环境道德,environmental morality
1)environmental morality环境道德
1.The consciousness of protecting environment and environmental morality is a awareness and a morality that 21st people should have.环保意识、环境道德是21世纪人类应有的觉悟和道德。
2.The paper introduces the concepts of environmental culture and environmental morality,and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of them and their function in urban environmental management.阐述环境文化与环境道德这两个概念,并且分析其优缺点以及在城市环境管理中的作用,同时以垃圾分类收集为例,阐述了环境文化和环境道德的具体应用。
3.It points out emphatically that in order to protect the environment and actualize sustainable development, public environmental consciousness should be improved and better environmental morality and custom should be established.论述了环境意识和环境道德的内涵及其相互关系,强调广泛提高公众的环境意识、建立良好的环境道德风尚,是保护环境,实施可持续发展的根本。

1.Environmental Morality & Environmental Law;谈谈环境道德与环境法的双向趋同——环境道德的法律化与环境法的道德化
2.Research on the Construction of Interactive Method System of Environmental Moral Education in Primary School;构建小学环境道德教育互动方法体系
3.The Construction of Environmental Morality in Market Economy in China;市场经济条件下我国的环境道德建设
4.The students environment moral education of the Forest Police College;论森林公安院校学生的环境道德教育
5.Reflections on Theory and Practice of Environmental Moral Education;关于环境道德教育的理念与实践思考
6.The Present Situation and Causes of the Construction of the Environmental Morality in China;我国环境道德建设存在的问题及原因
7.Research on the Evolution of Environmental Ethics Content in High School Geography Textbook高中地理教材环境道德内容演变研究
8.How to Face the Pain of the Social Moral Environment on Moral Education at Schools学校德育如何面对社会道德环境之痛
9.Moralism is the leading factor of a safe environment.伦理道德是环境安全的带头的因素。
10.A New Study on the Education of Network Morality for Teenagers;网络环境下青少年道德教育创新研究
11.A Tentative Research on the Moral and Disciplinary Education of College Students in the Cyber Environment;网络环境下大学生道德自律教育探研
12.Systematic Analysis of Cultivation Environment of the Contemporary College Students Moral Quality;大学生道德素质培养环境的系统分析
13.Socialist Market Economy and New Ethics;社会主义市场经济与新道德环境建构
14.Environmental Ethics Education--the soul of ecological civilization;环境伦理道德教育——生态文明的灵魂
15.Improve Accounting Environment and Strengthen the Establishment of Accountants Professional Ethics;改善会计环境,加强会计职业道德建设
16.Education of Students Ideology and Morality under the Information Network Circumstances;信息网络环境下学生的思想道德教育
17.The Creating Enviornment,Kinds and Morality Content of Meishan Long Song;梅山情歌的孕育环境、种类与道德内涵
18.Environmental Analysis and Countermeasures of Enterprise s Default in Marketing Ethic;企业营销道德缺失的环境分析及对策

environment morality环境道德
1.The present article suggests that, in order to solve the negative issue and decrease its relevant price, man should educate, reinforce and promote environment morality to reach and realize the mutual sustainable development between man and its living environ.要从根本上解决或降低人类面临的类似负面影响所付出的代价,达到和实现人类与生存环境共同可持续发展的目的,人类必须从世界观、人生观和价值观的高度上,普遍培育、树立、提高环境道德才有可能。
2.A state should have clear morality criteria and the international community should also establish fundamental environment morality criteria.现代战争给人类造成的灾难性后果,越来越引起人们的广泛关注,同时也向世人提出了一个新的课题:人类如何在全球范围内加强环境道德建设。
3.Innocuous production has gradually been affirmed as a binding obligation in the aspects of enterprise ethics and environment morality.无害化生产已逐渐被确认为企业伦理和环境道德的一项基本义务 ,并日益成为人们的自觉追
3)environmental morals环境道德
1.The emergence calls for renewal of moral education contents, the education of environmental morals, global awareness, patriotism and solicitude for life.全球问题的出现要求人们更新德育内容 ,进行环境道德教育、全球意识教育、爱国主义教育和生命关怀教育。
4)environment ethics环境道德
1.The content of environment interest consists of sustainable social public order and harmonious ideas of environment ethics.环境利益的内容包括可持续发展的社会公共秩序和和谐的环境道德观念。
5)Environment Moral环境道德
1.Courteous reception to the nature:a new study of the ideology of citizens' environment moral construction“礼遇自然”:公民环境道德建设理念新论
2.The environment moral education has the very important function regarding the ecology civilization construction.环境道德教育对于生态文明建设具有至关重要的作用。
6)Moral environment道德环境
1.On controlling and optimizing the moral environment of the enterprise s management;企业经营管理道德环境的控制与优化
2.Following factors are the most important in developing morality of students: foundation of moral cultivation of freshman,social moral environment,setting of moral education in the college,moral self-cultivation level of teachers,moral impression in the students community.学生现实道德修养基础、社会道德环境、学校的道德氛围、教师的道德修养水平、学生群体内部的道德互动是影响和制约大学生道德人格发展的主要因素。
3.On the other hand, people should enhance the construction of moral environment to form a good moral atmosphere and pressure, so that we can strengthen the kind behavior motivation and weaken the evil behavior motivation, and finally promote the practice and realiz.在此情况下,我们一方面,要把慎独的领域由“独”扩展到“众人之中”;另一方面,要加强道德环境建设,以形成良好的道德氛围和道德压力,从心理上对善的行为动机起强化作用,对恶的行为动机起对弱化作用,进而促成道德主体慎独的践履和实现。

海洋自然地理环境(见自然地理环境)海洋自然地理环境(见自然地理环境)marine physical geographic environment  haiyang ziran dili huaniing海洋自然地理环境(marin。phys、calgeograPhic environment)见自然地理环境。