水电建设,hydropower construction
1)hydropower construction水电建设
1.Upgrading the managing abilities in hydropower construction to accelerate the hydropower development;提高水电建设管理水平 促进水电建设发展
2.Accelerate the hydropower construction and promote sustainable development of the power;加快水电建设 促进电力可持续发展
3.Discussion on hydropower construction around 2010 year in Northeast electric network;东北电网2010年前后水电建设发展探讨

1.Upgrading the managing abilities in hydropower construction to accelerate the hydropower development;提高水电建设管理水平 促进水电建设发展
2.The Role of the Small Hydropower Guild in the Rural Hydropower Construction;小水电协会在农村水电建设中的作用
3.Review and Prospects for the Achievements of Water Resources and Hydropower Development in Xinjiang;新疆水利水电建设成就的回顾与展望
4.Construction Cost Analysis of Hydropower Projects in the “Tenth Five Year Plan”;“十五”水电建设项目造价水平分析
5.The reform and development of China s water conservancy and hydropower construction market;我国水利水电建设市场的改革和发展
6.Accelerate the hydropower construction and promote sustainable development of the power;加快水电建设 促进电力可持续发展
7.Discussion on hydropower construction around 2010 year in Northeast electric network;东北电网2010年前后水电建设发展探讨
8.Brillient achievements of Hubei Investigation & Design Institute of Water Conservancy & Hydropower in hydropower construction湖北省水利水电勘测设计院在水电建设中的光辉业绩
9.Dan Construction Technology Achievement of 20-centenary Chinese Hydropower Construction20世纪我国水电建设的坝工技术成就
10.A Study on Hydroelectric Construction of Guangxi and Social Economy(1949~1999);广西水电建设与社会经济研究(1949~1999)
11.A Cointegration Study of the Construction Investment of Rural Hydropowers in China;我国农村水电建设投资的协整性研究
12.Construction practice and development research of hydro-power in rural area of Zhejiang Province;浙江省农村水电建设实践与发展研究
13.A good river flows forever;不废江河万古流——中国水电建设50年
14.Study on construction scale of pumped storage power plants in northeast China power grid;东北电网抽水蓄能电站建设规模研究
15.Analysis of Building Small Hydropower Dispatching Automatlon System in Power System节能型电网小水电调度系统建设浅析
16.The Characteristic of the Technology of Production for Hydropower in Hubei and the Pumped-storage Station Construction;湖北水电的生产技术特点与抽水蓄能电站建设
17.Expediting Nuozhadu Hydropower Station Boosting Yunnan Province as the Main Hydroenergy Sources Base of China;加快糯扎渡水电站建设 把云南省建设成全国重要的水电能源基地
18.Plans are being drawn up to build a hydroelectric station here.这里正在筹划建设一座水力发电站。

hydroelectric construction水电建设
1.The development of hydroelectric construction in the beginning of 21st century is prospected.回顾了近半个世纪以来中国水电事业的发展,指出了加快水能资源的开发是中国经济可持续发展的要求,展望了下个世纪初中国水电建设的发
2.Hydroelectric construction is the effective way to resolve energy shortage.水电建设是解决能源缺乏的有效途径,其经济功能和社会影响难以估量。
3)hydropower development水电建设
1.Environmental protection in China's hydropower development;中国水电建设的环境保护
2.The situation and existing problems of implementing the owner responsibility system, monitoring system, and public bidding system in hydropower development in China are reviewed; thus it can be seen that the normalized and legalized management in hydropower development sector must be enhanced from now on.简要介绍了中国水电建设管理所推行的业主负责制、建设监理制和工程招标制实施情况及存在问题,加强规范化、法制化的建设管理势在必行。
3.Considering the peculiarities of hydropower development in a river basin, the integrity and accuracy ot the engineering archives are studied for turning them into scientific knowledge so as to raise the management horizon of hydropower development of this river basin.介绍清江公司从流域水电建设的特点出发,研究流域水电建设工程档案的完整性、准确性,确保工程质量,提高工程管理水平,将大量的档案信息资源转化为科学知识,为流域水电开发服务,取得显著的经济和社会效益的情况。
4)construction of hydropower station水电站建设
5)water and hydropower development水利水电建设
1.The next 15~20 years are critical period for China's water and hydropower development, which is restrained by ecological and environmental factors.做好水利水电建设与生态保护两篇文章。
6)construction of hydropower project水电工程建设

《必须把思想政治建设摆在全军各项建设的首位》《必须把思想政治建设摆在全军各项建设的首位》Ideological and Political Building Must Be Put in the First Place in Building the Army from All Respects  Bixu Ba Sixiang Zhengzhi Iianshe BaizaiQt1Qnlun GeXiang Jianshe de Shouwei《必须把思想政治建设摆在全军各项建设的首位》(勿eozo、ieaz。n、尸。21,iealBuilding Must Be Puti凡t人e First Plaeei矛飞Building theA月刀〕户口从All ResPects)江泽民1994年12月18日在中央军委扩大会议上讲话的一部分,约6 800字,收人解放军出版社1997年7月出版的《军队高中级干部理论学习读本》一书。 该文的主要内容是二 要从战略的高度来认识在改革开放和发展社会主义市场经济的新形势下,加强全党全军的思想政治建设,防止腐朽思想文化侵蚀的重大意义该文指出,改革开放是一场新的革命。这场革命给社会思想文化带来了空前广泛而深刻的影响,使人们摆脱了那些陈旧过时的思想禁锢,产生了一些符合时代发展要求的新观念,极大地调动了广大群众的积极性。这是今天人们思想的主流。地方是如此,军队也是如此。但是也应看到,随着改革开放的不断扩大,资本主义腐朽思想文化乘机而人,同历史上遗留下的剥削阶级的腐朽思想文化相结合,使得当前社会上拜金主义、极端个人主义和腐朽生活方式等消极现象有所滋长,对人们的理想、信念和价值观产生了很大的冲击,也侵蚀了一部分党员和领导干部。在改革开放的历史洪流中,既造就了一大批建设有中国特色社会主义事业的新人,也可能淘汰一些意志薄弱者。要从战略的高度来认识在改革开放和发展社会主义市场经济的新形势下,加强全党全军的思想政治建设,防止腐朽思想文化侵蚀的重大意义。对于思想文化领域斗争的长期性和复杂性,一定要有足够的估计,始终保持应有的警惕。 该文指出,军队同社会有着千丝万缕的联系,各种社会思潮和社会风气也会不同程度地反映到军队中来。军队的风气总的说是好的,官兵的精神面貌是健康向上的,但是社会不良风气在部队中也有这样那样的表现,一些官兵已经受到了腐朽思想文化的侵蚀。中国人民解放军是人民民主专政的坚强柱石,不仅在政治上要十分坚定,始终不渝地坚持正确的政治方向,而且在思想道德方面也必须保持纯洁,成为人民群众学习的榜样。