地下水补给,groundwater recharge
1)groundwater recharge地下水补给
1.Characteristic of variations of surface runoff and groundwater recharge in the middle Heihe River valley, northwestern Gansu, China.;甘肃西北部黑河流域中游地表径流和地下水补给变异特征
2.The urban land use types and pipeline seepage for influence on groundwater recharge were taken into account in the model.将土地利用类型和供水管道渗漏对地下水补给的影响纳入城市地下水数值模拟中,经过模型识别,实测水位与计算水位的绝对误差<0。

1.Abstract: Based on the supplying resources, ground water was considered as the primary resource to the main runoff in the freezing period.文摘:封冻期径流成分按补给来源分主要以地下水补给为主。
2.Integrated Study of Groundwater Recharge and Water Quality Distribution in Yin Chuan Plain;银川平原地下水补给及水质分布综合研究
3.Analysis of Groundwater Replenishment in the Middle Reaches of Heihe River黑河流域中游盆地地下水补给机理分析
4.Research on Flood Control Limited Water Level Regulation of Xingxingshao Reservoir and Analysis of Its Influence on the Groundwater Recharge in Downstream Area;星星哨水库提高汛限水位研究与对下游地下水补给影响分析
5.Claculation of Crop Water Consumption and Delermination of Parameters under Dificit Irrigation;水分亏缺条件下作物需水量的计算及地下水补给量的确定
6.Research on the Recharge of Groundwater Affected by Urban Expansion in Jinan City;济南市城市扩展对地下水补给的影响研究
7.Hami: A Typical Oasis Group Nourished by Ground Water in Arid Land;哈密——一个典型的地下水补给型荒漠绿洲区
8.Using chemical and microbiological indicators to track the recharge of underground rivers in a karst valley微生物与化学示踪岩溶地下水补给源和途径
9.tificial recharge人工补给;人工补给地下水;人工补水;人工灌注;回灌
10.Laboratory Study on Ground Water Change during Artificial Recharge;人工补给对地下水质影响的实验研究
11.Groundwater recharge is an important parameter in hydrogeology.地下水入渗补给量是重要的水文地质参数。
12.On the Recharge of Ground-water in Beijing by the Yongdin River through Western Hills论永定河水通过西山对北京市地下水的补给
13.Study on Infiltration Recharge of Beitang Reservoir to Groundwater;北塘水库对地下水的渗漏补给特性研究
14.Study on Rainwater Utilization and Infiltration Replenishment to Groundwater in HanDan;邯郸市雨水利用及入渗补给地下水的研究
15.Groundwater Age and Recharge Temperature in the Quantenary Aquifers in North China Plain;华北平原第四系含水层地下水年龄与补给温度
16.Artificial groundwater recharge with reclaimed water using enhanced direct injection well recharge system再生水补给地下水的新方式——组合式强化井灌
17.Recharge ability analysis to riverside well field by water conveyance canal of reservoir downstream水库输水河道对下游近河地下水源地补给能力分析
18.Article 45 Artificial recharge for ground water may not deteriorate the quality of ground water.第四十五条 人工回灌补给地下水,不得恶化地下水质。

recharge to groundwater补给地下水
3)groundwater recharge intensity地下水补给强度
4)impact of human activities地下水补给变异
5)artificial recharge of groundwater地下水人工补给
6)groundwater artificial recharge地下水人工补给
1.Aimed to the present of the groundwater level has continually descended and need recover urgently in area of well irrigation paddy in Sanjiang Plain, this paper discussed the groundwater artificial recharge methods in area of well irrigation paddy in Sanjiang Plain, combined with the internal and overseas practice of groundwater artificial recharge.针对三江平原井灌区地下水位逐渐下降、急需恢复的现状,结合国内外地下水人工补给实践,对三江平原井灌区地下水人工补给方法进行了探讨,提出了今后地下水人工补给实践的初步设想,为该区域地下水资源的可持续利用提供了参考依据。

地下水补给地下水补给recharge of groundwater d:x一ashu!buji地T水补给(reeharge of groundwater)含水层从外界获得水量补给地下水的作用过程。补给的来源有:(l)大气降水。是地下水最普遍的补给源。降水量的大小和含水层上覆地层的透水性对补给量起着重要作用。降水量大,降水过程长,包气带地层透水性好,则降水补给地下水的量也大。(2)地表水。泛指i可流、湖泊和水库等,在特定条件下补给地下水。如河水补给地下水,河道宽、河床和岸边岩石(土)透水性好,当河水位高于岸边地下水位时,便会补给地下水。(3)凝结水。在昼夜温差大的干旱区,高山区,当包气带孔隙中的水气超过饱和湿度时,凝结成液滴状重力水下渗补给地下水。(4)越流补给。在天然状态和开采状态下,两层或多层含水层间,当存在水头差时,水头高的地下水垂直或侧向越流补给水头低的含水层。(5)灌溉回归水。农田水利设施区,灌溉水有相当数量渗漏补给地下水。田间灌溉渗漏补给量取决于每亩每次的灌水量。亩次灌水量大,补给也多。(6)地下水人工补给。通过工程设施,用地表水补充地下水,以达到增加地下水资源的.目的。 (冯嘉宝)