大坝加高,dam heightening
1)dam heightening大坝加高
1.Influence of Danjiangkou dam heightening on monitoring system and solutions;丹江口大坝加高对监测系统的影响及对策
2.Construction scheme of concrete cohesion in Danjiangkou dam heightening works;丹江口大坝加高工程新老混凝土结合施工方案
3.Heightening the Danjiangkou Dam is the largest dam heightening project.丹江口大坝加高工程是国内最大的大坝加高续建工程,初期工程建成运行至今已有30多年,表层混凝土已出现了不同程度的老化,新老混凝土结合面处理时必须将老混凝土碳化层全部进行凿除。

1.Study on Reinforcement Technology of Earth-Rock Dam of Danjiangkou丹江口大坝加高工程左岸土石坝加固技术研究
2.Treatment for Cracks in Existing Dam Body during Heightening of Danjiangkou Dam丹江口大坝加高工程中原坝体裂缝处理工艺
3.Downriver Scouring Pit Origin Analyzed in the Project of Raising the Danjiangkou Dam;丹江口大坝加高工程下游河床冲刷坑成因分析
4.Research Summary of the Key Technologies in the Heightening Project of Danjiangkou Dam丹江口大坝加高工程关键技术研究综述
5.Safety Management of the Construction and the Hydro Project Operation in the Danjiangkou Dam Heightening丹江口大坝加高工程施工与枢纽运行安全管理
6.Concrete Construction Technology at the Left Bank of the Danjiangkou Dam Heightening Project丹江口大坝加高左岸工程混凝土施工技术综述
7.Features and Technical Difficulties of the Danjiangkou Dam Heightening Project丹江口大坝加高工程的特点与技术难点
8.The Research of Danjiangkou Dam Heightening Project on the Impact of Headwork County--Xichuan丹江口大坝加高工程对渠首县淅川的影响研究
9.Cracks Treatment Construction Technology of the Danjiangkou Dam Heightening Project丹江口大坝加高初期工程裂缝处理施工工艺
10.The Heightening Reinforcement Engineering Experience for the Lower Reservoir Dam of the Baoquan Pumped Storage Power Station in Henan Province河南宝泉抽水蓄能电站下水库大坝加高加固的工程经验
11.Study on Structural Behavior and Thermal Stress of Heightening of Danjiangkou Dam on ANSYS;基于ANSYS的丹江口大坝加高结构性态及温度应力研究
12.Study on the Problem of Increasing Capacity in Danjiangkou Hydropower Station;水电站扩机必要性研究——丹江口大坝加高后的新问题
13.Analysis of Design and Operation of Power Supply System for the Danjiangkou Dam Heightening Project对丹江口大坝加高工程供电系统设计及运行的分析
14.The application of the high-pressure rotary spraying grouting cutoff wall in reinforcement of the reservoir dam高压旋喷截渗墙在水库大坝加固中的应用
15.The Application of Mortar Jetting Method in Strengthening the High Hill of Huanghe Dam喷浆法在加固黄河大坝高填土中的应用
16.Research on Technology of Increasing Dam Height on Sludge before Dam of Datankou Reservoir大滩口水库坝前淤泥面加坝技术初探
17.Anchorage of abutment near by dam toe-effective reinforcement method for high arch dam垫脚加锚-高拱坝加固增稳的高效方法
18.Application of Superior Property Steel Fiber Concrete for Strengthening a Dam高性能钢纤维混凝土在水库大坝补强加固中的应用

dam heightening and thickening大坝加高培厚
3)dam heightening works大坝加高工程
1.Rope-saw cutting to restore transverse joints before Danjiangkou dam heightening works;丹江口大坝加高工程中用绳锯切割恢复横缝施工
2.The comprehensive development planning of Danjiangkou Hydraulic Project,general layout of the first-phase project and the main hydraulic structures are described;the second-phase dam heightening works and the major social-economic benefits of Danjiangkou Hydraulic Project are described emphatically.介绍了丹江口水利枢纽的开发规划初期工程的枢纽布置及主要建筑物;重点介绍了续建计划中的大坝加高工程及水利枢纽主要的社会经济效益。
4)expansion and enhancement of the dam大坝加高扩建
5)Mangla dam raising马哥拉大坝加高
6)heightening Danjiangkou Dam丹江口大坝加高

《水库大坝安全管理条例》《水库大坝安全管理条例》regulation of dam safety administration  shuiku daba anquan guanli tiaoli《水库大坝安全管理条例》(此即lation of dam saJFetyadi元nistration)1 991年3月22日国务院发布施行。包括总则、大坝建设、大坝管理、险坝处理、罚则、附则,共6章34条。主要内容是:①该条例适用于中华人民共和国境内坝高巧米以上或者库容100万立方米以上的水库大坝(包括永久性挡水建筑物以及与其相配合运用的泻洪、输水和过船建筑物等)。②明确各级水利、能源、建设、交通、农业等有关部门是其所管辖大坝的主管部门,并规定由县级以上各级人民政府水行政主管部门会同上述有关大坝主管部门对所管辖大坝的安全实施监督。③规定各级人民政府及其大坝主管部门对其所管辖大坝的安全实行行政领导负责制。④规定由县级以上人民政府依照国家的有关规定划定大坝的管理和保护范围并树立标志。⑤规定由大坝主管部门建立大坝定期安全检查、鉴定制度,并对所管辖的大坝按期进行注册登记和建立技术档案。⑥对大坝建设所涉及的大坝安全技术标准、工程设计、施工、质量检查、验收等安全管理工作作了相应规定。⑦对大坝安全管理和工程管理的各项工作作出了具体规定。⑧对险坝的除险加固、制定垮坝的应急方案等工作作出了规定。(杨谦)