座环,stay ring
1)stay ring座环
1.The optimization design of stay ring structure of the bulb tubular turbine;贯流式水轮机座环结构的优化设计
2.Refilling grouting for bottom of spiral case and stay ring of right-bank hydroturbines of TGP;三峡工程右岸机组蜗壳及座环底部回填灌浆
3.Site machining methods for stay ring of large Francis turbines;大型混流式水轮机座环现场加工方法

1.Seat ring is seal welded to eliminate leak path.阀座环通过密封焊接,消除泄漏通道。
2.Seat rings– made of solid Monel400.阀座环-采用实心蒙乃尔400材料制造。
3.Culture is the base environment of language.(Shu Dingfang, 1996).文化是语言的底座环境(束定芳,1996)。
4.Assembly and Welding of 1~# Turbine Stay Ring of Yinzidu Hydropower Station引子渡水电站1号机座环拼装及焊接
5.Disc– machined seating surface is mated to seat ring for positive shutoff.(4) 阀瓣-机加工阀座表面,配置阀座环,实现积极有效的关闭。
6.Disengage hog rings at base of seat back.断开座椅背基座上的凯帝拉克环。
7.Environmental Impact Assessment Seminar环境影响评估座谈会
8.The city is shut in by high hills on every side.这座城市四面环山。
9.Remove the pressed in relief valve seat and seat O-ring.拆卸压进去的安全阀阀座和阀座O形环。
10.The lower three provided seating for the spectators and were surrounded by magnificent arcades and80 perfectly symmetrical arches, each embellished with a statue.底下三层是观众席,环绕著巨大的环状拱廊,还有80座完全对称的拱门,座座都刻有雕像。
11.The town lies among the mountains.这座小城市处于群山环抱之中。
12.He looks all around, points out two sets.他环顾四周,指着两个座位。
13.The house fits in beautifully with its surroundings.这座房子和周围的环境非常协调。
14.East African Seminar on Development and Environment东非发展和环境问题座谈会
15.Roll the seatback cover downward and engage the hook and loop fastener.向下旋转座椅背盖,安装钩环固定器。
16.The Central Government held Symposium on Population, Resources and Environment中央召开人口、资源、环境工作座谈会
17.The house has a beautiful situation on a hill.房子座落在小山上,环境优美。
18.Colloquium on the Environment and Natural Disaster Management环境与自然灾害管理座谈会

lower ring,bottom ring座环下环
3)base-ring and frame-ring基础环/座环
4)segment of stay ring分瓣座环
5)stay ring installation座环安装
6)dummy stay ring工艺座环
1.This article describes the successful spiral case preassembly with a dummy stay ring for the manufacturing of the 550MW hydrogenerating units of Ertan Hydro Power Station.二滩水电站 5 5 0 MW水轮发电机组在制造过程中 ,采用工艺座环预装涡壳 ,这在国内尚属首例。

飞机座舱环境控制系统飞机座舱环境控制系统aircraft cabin environmental control system 要包括供气、温度、压力和湿度控制等分系统。供气系统供给座舱所需的清洁空气。气源通常是发动机压缩器引出的增压空气,分热冷两路,热空气路直接由气源引出,冷空气路经制冷装置引出。温度控制系统控制冷、热空气的混合比,平衡座舱的热载荷,达到所要求的座舱空气温度。有的飞机装有专用加温器,给座舱空气加温。压力控制系统通过改变座舱排气量使座舱压力和压力变化速度按给定要求变化。湿度控制系统对座舱空气增湿或减湿,使相对湿度适宜。(刘信厚)feili zuocang huan}ing kongzhi xitong飞机座舱环境控制系统(ai rcraft cabi“environmental control system)对飞机座舱空气温度、湿度、压力等进行控制,使舱内环境适合乘员生理要求的整套装置。又称座舱空气调节系统。在现代飞机上,它主