实体单元,solid element
1)solid element实体单元
1.The basic theory of the grillage of boxing section was introduced in detail and the solid element of ANSYS was used to verify the practicability,with the hope to supply useful reference on the grillage theory and application to designers.在这介绍了适用于箱型截面的梁格的基本理论,并用ANSYS实体单元验证方法的可行性,为设计人员对梁格理论的理解及应用提供了有益的参考。
2.In this paper, the strength and stiffness of Refrigeration Container and its stress distribution are analyzed in static instances by solid element with COSMOSWORKS finite element analysis software.采用COSMOSWORKS有限元分析软件 ,利用实体单元对冷藏集装箱进行静载荷工况的强度、刚度分析 ,计算出整个集装箱的载荷和应力分布 ,为箱体的设计与改进提供依
3.In this paper,the strength and stiffness of whole frames of low flat-bed semitrailer are analysed in two case,with solid element of Cosmosworks finite element analysis software.采用Cosmosworks的实体单元 ,对某型低货台半挂车车架两种载荷工况下的强度和刚度进行了分析 ,计算出整个车架的载荷和应力分布 ,找出了车架的薄弱部分。

1.Study of ANSYS modelling on the combination of 3D entity unit and plate-shell unitANSYS三维实体单元与板壳单元的组合建模研究
2.A Co-rotational Formulation for Geometrically Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Solid实体单元几何非线性CR列式有限元方法
3.8-node solid element based on the hexahedral volume coordinate method基于六面体体积坐标的新型8结点实体单元
4.Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of 3-D Structure with Solid Elements and Its Damage Identification;基于实体单元的三维结构非线性动力分析和损伤识别研究
5.Development & Application of Preprocess Program Using 3D Solid Element of Prestressed Concrete Box Girder;预应力砼箱梁三维实体单元分析前处理程序开发与应用
6.The Integrated Teaching of the Rectification Unit of the Chemical Unit Process and Its Operation: Reform and Practice《化工单元过程及操作》“精馏”单元一体化教学的改革与实践
7.To&ggle Form/Unit切换窗体/单元(&G)
8.%s, %d unit(s), %d form(s)%s, %d单元, %d窗体
9.This program includes soil element, reinforcement element, Goodman element and pile element etc.该程序包括了土体单元、筋体单元、触面单元和桩体单元。
10.one transistor memory单晶体管单元存储器
11.Experience of practicing election of star nursing unit at the grass-roots hospitals星级护理单元评选在基层医院的实践与体会
12.Research and Implementation of Cooperation Protocol of Forwarding Elements in OpenRouter Architecture;OpenRouter体系结构中转发单元协同协议的研究与实现
13.Experiments and Research on Teaching Strategy of Three Steps in the Integrative Unit in Chinese Language Teaching of Junior School;中学语文整体单元三步教学法的实验与研究
14.Experiment and Studying of Unit Physical Education Teaching Modes;对单元体育教学模式的教学效果实验与分析
15.The Practice and Discussion of Restructuring No.2 Branch Bureau under China s Metallurgical Prospecting General Bureau;冶勘二局以局为单元整体改制的实践与探讨
16.Research and implementation based on software architecture of reconfigurable routers可重构路由单元软件体系结构的研究与实现
17.Design and Realization of Audio Process Unit in Multimedia Conference多媒体会议中音频处理单元的设计与实现
18.A new solid-shell element(MSSS) for sheet forming simulation一种新的实体壳单元在板料成形中的应用

element entity单元实体
3)whole substance unit全实体单元
1.We analyze the non-linear character of the air-spring by using the non-linear FEM, and give an simulation method with whole substance unit first in China.利用非线性有限元方法,在国内第一次给出了提速客车上空气弹簧的全实体单元模拟仿真方法。
4)degenerated solid element实体退化单元
1.) cable-stayed bridge and its stress characteristics,degenerated solid element was adopted to build 3D models of cantilever casting analysis for P.)斜拉桥的结构及受力特点,提出用实体退化单元建立P。
2.Based on degenerated solid element, the threedimension stability analysis of bridge with high piers is performed.利用实体退化单元,对高墩桥梁进行了三维有限元稳定性研究。
3.Based on the traditional solid isoparametric element and shell theory, a new type of degenerated solid element was proposed, with bars modeled using the three-dimensional disperse model.)曲线桥梁极限承载能力的问题,提出采用实体退化单元的三维分析方法。
5)degenerated solid elements实体退化单元
1.For multi-objective dynamics analysis of complex bridge health monitoring,Based on t degenerated solid elements,the formula was deduced for dual modeling with whole scale and local scale.针对复杂桥梁健康监测系统中多目标的动力分析问题,基于实体退化单元,推导了整体尺度和细节尺度混合建模的计算公式。
6)solid-beam method实体-梁单元法
1.Based on matrix displacement method for arch structure and fiber element method for concrete-filled steel tube arch bridge,the solid-beam method for concrete-filled steel tube arch bridge was presented.本文结合拱结构计算的矩阵位移法[1]和钢管混凝土拱桥分析的纤维单元法[2],特提出钢管混凝土拱桥计算的实体-梁单元法。

《核材料实体保护公约》《核材料实体保护公约》The Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material  《核材料实体保护公约》(The Convention onthe Physiea1Proteetion of Nuelear Material)有关保护核材料安全的国际公约。于198。年3月3日在维也纳国际原子能机构总部和纽约联合国总部开放签字,1987年2月8日生效。截至1993年底,《公约》共有50个缔约国。 《公约》的主旨是,保护核材料在国际运输中的安全,防止未经政府批准或授权的集团或个人获取、使用或扩散核材料,并在追回和保护丢失或被盗窃的核材料,惩处或引渡被控罪犯方面加强国际合作,对《公约》范围内的罪犯建立普遍管辖权,防止核武器扩散。 《公约》由序言、正文和两个附件组成,其主要内容是:①缔约国确保在其境内的核材料或装载属于其管辖的船舶或飞机上的核材料,在国际运输中按规定的级别予以保护。②缔约国承诺不输出或输人,亦不准许他国经其陆地、内河航道、机场和海港过境运输核材料,除非取得保证该材料已按规定的级别受到保护。③在核材料被偷盗、抢劫或受到威胁时,缔约国应向任何提出请求的国家提供合作,以追回失落的核材料。④规定了犯罪定义、管辖权,对被指控罪犯的起诉和引渡程序。⑤除对国内使用、储存和运输中的民用核材料所明确作出的承诺外,《公约》不影响缔约国对此种材料的主权权力。⑥缔约国之间对公约的解释和适用发生争端时,首先应协商解决。协商无效,经争端任何一方请求,应提交仲裁或国际法院裁决。对后两种争端解决程序,公约允许保留。⑦规定了核材料的分类办法,以及相应的实体保护级别。 根据《公约》第十六条的规定,《公约》缔约国于1992年9月29日在维也纳召开《公约》审议会。会议通过的最后声明重申核材料实体保护并为此加强国际合作的重要性;认为公约是适当的,并促请尚未加人《公约》的所有国家加入《公约》。 中国于1989年l月10日向国际原子能机构总干事递交加人书,并同时声明对《公约》第十七条2款所规定的两种争端解决程序提出保留。《公约》于1989年2月9日对中国生效。(李东晖)