调压井,surge shaft
1)surge shaft调压井
1.Research on selected type of lining structure for surge shaft surrounded with crush rock in hydropower station;不良围岩条件下水电站调压井衬砌结构选型研究
2.Excavation of surge shaft at Jinhe hydroelectric project and supervision of construction;金河水电站调压井开挖施工技术管理
3.Excavation of surge shaft in Xiaoshan water power station;小山电站调压井开挖施工技术

1.asymmetric double-chamber surge tank不对称式双室调压井
2.Anti-seepage Disposal of the Surge Shaft of Upper Reservoir for Jiangsu Yixing Pumped Storage Power Station江苏宜兴抽水蓄能电站上水库闸门井(兼调压井)防渗处理
3.Fast Construction Technique of Fu-tang Hydropower Station Surge Tank Project;福堂水电站调压井工程快速施工技术研究
4.Complete Numerical Analysis and Theoretical Research of Surge Tank;调压井结构全过程数值分析及理论研究
5.Dynamic Behavior of Surge Tank in Strong Ground Motion Zone and Complex Geological Condition;强震区复杂围岩条件下调压井的动力特性研究
6.Stability Analysis on Construction of Surge Shaft under Bad Geological Condition不良地质条件下调压井施工期稳定性分析
7.Design Optimization of Surge Shaft of Baoxing Hydropower Station and Study of Main Construction Technology;宝兴水电站调压井设计优化与主要施工技术研究
8.Stability Analysis of Surrounding Rock during Large Surge Shaft Excavating under Complex Geology;复杂地质条件下超大型调压井开挖围岩稳定性分析
9.The Back Analysis of the Country Rock Parameter of the Surge Shaft and the Analysis Excavate Stability;水电站调压井围岩参数反分析及开挖稳定性仿真分析
10.3D-FEM Analysis of Structure of Surge Shaft with Big Inner Diameter and Stability of Surrounding Rock;大内径调压井结构及洞室围岩稳定三维有限元分析
11.Study on Adjustment Technique of Pressure Profile of Wells Drilling in Daqing Oilfield;大庆油田调整井油层压力剖面调整技术研究
12.Reservoir Pressure Profile Adjustment Technique for Tertiary Infilling Adjustment Wells三次加密调整井油层压力剖面调整技术研究
13.balanced bottom hole pressure method井底压力平衡压井法
14.Interpretation of the Formation Pore Pressure of Adjust Well in the Peripheric Oilfield Through Logging Curve;根据测井曲线对外围油田调整井地层孔隙压力解释
15.Application of High-pressure-gas Underground Storage Wells in Urban Gas Peak-shaving高压气地下储气井在城市燃气调峰中的应用
16.High-pressure Four-quadrant Frequency System of Hiost in Flame-proof Shaft隔爆型矿井提升机高压四象限变频调速系统
17.Using Static and Dynamic Data to Predict Adjustment Well Formation Pressure动静态结合预测调整井地层压力的方法

surge tank调压井
1.The effect of riser length on non-steady water in surge tank;连接管长度对调压井非恒定流现象的影响
2.Model tests of hydraulic transients of hydropower station with a surge tank;带调压井水电站水力过渡过程试验研究
3.Influence of lateral pipe length of surge tank on surge wave and water hammer;连接管长度对调压井水位波动和水锤压力的影响
3)surge chamber调压井
1.Structural study on surge chamber in Liujiaxia Hydropower Station;刘家峡水电站扩机工程调压井结构研究
2.The stability of lining structure of Langyashan restricted cylinder surge chamber in the rock masses with steep obliquity is analysed by using three-dimensional nonlinear FEM.采用三维非线性有限元对复杂地质条件下的圆形调压井衬砌及阻抗板结构受力进行了分析。
3.The stability of Langyashan throttled surge chamber in rock mass with steep obliquity is analysed by using three-dimensional nonlinear FEM.采用三维非线性有限元弹塑性损伤力学对琅琊山地下电站的Y岔圆形调压井的洞室围岩进行了分析计算,对各种工况下的围岩稳定和支护参数的合理性进行了评述。
4)quasi-surge shaft准调压井
5)surge tank尾水调压井
1.The stability of rocks around large long corridor of surge tank is analysed and the computing method of three dimensional damage fracture and anchoring support for underground chamber are presented.通过对大型长廊阻抗式尾水调压井的洞室开挖方式和稳定特性进行分析 ,作出了大型长廊式调压井洞室岩体三维损伤的计算方法和锚固支护分析方法 ;并对长廊阻抗式调压井的衬砌结构受力特性进行了分析 ,给出了混凝土衬砌结构开裂的计算方法和结构配筋估算公式。
6)surge chamber structure调压井结构

减压井减压井relief well (relief well)降低坝(堤)下游覆盖层内的渗透水压力和坝(堤)体浸润线,以防止管涌、流土、沼泽化等以及增加堤、坝稳定的一种减压排渗设施。当下游土层表面不透水层较厚或透水坝基未用垂直防渗设施截断渗流,以及在工程运行中发生冒水、土沸、管涌时,多在下游坡脚后设置减压井(图1)。减除沉淀的泥沙。上升管和沉淀管部分的管壁是不透水的,滤水管部分在管壁上开凿小孔以进水,这段俗称花管,其开孔率一般采用15一20%,视排水量和管径而异,为防止细沙渗入管中,花管外壁需包铜丝网或塑料网。 井管有石棉水泥管、钢管、混凝土管、透水混凝土管、塑料管、木管和瓦管等。常用的为石棉水泥管和钢管。(刘鸿梓)压井有时与排渗沟联合运用。基岩 图l减压井布置 减压井系统的设计,是要确定井径、井距、出水口位置及井深,并计算相应的渗流量,井距一般为15一30米,有的还根据实际观测资料进行补井调整,井径一般不小于15厘米且不超过25一30厘米。井内渗水须从排水沟排走,或利用集水沟排出,井的出水口愈低则排水效果愈好。 减压井由井孔、井管、反滤层、井口结构和排水沟等部分组成(图2)。井管与井壁之间填反滤料,井┌──┐ ┌──┐│六r │ │… ││:乏 │ │ ││ . │ │ ││ 口│ │ ││ 冲│ │ ││ 口│ │ ││ . │ │ ││ . │ │ │└──┘ └──┘┌──┬─┬─┬─┬─┐│. │ │二│} │峪││O │ │ │ │,││口 │ │ │ │,││O │ │ │ │‘││O │ │ │ │寻││ │ │ │ │奋│└──┼─┼─┼─┴─┤ │ │ │}_ │ └─┴─┴───┘图2设置在排水沟底部的减压井孔直径视井管材料而定,一般为60一75厘米,井管上部为上升管,下部为滤水管,最下部留1一2.5米作为沉淀管,运用一定时期后,可以用压缩空气洗井,清