1.Influence of Biomass Burning in South Asia on Lower Tropospheric Ozone Concentration over Kunming;南亚地区生物体燃烧对昆明地区对流层中下层臭氧浓度的影响
2.Countermeasure and Situation of Formaldehyde Pollution of Indoor Air in Kunming;昆明室内空气甲醛污染状况与防治措施
3.Study on Metrological Model of Economic Increase and Environmental Pollution in Kunming;昆明市经济增长与环境污染的计量模型研究

1.Well, Kunming, I suppose.嗯,我想是昆明吧。
2.Your brother says that compared to the one in Kunming-"你哥哥说比昆明--”
3.Viewing the Three Cultural Concentric Circles of Kunming in Qing and Ming Dynasty from the Names of the Places in Suburb Areas of Kunming;从昆明城郊地名看明清昆明三大文化同心圆
4.kunming is a beautiful place,昆明是个美丽的地方。
5.Which be the kunming express ?哪一列是去昆明的快车?
6.but you get to Kunming early in the afternoon.但你下午到达昆明也早。
7.I told them that I had been to Kunming .我告诉他们我去过昆明
8.'99 Kunming International Horticultural Exposition99昆明国际园艺博览会
9.The Stone Forestis situated on the southeast of Kunming and about 86 kilometers away. from Kunming It takes only about 90 minutes to get there by car.石林位于昆明东南方,距昆明约86公里,驱车前往只需90分钟左右。
10.Due to heavy interference( static) Contact Kun Ming with difficulty.因严重干扰(电干扰)昆明联系困难。
11.Every year migratory birds fly to Kunming in batches to survive the winter.每年有成批的候鸟飞到 昆明来越冬.
12.This winter holiday, I went to Kunming with my family.译文:这个寒假,我和我的家人去了昆明
13.Well, I'll fly to Kunming to join a Trade Fair.哦,我要去昆明参加一个展销会,
14.Is there a nonstop flight to Kunming on Saturday?星期六有直达昆明的航班吗?
15.Which platform for Kunming, please ?去昆明的火车在哪个站台?
16.This one is. it 's the 23:59 through express for Kunming .这一列是。 这是23点59分去昆明的直快。
17.At what time is the train from kunming due in?从昆明来的车按规定几点钟到站?
18.If unable to contact Kun Ming Control, revert to this frequency.如不能联系昆明管制,回到这个频率。

Kunming city昆明
1.Countermeasures of water resources for the development of Kunming city;解决昆明城市建设中水资源问题的对策
2.Investigation on the Resources of Chrysanthemum in Kunming City;昆明市区菊花资源调查研究
3.Summary on Investigations about Yi-Bai Zu Tuanjie Country of Xishan District in Kunming City;昆明西山区团结彝族白族乡调查的报告
3)Wenming Jie昆明文明街
1.Review of the Management System of Historic District Preservation in Wenming Jie, Kunming;昆明文明街历史街区保护更新规划管理反思
1.Ecological Environmental Management on Villages Inside the Urban Area of Kunming;昆明市“城中村”生态环境管理对策研究
2.Investigation and Analysis on Present Situation of Municipal Sewage Plant in Kunming;昆明市城市污水处理厂现状调查和分析
3.Present Situation and Trend Analysis of Water Quality of Main Drinking Water Supply Sources in Kunming;昆明市主要供水水源地水质现状及其趋势分析
5)Kunming city昆明市
1.Investigation and Analysis on Bamboo Tourist Commodity in Main Scenic Spots of Kunming City;昆明市主要景区竹制旅游商品调查与分析
2.Reasonably constructing water supply source system to guarantee sustainable development of economic society of Kunming City;合理构建供水水源系统保障现代新昆明市经济社会可持续发展
3.Practice and Thinking of Traffic Harnessing in Kunming City;昆明市交通整治实践与思考
6)Kunming Lake昆明湖
1.Water quality changes of Kunming Lake and pollution control methods;昆明湖水质变化分析及污染控制对策
2.Research on the Hydrophytes Landscape of Kunming Lake in the Summer Palace, Beijing;颐和园昆明湖水生植物景观的研究
3.In this paper, with the research of Jade Ribbon Bridge Poetic Painting of Qing Dynasty, the origin of the painting and the direction of the"Jade Ribbon Bridge"in the painting are defined, the differences between the "Jade Ribbon Bridges"of Hangzhou and Beijing are analyzed, and the creation thought and cultural background of the Jade Ribbon Bridge in Kunming Lake are sorted out.围绕对清代宫廷绘画"玉带桥诗意图"的考证,明确了绘画来历以及卷中"玉带桥"的指向,辨析了杭州北京两地"玉带桥"的不同,疏理了昆明湖玉带桥的创作脉络和文化背景。

昆明昆明Kunming  年(1276)设昆明县,属中庆路,为云南行省治。明清为云南府治。1928年析县设市,1953年撤县人市。 昆明地处云南高原中部,金沙江、南盘江和元江的分水岭地带。地势北高南低,海拔1 500~2 800米。最高点在禄劝县东北部轿子山北段马鬃岭,海拔4 247米。最低点在禄劝县境内普渡河与金沙江汇合处,海拔746米。东北有金马山,西北有玉案山,西南有滇池。城区北部有螺峰山(园通山)、五华山。市中心区海拔1 891米。五华山高出城区地面50余米,能俯瞰全城。盘龙江自北而南穿越城区,注人滇池。滇池系断层陷落而成,是中国第六大淡水湖,有金汁河、宝象河、永畅河等20多条河水注人。池水由海口西流,折向北,经峻螂少11、普渡河汇人金沙江。水面海拔在1 887.5米时,面积约298平方千米,平均水深4.4米,最大水深10.4米,蓄水量15亿立方米。滇池西岸有西山(又名碧鸡山),由高晓、华亭、太华、太平、罗汉诸峰组成。太华最高,高出滇池水面470米。 属亚热带大陆性气候。年平均气温巧℃,l月平均气温7.7℃,7月平均气温19.8℃,年平均降水量1 094.1毫米,80%的雨量集中在5一10月。日照较长,霜日47一81天。凌晨和中午温差可达10℃左右。晴雨之间温差也较明显。有“四季如春,稍阴如秋,一雨成冬”之说。 昆明是鱼米之乡,农作物以水稻、小麦、玉米为主。矿藏有煤、铁、磷(昆明磷矿为中国最大的磷矿)、铜、铝矾土等。拥有冶金、机械、仪表、化工、纺织等工业。昆明为中国西南地区主要交通枢纽之一。铁路有贵阳一昆明、成都一昆明、昆明一河口三条干线在此交会。昆明一玉溪铁路通车,昆明一南宁铁路在建设中。公路有昆明一碗叮、昆明一打洛、昆明一贵阳、昆明一攀枝花、昆明一那发、昆明一河口等干线通往省内外。民航通北京、上海、西安、成都、长沙、广州、南宁、贵阳、海口、香港、仰光、曼谷、新加坡、吉隆坡等地。昆明山明水秀,风景优美,有“春城”之美称。西山、滇池、大观楼、路南石林等名胜蜚声中外,是著名的旅游胜地。 历史上,昆明一带曾发生过忽必烈灭大理之战、明军攻取云南之战、清平定三藩之乱的战争等。1915年12月25日,蔡愕等人在昆明宣布云南独立,发起了护国战争,反对袁世凯称帝,为中国近代史写下光辉的一页。(杨宗平)Kunming昆明(K unming)中国西南地区军事重镇,历史文化名城,云南省省会。位于云南省中部。