重力式挡墙,gravity retaining wall
1)gravity retaining wall重力式挡墙
1.Based on gravity retaining wall s three failure models including slippage model,overturning model and bearing capacity model,the method of reliability and sensitivity analysis for gravity retaining wall was proposed,and the corresponding program was presented through matlab.基于挡墙的抗滑移、抗倾覆和地基承载力3个失效模式,提出了重力式挡墙可靠度和敏感度方法,并用matlab编制了相应计算程序,排序分析了3个失效模式下随机变量对重力式挡墙可靠度的敏感度。
2.Research purposes:This paper sums up the different types of the gravity retaining walls in the design and construction,theoretically analyzes and calculates their characteristics,and concludes the method of lectotype and the principle of arrangement for gravity retaining wall for the purpose of providing references to design,construction of it and to compiling standard drawings.研究目的:本文总结重力式挡墙在设计和施工中的不同形式,对比其特点,进行理论分析和计算,归纳出墙型的选择方法和布置原则,供设计、施工及标准图的编制参考。
3.Combined with one practical works,from three aspects: geology, construction and design reasons caused the partial collapse and spallation inside of gravity retaining wall are analyzed,at the same time corresponding treatment scheme is proposed.结合广州开发区某工程实例,从地质、施工、设计三方面分析了重力式挡墙内墙肢局部坍塌剥离的原因,提出了加固处理的方案,指出在设计时应注意水泥的选择及水泥掺入量,在施工质量控制方面应注意单桩成桩的质量和增加重力式挡墙的整体性,以提高基坑的稳定性。

1.The Effect of the Shape of Gravity Retaining Wall on Its Stability in Slope Reinforcement边坡重力式挡墙加固中挡墙型态对自身稳定性的影响
2.Research on Calculating Methods of Earth Pressure on Gravity Retaining Wall with Cohesive Backfill;粘性填土重力式挡墙土压力计算方法研究
3.Abstract: Gravity retaining wall used for landslidecontrol is wastful in materials exactly,for its quantity of masonry is too much.文摘:用于治理滑坡的重力式挡墙,由于其圬工量太大,材料确有浪费。
4.An Applied Research on Two-way Soil Nailing Support in Gravity Retaining Wall Design双向土钉锚喷技术在重力式挡墙设计中的应用研究
5.Construction and Excavation of Cement Deep Mixing of Gravity Retaining Wall in Foundation Pit Support Structure基坑围护结构深层水泥搅拌桩重力式挡墙施工与开挖
6.Collective drawings for gravity retaining wal重力式挡土墙通用图集
7.The conclusion is that using gravity retaining wall alone will be comparatively uneconomical.单纯采用重力式挡土墙是不经济的。
8.Research of Application of Cement Treated Gravity Retaining Wall;水泥搅拌桩重力式挡土墙的应用研究
9.Optimization of anti-slide retaining wall with pattern search method重力式抗滑挡墙最优截面的模式搜索法
10.Calculation of soil-presure and water-presure on steady weight retaining wall;关于衡重式挡土墙的土压力与水压力计算
11.Study of Seismic Active Earth Pressure Acted on Gravity Wall in Backfill Sand回填砂土重力式挡土墙地震动土压力研究
12.Analysis and Calculation on Reliability of Gravity Retaining Wall of Railway Subgrade;铁路路基重力式挡土墙可靠度分析与计算
13.Study on the Design and the Stability Analysis for Bulkhead of Gravity Type Wharf;重力式码头前沿挡土墙设计及稳定性分析研究
14.Study on Reliability Analysis and Discussion of the Anti-slide Tenon of Gravity Retaining Wall;重力式挡土墙可靠度分析及防滑设计探讨
15.Study on the Design of the Side Slope and Gravity Retaining Wall in the Coal Mine of Fujian Province福建煤矿边坡与重力式挡土墙设计探析
16.Research on Anti-Sliding Design of Gravity Retaining Wall Wharf with Pipe Pile Foundation管桩基础的重力式码头挡墙抗滑移计算方法
17.Some suggestions were proposed to the calculation of earth pressure in gravity retaining wall design.对重力式挡土墙设计中土压力的计算具有一定参考价值。
18.Study on the Aseismic Dynamic Reliability Analysis and Design Based on the Displacement Method for the Gravity Type Earth-retaining Wall;重力式挡土墙抗震动力可靠度分析与基于位移法的抗震设计研究

gravity retaining wall挡土墙;重力式挡土墙
3)gravity retaining wall重力式挡土墙
1.Discussion on calculating method of gravity retaining wall design;重力式挡土墙设计计算方法探讨
2.Stability checking calculation of gravity retaining wall;重力式挡土墙的稳定性验算
3.Analysis of reliability of structural systems for stability of gravity retaining walls;重力式挡土墙稳定性的结构体系可靠度分析
4)anti-slide retaining wall重力式抗滑挡墙
1.Optimization of anti-slide retaining wall with pattern search method重力式抗滑挡墙最优截面的模式搜索法
5)gravity-type retaining wall with straight wall back直立墙背重力式挡土墙
6)gravity retaining wall重力挡土墙

重力式挡土墙重力式挡土墙gravity retaining wall  建筑中,由于设置闸门或水流等条件限制,挡土墙墙面常需做成铅直面,故多采用俯斜式(图1)。 挡土墙常用砌石或混凝土建造。为了改善基底压力状态,常将基础宽度适当扩大,两端向外伸出,使基底压力减小并力求分布接近均匀。重力式挡土墙可就地取材,施工简单。由于其体积和重量较大,建筑高度往往受地基容许承载力的限制,即使地基承载力允许,过高将耗费较多材料,也不经济,故常在挡土高度5一6米以下时采用。当墙高超过5一6米时,常将墙身局部挖空代之以填土,也可做成有减压台的衡重式挡土墙(图2)或半重力式挡土墙,借以节约材料。衡重式挡土墙由直墙、减压台与底脚3部分组成,其特点是利用减压台支承上部填土,以减小减压台以下墙背所受的土压力,有助于挡土墙的稳定,同时使基底压力分布均匀。半重力式挡土墙是将重力式墙身断面缩小,基底放宽,既减小基底压力,也节省混凝土,减压台底脚图2衡重式档土墙而在局部拉应力较大处配置少量钢筋。重力式挡土墙墙后及墙身常需设置排水设备,并每隔一定距离设伸缩沉陷缝。如有防渗要求,缝内应设止水。 (陈德亮)zhonglishi da重力式挡土竖u吧ng徊LgraVILy fetalnlllg Wall)主要依靠自重维持稳定的挡土结构。是挡土墙最常用的型式之一。一般做成简单的梯形断面。根据墙背的坡度,重力式挡土墙分为仰斜、垂直及俯斜3种型式。挖方处的挡土墙,一般作成仰斜式,施工方便,土压力较小,墙身截面比较经济;填方处的挡土墙,墙背需回填土,常采用俯图l斜式和垂直式,使填土易于夯实。重力式挡土墙在水闸等一些水工