1.Characteristic of medical support and health care for Shenzhou - 5 and Shenzhou - 6 astronauts at main landing site;“神舟”五号和六号航天员医疗保障的特点及其救护对策研究
2.Measure on medicial care and rescue for the first Chinese astronaut during manned space flight;对我国首次载人航天航天员医疗保障及救护措施的探讨
3.Path planning for astronaut translation by means of continuous handrails during extravehicular activity;舱外活动中航天员利用扶手移动的路径规划

1.waste management system航天员废物处理系统
2.The boys made believe (that) they were astronauts.男孩儿们假扮成航天员.
3.The three astronauts are scheduled to blast off(to be blasted off)on Wednesday.三个航天员定于星期三出航。
4.Application of OpenGL in Simulation of Extra Vehicular ActivityOpenGL在航天员舱外活动仿真中的应用
5.water supply and management system航天员供水和水处理系统
6.The 60-year-old cosmonaut said upon returning,这位六十岁的航天员归来时表示:
7.She taught for many before she became an astronaut.他在成为航天员前教了很多年的书。
8.Problems and Countermeasures of Emergency Medical Support for Manned Aerospace Flights at Sea航天员海上应急卫勤保障问题与对策
9.AASC ()Aerospace Applications Studies Committee航天应用研究委员会
10.Inter-American Committee for Space Research美洲航天研究委员会
11.Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel NASA航天安全咨询委员会
12.Action Committee for European Aerospace欧洲航天行动委员会
13.Soviet cosmonauts had very little control over their spacecraft.苏联宇航员则不能控制他们的航天器。
14.IAMAW (International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers)国际机械师和航空航天工作人员协会
15.The shuttle Endeavour will be taking the astronauts to the Hubble.“奋进”号航天飞机将把宇航员送上哈勃。
16.The astronauts had removed all air pressure from the spacecraft.两名宇航员已从航天器中排掉了全部气压。
17.SUPARCO (Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Committee)航天空间与大气上层研究委员会
18.On the Knowledge-model Employee s Satisfaction of China Aerospace Science and Technology Organization;航天科技组织知识型员工满意度研究

1.Objective To establish the procedures and contents of psychological selection of astronauts basing on studies of distinctions of psychological qualities of different sexes in different positions.目的探索不同岗位、不同性别航天员所需心理品质的差异,进而确定不同岗位航天员心理选拔的项目和内容。
2.They will bring key effects on astronauts′ posture and working efficiency.航天发射和返回过程中的高G值以及在轨道飞行中的微重力均是航天员不可避免的环境因素 ,相应的工作姿势与地面状态有较大的区别。
3.Objective To examine and evaluate the vestibular function of Chinese astronaut candidates in order to select the astronauts with good vestibular function.目的检查、评价航天员候选人的前庭功能 ,选拔出前庭功能良好的航天员
3)cosmonauts' living quarters航天员舱
4)cosmonaut system航天员系统
1.Through the application in cosmonaut system by combining qualitative estimate and quantitative calculate in the complexity system, the analytic hierarchy process is more useful to deal with multi object question.在航天员系统中将一个复杂系统用定性判断和定量计算有效结合 ,最后得出层次分析法对多目标评价决策更为适用的结
5)astronaut training航天员训练

航天员  驾驶、维修和管理航天器并在航天过程中从事科研、生产和军事等活动的人员,又称宇航员。空间环境严酷,航天器上升和返回阶段的过载高达10g左右,轨道运行期间处于失重环境,加之执行的任务艰巨,因此航天员必须经过专门的航天训练。美国首批航天员的选拔与训练始于1959年,苏联则始于1960年。在载人航天活动初期,美国和苏联均从经验丰富的军用飞机驾驶员和试飞员中选拔航天员,后来由于需要专业人员直接执行科研试验任务,遂把选拔范围扩大到科学家、医生和工程师。航天飞机的出现改善了航天环境,上升和返回阶段的过载降到3g以下,为更广泛的人员上天活动,甚至太空旅游开辟了新的前景。世界上有两个主要的航天员训练基地,一个是美国约翰逊航天中心,另一个是苏联加加林航天员训练中心。从 1961年苏联航天员Ю.А.加加林上天到1984年10月底,全世界上天的航天员人数已达到 151名,其中女航天员5名。