虚拟水贸易,virtual water trade
1)virtual water trade虚拟水贸易
1.Analysis of Crop Livestock Virtual Water and Virtual Water Trade;动植物虚拟水分析及虚拟水贸易
2.,virtual water theory,virtual water trade and food secuity,virtual water strategy,eco-water footprint and quantification of virtual water.本文在对虚拟水相关概念和意义介绍的基础上,对国内外有关虚拟水问题的研究进展分虚拟水理论研究、虚拟水贸易与粮食安全、虚拟水战略、水生态足迹、虚拟水量化等5个方面进行了归纳和总结,最后探讨了未来虚拟水的研究方向,认为水资源概念的扩展、虚拟水的量化、以虚拟水概念理论制定相关政策、水生态足迹和虚拟水贸易平衡等5个方面是未来可以深入讨论的重点。
3.The concept of "virtual water trade" is introduced as an alternative means to solve the water resource scarcity and becomes a hotspot in the field of water resource research.虚拟水贸易作为一种解决水资源短缺的方式被提出,成为水资源研究领域的热点。

1.Fictitious Water Trade and Tactic Choice of Our Trade Resoure View;虚拟水贸易和我国贸易资源观的战略选择
2.Virtual Water Trade Theory and A Case Study of China’s Crop Trade;虚拟水贸易在我国农产品贸易中的实证研究
3.Input/output method for calculating the virtual water trading in Ningxia;宁夏虚拟水贸易计算的投入产出方法
4.The Role of Virtual Water Trade in Efforts to Resolve China and Global Water Crisis;虚拟水贸易在解决中国和全球水危机中的作用
5.Virtual Water Trade--the Effective Way to Realize Water Security;虚拟水贸易——实现水资源安全的有效途径
6.Application of the virtual water trade to China s grain security;虚拟水贸易在我国粮食安全问题中的应用
7.The Analysis of Tianjin's Virtual Water Trade Based on Input-output Model基于投入产出模型的天津市虚拟水贸易分析
8.Research on the Virtual Water Composition and Virtual Water Trade for Agriculture in Beijing;北京农业虚拟水结构变化及贸易研究
9.Analysis on Quantity and Contribution of Virtual Water in China s Grain Trade;中国粮食贸易中的虚拟水量与贡献分析
10.Virtual Water Resource in Cotton Trade Between China and Europe Union Since China's Entry into WTO中国进入WTO以来与欧盟棉花贸易的虚拟水资源总量研究
11.Study on the Issue of Foreign Trade and Virtual Water in China by Input-output Model中国对外贸易虚拟水问题研究——基于投入产出的分析
12.Virtual Resources: a New Visual Angle in the Development of International Trade;虚拟资源:国际贸易发展中值得关注的新视角
13.Virtual Water Trade: an Alternative for Solving Water Shortage and Ensuring Food Security in China;虚拟水交易:解决中国水资源短缺与粮食安全的一种选择
14.Water trade restriction and water resources management under free trade system;自由贸易体系下的水贸易限制与水资源管理
16.Conceiving and Building up the Virtual Capitals Exchange Platform in Internet Game;网络游戏中虚拟资产交易平台的构建
17.The Design and Implementation of Automatic Trading Platform of Virtual Goods自动虚拟物品交易平台的设计与实现
18.The World Marine Products Competitiveness and In-circle Trade Analysis;世界水产品贸易竞争力与产业内贸易分析

virtual farmland trade虚拟耕地贸易
3)regional virtual water trade区域虚拟水交易
1.Based on the special conditions of China s vast land area, obvious uneven distribution of water resources, this paper proposes promoting regional virtual water trade to improve the allocation of the water resources status.基于我国幅员辽阔,水资源分布时空不均衡性明显的特殊国情,提出推进我国区域虚拟水交易,以改善我国水资源配置的不合理现状,并分别从经济学和法学角度,论证我国实施区域虚拟水交易的可行性;在此基础上,进一步分析了区域虚拟水交易的必要性。
4)virtual trade虚拟交易
1.The construction of virtual trade platform can share resources, accelerate the circulation speed of resources, reduce business costs, and improve business efficiency.山西煤炭运销集团有限公司拥有丰富的煤炭资源和基础网络资源,完备的公路煤炭运销体系,构建虚拟交易平台可实现资源共享、加快资源流通速度、降低企业成本、提高企业效益。
5)water trade水贸易
1.Some discussions about water trade problems in China;中国水贸易战略问题初探
6)fresh water trade淡水贸易
