能量消耗,energy consumption
1)energy consumption能量消耗
1.Based on plenty of experiment data and theoretic research,we have found that in mechanical processing,the total energy consumption depends on the way that the work-piece and the machine tool matches up each other,when we take up different ways in processing the same or various work-pieces.实际加工中,特别是流水线加工中,由于零件种类和机床数目很多,机床规格也不同,零件与机床的组合情况及能量消耗情况较为复杂。
2.It carries out a series of experimental study by using the experimental method of engineering hydro- dynamics on the engineering practices such as pressure of air within system, regulation and control method of ?ow change, energy consumption of ventilator, designing method of equality flow field formed in the working phase of detecting platform system, and conforms the desi.用工程流体力学实验的方法,对系统内气体压力、流量变化的调节控制方法、通风机的能量消耗,以及在检测平台系统工作段形成均匀流动流场的设计方法等工程实际问题,进行了一系列的试验研究。
3.Analyzes technically the energy consumption at the terminal of central air conditioners and then puts forward the control method of energy consumption.简要介绍了中央空调的结构原理及在大、中型医院使用现状,并从技术角度对中央空调末端的能量消耗情况进行了分析,进而提出了能量消耗的控制办法。

1.it requires 97 percent less energy,能量消耗会减少97%,
2.thermal and energy performance散热表现及能量消耗
3.Calculation method for energy consumption of oil refinery design炼油厂设计能量消耗计算方法
4.During this process, the energy of the electrons is spent.在这个过程中,电子的能量消耗了。
5.Research of Energy Consumption Based on Clustering Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Network;分簇无线传感器网络能量消耗的研究
6.On the Energy Consumption in the Training of Sanshou and Nourishment Instauration;论散手训练中的能量消耗与营养恢复
7.The Calculation on Energy Expenditure of Walking and Daily Physical Activity;步行和日常体力活动能量消耗的推算
8.Preliminary Analysis the Characteristic of Acceleration and Energy Expenditure by the upper Limb Motions上肢活动加速度与能量消耗特征初探
9.1. Power-dissipation: This is the power consumed by the gate.1.能量耗散:是指栅门消耗的能量。
10.To cause to lose(energy, such as heat) irreversibly.消耗,使耗散不可逆地失去(能量,如热)
11.An amount consumed.消耗量所消耗的数量
12.The shield is draining our power at an alarmingly fast rate.护罩正以惊人的速度 消耗我们的能量
13.Their energy is partly dissipated.它们的能量被部分地消耗掉。
14.The quantity of heat producing in the course equals to the electric energy of consumption.在过程中产生的热量等于消耗的电能。
15.The charging process therefore requires the expenditure of energy.所以,充电过程需要消耗能量。
16.Striker Stocks have been abolished in KOF2001. Instead, strikers now deplete power stock.援护点被废除。现在叫援护消耗能量点。
17.The analysis showed that the hampers of ductle column possessed good aseismic performance.分析表明,这些延性柱耗能器具有良好的消耗地震能量的能力。
18.The energy for this motion is obtained at the expense of their kinetic energy.这个运动的能量是通过消耗其动能取得的。

Energy expenditure能量消耗
1.A mathematical model for constituent ratios of energy expenditure in human;人体能量消耗构成比数学模型
2.Study on the energy expenditure in college students in Guangdong Province;广东省某高校大学生能量消耗研究
3.The emphasis of this study lies in the features of physiological load and energy expenditure in specialized training for junior gymnasts.采用测试方法 ,对少儿体操运动员专项训练中的生理负荷和能量消耗特点进行分析。
3)energy dissipation能量消耗
1.In this paper, according to the theory of sediment transport mechanics , the movement types and energy dissipation of different size grains were analysed, the new calculation methods of the resistance and velocity of all types of debris flows were prop.本文根据泥沙运动力学理论,分析泥石流中不同粒径固体运动形式及其能量消耗,从宏观的能量角度提出各类泥石流的运动速度与阻力计算的新途径。
4)power consumption能量消耗
1.The power consumption and electric field distribution in a field emission display (FED) panel is optimized with a novel pixel structure.为了降低场发射显示器的能量消耗,提出一种新型的像素点结构,并优化了其内部电场分布。
2.At present the high power consumption of modern processors becomes a major concern due to the fact that it leads to increased heat dissipation and decreased reliability of systems.当前处理器由于较高的能量消耗,导致处理器热量散发的提高及系统可靠性的降低,已经成为目前计算机领域较为关心的问题。
3.However, the electric energy of the magnetic pulse is intense to exceed the threshold of the nerve action potentials, the requirement of the power consumption limits the application of high frequency.本研究中对系统软硬件设计的电路进行了实验验证,实验参数为电源输出100V,刺激频率最高100HZ,放电时间250us,使用了六组线圈(RL参数不同)进行试验,对不同参数的磁刺激电路使用正反双向充电、单向放电与传统的单向充放电进行了比较,并得到了在不同RCL参数(不同阻尼系数)时降低的能量消耗
5)energy cost能量消耗
1.The annual output of the iron and steel is on the increase in China,and the energy cost is one third of the total production cost of the iron and steel,so energy saving is the emphasis of the iron and steel industry.钢铁产量连年大幅攀升,能量消耗约占钢铁生产成本的1/3左右,节约能源是钢铁企业发展的重点,采用震荡燃烧、稀释氧燃烧、直接火焰冲击燃烧、高(焦)炉喷吹废塑料以及微波、电弧和放热加热直接炼钢技术,可以有效地节能降耗,促进钢铁工业可持续发展。
2.The effects of voltage, pulse-forming capacitance and electrode configuration on the SO2 removal efficiency and energy cost have been investigated in a wire-plate pulsed streamer discharge reactor with flow rate of 200Nm3/h.在一定实 验条件下,研究了电压、脉冲成形电容及不同线-线间距与线-板间距的配置对反应器的脱硫效率及能量消耗的 影响。
3.The effects of voltage,pulse-forming capacitance and electrode configuration on the SO_2removal efficiency and energy cost have been investigated in a wire-plate pulsed streamer dischargereactor with flow rate of 200Nm~3/h.在一定实验条件下,研究了电压、脉冲成形电容及不同线一线间距与线一板间距的配置对反应器的脱硫效率及能量消耗的影响。
6)expended energy消耗能量

能量消耗能量消耗energy consumption  能量消耗(energy eonsumption)人在进行各种活动时都要消耗能量。活动的强度不同,消耗的能量也不相同。能量消耗过多,就可能危害人的健康和安全。因此,了解和测定各类活动的能量消耗和能量代谢对设计工作有重要意义。能量代谢一般分为基础代谢、静息代谢和活动代谢三类。基础代谢是指在环境温度为18一25℃,人处于清醒、静卧、空腹,不做肌肉活动、思想放松状态(基础状态)下的能量代谢。单位时间内的基础代谢称为基础代谢率。基础代谢率用每小时每平方米体表面积所消耗的能量表示。静息代谢是指人处于不活动或处于二活动前状态时的能量代谢。活动代谢是人在从事特定活动中的能量代谢。活动代谢率除了用单位时间消耗能量表示外,还可以用相对能量代谢率表示。 ~_二。、。,t、、。*活动代谢率 相对能量代谢率=兰群书黑于 ‘一‘’一’、一’基础代谢率 日常活动的能量代谢率因活动特点而不同。例如,如以千卡l分作代谢率计算单位(注:1千卡=4 .184千焦),则睡眠时的代谢率约为1 .3,静坐时约为16,站着时约为2.35,坐着进行手工零件装配时约为2 .0一3 .0,站立砌砖、锯木、铲土等活动时约为7一10。能量代谢率的大小不仅与活动强度有直接关系,而且还受工作方法和工作姿势的影响。 (朱祖样撰陈立审)