1.A Novel Method for Detecting Masses in Mammograms Based on Logic Filter;基于逻辑滤波器的乳腺X光片中肿块检测方法
2.A Method for Detection Mass in Mammograms Based on Multi-resolution Image Pyramids;基于多分辨率图像锥的乳腺X光片肿块检测方法研究
3.To solve the pvoblem that the masses on the mammograms exhibit poor contrast to the background and have the fuzzy boundaries,the paper presents a method to enhance the image by wavelet transform and histogram equalization theory firstly,and extract four features of every pixel.针对乳腺X光片中肿块与背景的对比度较低,边界不清晰等问题,提出了利用小波变换与直方图均衡化结合的方法来增强图像,使肿块部分更加突出。

1.A Method for Detection Mass in Mammograms Based on Multi-resolution Image Pyramids;基于多分辨率图像锥的乳腺X光片肿块检测方法研究
2.SVM-based Computer-aided Diagnosis Model in Digitized Mammogram基于SVM的乳腺癌X光照片计算机辅助诊断模型
3.Application of x-ray mammography tablets in breast cancer diagnosis浅谈乳腺钼靶X线片在乳腺癌诊断中的应用
4.An x - ray image of the breast produced by mammography.乳房X线照片用乳房X线测定法拍成的X光照片
5.Analysis of the Misdiagnosis Cases Csused by MO/Rh Mammography乳腺钼铑双靶X线摄片误诊病例分析
6.Study on the relation of exposure factors and mammary typing,thickness of digital mammography数字乳腺X线摄影曝光条件与乳腺分型和乳腺厚度的关系探讨
7.Non-rigid Mammogram Registration Based on Improved Demons Algorithm基于改进Demons算法的乳腺X线摄片非刚性配准
8.Study on Microcalcifications Detecting Technique in Mammograms;乳腺X光影像中微钙化点检测技术的研究
9.radiography that uses X-rays to produce a roentgenogram.利用x光制作x光相片。
10.Research on Computer-Aided Detection Methods of Breast Mass Based on Mammography基于乳腺X线摄片的计算机辅助检测肿块方法研究
11.The Enhancement of Molybdenum Target X-ray Image Based on Wavelet Transform and the Second Generation Curvelet Transform基于小波变换和二代曲波变换的乳腺钼靶X片图像增强
12.Fast Locating Regions of Interest in Mammograms Using Multi-scale Cascade Assembled Classifier采用多尺度多级组合分类器快速定位乳腺X片中的感兴趣区域
13.Comparative Study of the Diagnostic Ability with Soft and Hard Copy Reading on Mammography with Low Contrast乳腺X线摄影软、硬拷贝读片方式对低比度背景下小乳腺癌诊断效能的比较研究
14.The diagnostic significance of sonography and mammography in nonpalpable breast lesions: a report of 87 cases乳腺超声和钼靶X线摄片对触诊阴性乳腺病灶的诊断价值分析(附87例报告)
15.roentgen films,sensitized but not exposed未曝光X光感光胶片
16.Evaluation of breast cancer signs with digital mammography数字化乳腺X线摄影评价乳腺癌诊断征象
17.The x ray show a fractured ankle.X 光片显示足踝骨折。
18.I'm going to hospital for an X-rays.我去医院照x光片。

Mammary X-ray Machine乳腺X光机
1.Such as Mammary X-ray Machine, CR, DR, MRT, PET, EIT, Heat Imaging, Ultrasonic and etc.指出近10年来乳腺影像学的发展很快,如乳腺X光机、CR、DR、MRT、PET、EIT、热成像、超声等设备。
1.In mammography processing,the extraction of region of interest is one of the most difficult problem.方法:首先对感兴趣区域的多种特征进行了分析,然后提出一种基于神经网络新训练算法的乳腺钼靶x片感兴趣区域的自动提取方法。
1.Research on Computer-Aided Detection Methods of Breast Mass Based on Mammography基于乳腺X线摄片的计算机辅助检测肿块方法研究
1.This paper joined the SVM classifier with rough sets theory which called the improved SVM(ISVM) to classify digital mammography.将两者相结合提出一种改进的SVM分类算法ISVM,并将其应用于乳腺X光图像分类。

氨酚伪麻片(日片)与氨苯伪麻片(夜片)药物名称:氨酚伪麻片(日片)与氨苯伪麻片(夜片)英文名:Compound paracetamol Combination Tablets汉语拼音:主要成分:日服片:对乙酰氨基酚、盐酸伪麻黄碱;夜服片:对乙酰氨基酚、盐酸伪麻黄碱、盐酸苯海拉明。性状:日服片为白色,夜服片为蓝色。药理作用:动物试验表明本品具有解热、镇痛、镇静作用,另可降低鼻气道阻力及粘膜血管的通透性。药代动力学:适应症:用于治疗感冒引起的发热、头痛、四肢疼痛、鼻塞、流涕、喷嚏等症状。用法与用量: 白天服日服片,每日二次(8小时一次),每次1~2片。 晚上睡前服用夜服片,一日一次,每次1片。不良反应:偶见。为轻度口干、口苦、上腹不适、困倦、多汗等。禁忌症:对(包括日服片和夜服片)组分过敏者禁用。注意事项: 1.每日不超过8片,疗程不超过7天。超量服用可产生头晕、失眠、神经质等症状。 2.心脏病、高血压、甲亢、糖尿病、青光眼、肺气肿等呼吸困难、前列腺肥大伴排尿困难者不宜服用。 3.避免与降压药或抗抑郁药同时服用,服药期间避免饮酒。 4.孕妇、哺乳期妇女使用前应咨询医生。 5.服用本品若症状未改善或伴高热,应及时停药。 6.对麻黄碱药理作用敏感者及老年人慎用。12岁以下儿童不宜服用。 7.夜用片服药期间可引起头晕、嗜睡,故不宜驾车、高空作业及操纵机器。规格:每片含 日服片 夜服片 对乙酰氨基酚 0.325g 0.5g 盐酸伪麻黄碱 30mg 30mg 盐酸苯海拉明贮藏:遮光,密闭保存。有效期:暂定二年。处方药:是