周边缝,peripheral joint
1)peripheral joint周边缝
1.Comparison of dambody stress before and after invalidation of peripheral joint of Baiyunjiang dam;白云江水库拱坝周边缝失效前、后坝体应力对比分析
2.Quality control on construction for sealing peripheral joints in Yinzidu hydropower station;引子渡水电站混凝土面板周边缝止水施工质量控制及问题处理
3.Study on and application of new sealing structure in the peripheral joints of Qinshan concrete facing rockfill dam;芹山面板堆石坝周边缝新型止水结构研究与应用

1.Design and Study on Peripheral Joint of Concrete Faceplate Maraine Dam;混凝土面板堆石坝周边缝的设计研究
2.Water Sealing Engineering for Surrounding Slots of Face Rockfill Dam at Qinshan Hydropower Station芹山水电站面板堆石坝周边缝止水施工
3.The Experimental Study of Modified Kessler+running Suture Method of Tendon with Single Strand;单线Kessler并连续周边缝合法修复屈肌腱的实验研究
4.reinforcing looped stitch for edges, as around a buttonhole.边上的加固性的环状缝法,如纽扣孔周围。
5.It was exquisite, silk, handmade and trimmed with a cobweb of lace.它很精致、丝质、手工缝制,周围有一圈密密的花边。
6."overedging at arm line, neck line, shoulder line and sleeve seams"锁袖边、领边、肩边及袖缝
7.An overcast stitch or seam.包边缝纫的针脚或线缝
8.I have to machine the hem.我需用缝纫机缝边.
9.(of an edge of cloth)not hemmed or finished to prevent fraying(指布的边缘)未缝摺边的,未包缝的.
10.sewn together with overhand stitches (close vertical stitches that pass over and draw the two edges together).用锁边缝线缝在一起(将横过的垂直缝线合拢并将两个边缝在一起)。
11.The machine is available to sew heavy duty luggage suitcase,seat cushion,especially for dege seaming on luggage bags.描述:本机适用于缝制厚重包袋、行李箱、帆布、可袋、座垫等,特别适用于箱包的周边作业。
12.The overlock machine combines straight and overcasting stitches and outs and sews the fabric while stitching the seams.包缝机的线迹由直线线迹和锁边线迹组成并且缝纫时边剪边缝。
13.Stitch the edges of the piping together, exactly on the fitting line准确地沿着净缝线,将缝饰带的边缝合在一起。
14.allowable offset in circumferential joints圆周焊缝的允许偏移
15.A stitch made in this manner.包缝针迹用这种针法缝的边儿
16.a stitch used in sewing hems on skirts and dresses.缝制裙子或礼服边时用的一种缝法。
17.unpick a hem, seam, etc拆去布边、 接缝处等的缝线.
18.Fold under 0.6cm (1/4 inch) of upper seam allowance and stitch close to the folded edge.上层缝份折0.6cm(1/4英寸)紧靠边缉缝。

circumferential weld周边焊缝
3)peripheral slab joints面板周边缝
1.The displacement of peripheral slab joints is small,less than 2.2%,面板周边缝位移的绝对值一般都小于2cm,周边缝的止水设计需注意选择合理的止水形式和填缝材料,由于坝址河谷狭窄,受岸坡约束,三维效应对坝体的应力变形影响较明显,为设计施工提供了参考。
4)failure of peripheral joint周边缝破坏
5)peripheral joint's displacement周边缝位移
6)all-round hemming operation四周缝边法
