基坑降水,foundation pit dewatering
1)foundation pit dewatering基坑降水
1.Several noticeable problems and solutions in the foundation pit dewatering;基坑降水中常见问题的分析及处理
2.The influences of the foundation pit dewatering of pump station of Niangzi Pass on Wulong spring and Shibanmo spring;某水源泵站基坑降水对五龙泉、石板磨泉的影响
3.By the calculation of influence of foundation pit dewatering and support structure deformation on the adjacent existing building,water-sealed curtain and recharge technology are not adopted which satisfies the settlement of the adjacent existing building in the permission scope,guarantees the use security of the adjacent existing building,reduces the construction difficulty,saves the massive fund.通过对基坑降水和支护结构变形对邻近建筑物的沉降影响的计算,没有采取止水帷幕和回灌技术,满足了邻近建筑物的沉降在允许的范围内,保证了邻近建筑物的使用安全,减少了施工作业的难度,节约了大量资金。

1.Building Settlements Induced by Dewatering in Deep Foundation Pit深基坑降水对周围建筑物沉降的影响
2.Numerical Simulation for Ground Settlement Induced by Foundation Pit Dewatering基坑降水引起地表沉降过程数值模拟
3.Effect of dewatering of foundation pits on soil heave基坑降水对坑底土体回弹影响的试验研究
4.Application of Visual Modflow to Dewatering Design of Foundation PitVisual Modflow在基坑降水设计中的应用
5.Dewatering Technology for Super Large and Deep Foundation Pit in Downtown Area闹市区超大、超深基坑降水施工技术
6.Application of Dewatering Technologies in Deep Foundation Pit Construction of Fanhu Station of Wuhan Metro武汉地铁范湖站深基坑降水技术应用
7.Finite Difference Numeric Simulation of Ground Settlement Induced by Dewatering of Foundation Pit;基坑降水引起地面沉降的有限差分数值模拟
8.The Influence of Dewatering of Nearby Foundation Pit on the Settlement of Sofia Church;邻近基坑降水对索菲亚教堂地面沉降的影响
10.The Quantitative Study on Influence of Pensile Curtain on Dewatering of Excavation;悬挂式止水帷幕对基坑降水影响的定量研究
11.Optimization Method and Application Research of Hydraulic Foundation Ditch Precipitation Well Cluster;水利基坑降水井群的优化方法和应用研究
12.Waterproof and Shutoff for Closing of Pressured Dewatering Well Located in Foundation Pit基坑内承压降水井封井的防水与封堵
13.Precipitation in the Water Tube of Deep Foundation Construction管井降水在水中深基坑施工中的应用
14.Application of FLAC~(3D) to Analyse Impact of Dewatering Engineering to Peep Pit Soil Resilience工程降水对深基坑坑底回弹影响的FLAC~(3D)分析
15.Influence of Dewatering of Confined Aquifers on Land Subsidence During Deep Excavation深基坑承压含水层降水对地面沉降的影响
16.Random Analysis of Pumping Water in Soft Soil Two-layer Structure Deep Foundation Pit;软土二元结构深基坑抽降水随机分析
17.Big Mouth Well Point Precipitation Construction Method城市深基坑大口井井点降水施工工法
18.Application of Well Point Dewatering in Deep Foundation Excavation of Metro井点降水在地铁深基坑施工中的应用

dewatering of foundation pit基坑降水
1.In the designing of foundation pit dewatering of disturbed group wells,to check the drawdown of water level is a key step whether reach the requirement of design or not,it relates to the rationality of the arrangement and the quantity of dewatering well and affects whether the dewatering of foundation pit will succeed or not.干扰群井基坑降水设计中,对基坑内水位降深的复核是关键的一步,它关系到降水井布置的合理性、影响到降水井的数量及基坑降水的成败,该文针对基坑内地下水位复核公式中相关参数的选取进行了分析,探讨了具体参数取值的合理性问题,认为相关参数的选取应该考虑到抽水井的影响半径,公式中的基坑涌水量应该为抽水井影响半径范围内所有抽水井的出水量,分析了参数的使用条件,并结合实际情况提出了改进建议,新参数的取值方法更符合实际情况。
2.Using groundwater recharge system,it can reduce the influence on surrounding environment induced by dewatering of foundation pit in the project.本工程应用地下水回灌系统来消除基坑降水对周围环境的影响,对回灌的设计作了介绍,并对沉降观测资料进行了分析。
3.In order to guarantee safety of fund ation pit construction and nearby building,a nd to prevent ground subside caused b y dewatering of foundation pit,in th e construction.为保证基坑施工及临近建筑物的安全,避免基坑降水造成砂土流失而引起的地面沉降问题,在降水井的施工中,根据含水介质的颗粒级配选择相应规格的过滤砂作为过滤层填料,并保证过滤层具有一定的厚度,使降水时的含砂量控制在1/10万以下;采用非稳定流控制水位跟踪作业降水法,尽量减少基坑降水的影响范围,取得了良好的预期效果。
1.Classification of seepage failures and opinion to formula for check bursting instability in dewatering基坑降水中渗流破坏归类及抗突涌验算公式评价
2.In the paper , based on two-dimensional unsteady full penetrating well flowtheory , a finite element computing program is presented by applying Galerkin finiteelement method and numeric simulation of dewatering in unconfined aquifer duringits unsteady process is made .在此基础上,考虑降水过程中由于水位线的变化而导致场地的应力场与渗流场的相互影响,应用土力学基本原理和地下水运动方程建立应力场与渗流场耦合的基坑降水计算模型,并对此过程进行了数值模拟。
4)pit dewatering基坑降水
1.Based on the saturated-unsaturated seepage theory and the relationship between conductivity and matric suction, the dynamic change of the unsteady seepage field was time-spatially discretized and inducted into the strain-stress analysis of the pit dewatering.基于饱和-非饱和土体渗流理论,以及土体渗透系数与基质吸力之间的相互联系,将基坑非稳态渗流场的动态变化在时间和空间上进行离散,分别引入到基坑降水的应力应变分析中。
2.Specially as a result of the ground water influence, pit dewatering becomes the auxiliary project must be implemented in the deep-pit excavation process .特别是由于地下水的影响,基坑降水成为深基坑开挖过程中必须实施的辅助工程。
5)deep foundation pit dewatering深基坑降水
1.Numerical simulation based on the three dimensional full coupling model between deep foundation pit dewatering and land-subsidence;深基坑降水与地面沉降变形三维全耦合模型及其数值模拟
2.Three dimensional coupled numerical model between deep foundation pit dewatering and land-subsidence;深基坑降水与地面沉降变形三维耦合数值模拟
3.The optimal designing theory of deep foundation pit dewatering for controlling land subsidence was discussed in loose sediment with great thickness and complex characteristics.目的探讨复杂巨厚松散沉积层以控制地面沉降为目标的最优化深基坑降水设计理论。
6)dewatering of deep foundation pit深基坑降水
1.Practice shows FLAC~(3D) has practical significance in calculating dewatering of deep foundation pit as well as ground subsidence it s caused.简要介绍了FLAC3D软件分析流固耦合问题的原理及其使用方法,并以武汉地区某深基坑降水工程为例,对其降水过程进行了三维流固耦合计算,得出在深基坑降水及其引起的地面沉降计算中,运用FLAC3D软件具有重要的现实意义。

基坑施工降水基坑施工降水lowering of water level in foundation pit  1 ikeng shigong iiongshui墓坑施工降水(lowering of wate:level infoundation pit)开挖基坑时,为防止地下水的渗入,确保基坑边坡的稳定,创造干燥和安全的施工环境,所采取的人工降低地下水位的措施。人工降低地下水位的主要目的是阻截土中潜流和降低自然水位。由于改变了地下水流方向,减少了对基坑的渗流破坏,从而保证了边坡的稳定,防止坑底隆起和产生流沙.根据土层渗水情况和所需降水深度,基坑降水可采用明渠法、井点法、管井法和辐射井法。 明渠法沿基坑挖出明渠,将水汇集到集水井内,再用序斗或泵等设备将水排出。在沙土中,明渠内可以填入沙砾建成盲沟,以防沙土淤塞沟渠。明渠法降水深度较浅,适用于沙土和粘性土中降水。如果沿荃坑坑壁分段设置明渠,则可以增大降水深度。 井点法用锤击、冲孔或钻孔方法沿墓坑周边作出深达含水层的孔洞,将配有滤水管头的井点管沉入含水层内或用射水法将带有球阀的井点管直接沉入含水层内。井点管与集水管道、抽水设备连接起来,组成井点系统。井点用水泵抽水时称为轻型井点,用真空泵抽水时称为真空井点,借助空气或高速水流的向上高速流动将水抽出时称为喷射井点。井点法适用于诊透一系数为。.05~lom/d的粘土和亚粘土.渗透系数为0.001~0.05m/d的粘土和亚粘土可采用电渗井点法降水。电渗井点法是以擂入土中的井点管作阴极,以插入土中的钢筋棒或铝棒作阳极,通过直流电后,由于直流电场作用,土中水分从阳极流向阴极,再从阴极井点笋一笋终匆…_