;小湾水电站进水口高边坡监测及信息反馈研究
3)Xiaowan Hydropower Station小湾水电站工程
1.Summary on the Excavation Method of Underground Cavern Chamber of Xiaowan Hydropower Station小湾水电站工程地下洞室开挖方法小结
4)Xiaowan hydropower station小湾电站
1.Stability analysis of high inlet slope for Xiaowan Hydropower Station;小湾电站进水口高边坡稳定性研究
2.In the Feasibility Report of Xiaowan Hydropower Station,construction schedule will be much slowed down due to more orifices in the dam body,reservoir filling will start 12 years later after the construction of reservoir has begun.小湾电站可行性报告中,坝身布置的孔口大多,影响施工速度;由于大坝施工进度慢,水库在开工后的第12年汛期才能开始拦蓄洪水。
3.Prior to the joint grouting work of the Xiaowan hydropower station,we conduct indoor and On-site slurry performance tests which provide scheme and basis for the construction.45:1水灰比浆液对小湾电站横缝进行接缝灌浆,取得了很好的效果。
5)Xiaowan hydropower project小湾电站
1.In this paper, coupling of stress and seepage fields at the damsite area of the Xiaowan hydropower project is analyzed, and the fractal effect of rock fractured surface on the seepage flow in fractured rock masses is studied by means of numeric simulation of single fracture permeability.本文研究了小湾电站坝址区岩体渗流场与应力场的耦合相互作用 ,并结合右坝肩F1 1 断层的特性 ,探讨了裂隙内具有不同填充物情况下 ,裂隙表面分形对裂隙渗流和应力的影响。
2.To solve the powerhouse intake high slope stability problem for the Xiaowan Hydropower Project a further comprehensive study was made based on the results of rock mass classification, sampling of soft seams, test and analysis, shearing plane network simulation and slope stability limit analysis developed in the early stage study .围绕小湾电站厂房进口高边坡的稳定性问题 ,利用前期研究中开发的岩体分类、软弱夹层的取样、试验和分析方法、结构面网络模拟、边坡稳定的极限分析等成果 ,在进一步发展完善的基础上进行了综合研究。
6)the slope excavating of Xiao-wan power station小湾水电站边坡开挖



Rira Hydropower Station,Рижская ГЭС 概  述   里加水电站位于拉脱维亚共和国的道加瓦(Даугава)河上,距离坝址最近的城市是里加市。枢纽主要建筑物包括混凝土重力坝、土坝和水电站厂房等。重力坝,最大坝高35m,坝顶长146m,坝体方量11.9万m3。土坝由河床左、右岸土坝和连接土坝的左、右岸挡水堤所组成,最大坝高24m,土坝和挡水堤全长15054m,堤坝填筑方量1160万m3。建筑物基础上部为砂土和粘土层,下部为裂隙发育的白云岩。混凝土溢流坝设有6孔泄水孔,每孔净宽20m,装有液压起闭机控制的弧形闸门。水电站厂房布置在含有白云岩夹层的泥灰岩上。厂房由2个机组段和1个安装场段所组成。厂房内装有6台机组,总装机容量38万kW。每个机组段布置3台机组,厂房上闸室设有拦污栅、检修闸门和事故检修闸门,由2台龙门起重机起吊。水库总库容3.4亿m3,有效库容0.4亿m3,水库面积42.2km2,淹没面积28km2,为日调节水库。该工程以发电为主,兼有其他的经济效益。工程于1976年竣工。