1.Establishment of finite element model for human thorax人体胸部有限元模型研究

1.The Method of Defining Parameters Values of a Side Impact Model for Human Thorax人体胸部侧向碰撞模型参数值确定方法
2.The superior ventral surface of the human body, extending from the neck to the abdomen.胸部人体的上身腹部表面,从脖子延伸到腹部
3.Dose distribution of chest scan for multislice sprial CT多排螺旋CT胸部扫描人体剂量分布
4.The large middle section of the sternum.胸骨体胸骨很大的中间部分
5.The middle outer portion of the front of the human body, extending roughly from just below the breast to the waistline.上腹部人体正前面的中部,大致从胸正下方延伸至腰
6.Sound a person's chest, ie by tapping it对某人的胸部进行叩诊
7.pierce a person's chest with a knife以小刀戮某人的胸部
8.The victim had been knifed (in the chest).受害人(於胸部)中刀.
9.The body is usually divided into cephalothorax and abdomen.体躯通常分为头胸部和腹部两部分。
10.The part of the body between the neck and the abdomen, enclosed by the ribs and the breastbone;the thorax.胸膛身体位于颈和腹部之间被肋骨和胸骨所包围的一部分;胸膛
11.The Figure of Breast and the Desigh of the Type and Size of Brassiera;辽宁地区女性胸部体型特征及文胸号型设计
12.The application of video-assisted thoracoscopy in the treatment of thoracic injuries电视胸腔镜治疗胸部闭合伤的应用体会
13.medieval body armor that covers the chest and back.中世纪一种穿在胸部和背部的体甲。
14.The part of the human trunk between the bottom of the rib cage and the pelvis.腰身体躯干胸腔底部和骨盆间的部分
15.A detachable part of a man's dress shirt covering the chest;a dickey.衣服前胸男人衬衫遮胸的相对独立部分;衬领
16.The anterior section of arachnids and many crustaceans, consisting of the fused head and thorax.头胸部蛛形纲动物和许多甲壳纲动物身体前部头胸合一的部分
17.A man with real breasts, beautiful long hair, and“ her very own dumbstick.一个有真胸部,长发及阴部的男人。
18.head, thorax and abdomen头部、 胸部及腹部.

human thorax injury tolerance人体胸部损伤
1.Based on dummy and sled side impact tests for human thorax injury tolerance that simulates the situation of vehicle side impact, the paper analyzes the test data and shows that property of the energy absorption padding between the occupant and side wall will affect the degree of injury caused on the human thorax.本文以利用假人和滑车碰撞试验台所进行的模拟汽车侧向碰撞下人体胸部损伤的试验为基础 ,分析了车门侧壁与乘员之间不同性质的吸能材料对胸部损伤程度的影
3)Human thorax injury人体胸部伤害
4)The human chest.人的胸部
5)Chest phantom胸部体模
1.Methods Simulated reticular,linear,and nodular structures were located in an anthropomorphic chest phantom.方法在仿真胸部体模中放置模拟网状、线状和结节病变结构,用不同曝光剂量组采集CR图像。
6)percuss a patient's chest敲敲病人的胸部

胸部损伤胸部损伤injury of chest 胸部受直接或间接暴力引致胸壁的骨骼、软组织、胸膜和胸内器官如肺、气管、支气管、心、大血管、食管、胸导管的损伤。分为闭合性损伤和开放性损伤两大类。涉及胸膜腔和胸内脏器的胸部损伤,可引致呼吸和循环系统功能障碍,如处理不及时,伤员可在短期内死亡。严重胸部损伤尤其交通事故造成的损伤,常伴有身体其他部位损伤。