2)skin disease prevention and treatment institute皮肤病防治研究所
3)skin disease皮肤病
1.The application of realgar in therapy of skin diseases(a review);雄黄在皮肤病治疗中的应用
2.Retrospective analysis of 88 dead inpatients with skin disease;住院皮肤病患者88例死亡原因回顾性分析
3.Investigation of the skin diseases from the disaster area抗震救灾前线皮肤病发病情况调查

1.Blotchy skin is a symptom of many skin diseases.皮肤上出现污斑是许多皮肤病的症状。
2.a skin disease characterized by large thin-walled blisters (bullae) arising from normal skin or mucous membrane.一种皮肤病在皮肤上长出水泡。
3.A skin disease, especially one that is not accompanied by inflammation.皮肤炎一种皮肤病,尤指那种不会伴有炎症的皮肤病
4.International League of Dermatological Societies国际皮肤病学协会联盟
5.Some skin diseases are difficult to treat有些皮肤病很难治疗。
6.He is a specialist in skin diseases.他是皮肤病的专家。
7.International Society of Tropical Dermatology国际热带皮肤病学会
8.China Journal of Leprosy and Skin Diseases中国麻风皮肤病杂志
9.MicroRNAs and Chronic Inflammatory Skin DisordersMicroRNAs与慢性炎症性皮肤病
10.The patient with the skin disorder is under the care of a dermatologist.那个有皮肤病的病人正在皮肤科医师的照顾下。
11.Want to differentiate dermatosis of cancerous early days and skin cancer, above all we should understand skin cancer, especially the clinical feature of inchoate skin cancer.要鉴别癌前期皮肤病与皮肤癌,首先我们要了解皮肤癌,尤其早期皮肤癌的临床特征。
12.Abstract: Treats an illness like resorts to arms, treats skin disease to be also same.[概要]治病如用兵,治疗皮肤病亦一样。
13.Skin disorders are common occupational diseases among factory workers.皮肤病是工人中常见的职业病.
14.Measles scratching is not suitable for people who have emergent disease and skin disease.有重大疾病和皮肤病均不宜做刮痧。
15.Detection of Human Papillomavirus in Some Skin Diseases;人乳头瘤病毒在某些皮肤病中的检测
16.primary epitheliomatous cancer of the skin [occupational disease]原发皮肤上皮癌〔职业病〕
17.An infected or diseased patch of skin.感染性的皮肤一块感染或患病的皮肤
18.Skin (including evidence of lymphadenopathy)皮肤(包淋巴结病变)

skin disease prevention and treatment institute皮肤病防治研究所
3)skin disease皮肤病
1.The application of realgar in therapy of skin diseases(a review);雄黄在皮肤病治疗中的应用
2.Retrospective analysis of 88 dead inpatients with skin disease;住院皮肤病患者88例死亡原因回顾性分析
3.Investigation of the skin diseases from the disaster area抗震救灾前线皮肤病发病情况调查
1.Clinical analysis on 667 cases children dermatoses at first visit out-patient in 30 months;门诊初诊儿童皮肤病667例临床分析
2.Investigation on dermatoses affecting officers and soldiers garrisoned southeast China;东南沿海部队官兵皮肤病患病情况调查
3.Half dose of standard high-dose intravenous Y-globulin in the treatment of dermatoses;半标准大剂量静脉注射用人免疫球蛋白治疗皮肤病13例临床疗效观察
5)skin disease皮肤疾病
1.Objective: To analyze the cause of skin disease and accidental injury and summarize the means of treating and nursing.目的 分析皮肤疾病与意外损伤的原因及其治疗与护理。
2.TRAIL is able to regulate proliferation,apoptosis,inflammation,immunity et al in skin,which has comprehensive study in skin disease.肿瘤坏死因子相关凋亡诱导配体(TRAIL)是肿瘤坏死因子超家族成员之一,具有选择性的诱导变异细胞的凋亡,对维持机体内环境的稳定具有重要作用,由于TRAIL具有调节皮肤的增生、凋亡、炎症、免疫、维持皮肤器官内环境的稳定等特点,在皮肤疾病研究中成为热点。
6)Skin diseases皮肤疾病

皮肤病  家畜常患疾病之一。不仅影响畜体健康,降低毛、皮产量、质量,有的还可传染给人,影响公共卫生。    皮肤病有原发性的和继发性的,全身性的和局部性的。常见病因可分:①物理性。多由跌倒、碰撞或摩擦等所引起。如鞍伤在山区尤为常见,严重的可侵害肌肉深层组织。②化学性。有烫伤、冻伤和强酸、强碱灼伤等。③生物学性。病因较复杂。有原发性的,如钱癣,多见于马、犬,也可感染于人,病原是寄生于皮肤上或毛发间的毛癣属真菌;疥癣则是由外寄生虫螨所致的一种慢性皮肤病。继发性的多属传染病和寄生虫病的一种症状或综合征,如猪丹毒的打火印,鼻疽的皮肤溃疡,痘病的疱疹,口蹄疫的水泡,牛的伪狂犬病和羊痒疫所导致的奇痒,犬瘟热的皮炎和蝇蛆病所造成的皮肤损害等。④先天性。如短角犊牛的遗传性多汗症和仔猪先天性卟啉病的皮炎。⑤营养性。病因也较多,如猪缺锌会患不全角化症,烟酸不足则导致猪糙皮病等。⑥内科病的一些中毒和过敏因素,有时也会引起湿疹和荨麻疹等皮肤病。此外,在兽医临诊上,由于家畜皮肤所受的不同损害,还经常发现秃毛、瘀斑、脓疮、溃疡、破裂、蜂窝织炎和疣,甚至恶性组织增生,如致死性黑色素瘤等。    诊断除观察临床表现外,可采取皮肤病料如刮取物、水泡液、脓液、活体组织等进行实验室检查。防治原则在于加强饲养管理,如保证日粮中含有足够的营养,注意环境卫生和畜体卫生包括定期药浴等。原发性的可根据诊断直接治疗,继发性的主要在于消除原发病因。必要时可采取对症疗法。