身体机能,physical function
1)physical function身体机能
1.Effects of different weight losing ways on physical functions of wrestlers;不同减重方式对摔跤运动员身体机能的影响
2.Comparison of physical shape, physical functions and physical stamina between urban and rural college students in Liaoning province;辽宁省城乡大学生身体形态、身体机能、体能比较
3.Year-round physical training load design for professional football players and stress control of physical functions;职业足球运动员全年体能训练负荷的设计与身体机能状态应急调控

1.An Analysis of Zhang XiangSheng s Early Stage of Physical Confornation and Function;张祥森早期身体形态与身体机能分析
2.Comparison of physical shape, physical functions and physical stamina between urban and rural college students in Liaoning province;辽宁省城乡大学生身体形态、身体机能、体能比较
3.Impact on Athlete s Bodyfunction and Performance of Weightcontrol;体重控制对运动员身体机能和运动能力的影响
4.strengthen the physical function and promote metaBolism增强身体机能,促进新陈代谢
5.The Comparison of the Physical Function of Adult Peasants Aged 20 to 59 in Guangxi with the Nationwide Peasants Level;2005年广西20~59岁农民身体机能特征
6.Effects of Aerobic Training on Aging Mice;有氧运动对增龄小鼠身体机能的影响
7.Observation of the Body Function Condition of the Middle-aged and Old-aged College Teachers;中老年大学教师身体机能状况的观察
8.Tonics of this kind all have the action of strengthening the physical function and promoting metaBolism.这类补品都能增强身体机能,促进新陈代谢。
9.Research on Improvement of Physical Ability through Multi-ball Training in Badminton;羽毛球多球训练对提高身体机能能力的研究
10.Comparative Analysis of Different Weight on Body Function and Quality of the Middle-Aged;不同体重中年人身体机能及素质比较分析
11.The Experimental Study on Physical Function Indicators of the Healthy Standard for Students Constitution;关于《学生体质健康标准》中身体机能指标研究
12.The Research of Relationship between Body Mass Index and Physical Function of Students大学生体重指数与身体机能的相关研究
13.Enjoyment of vigorous health and physical drives.动物特性对强健的身体及活跃的身体机能的享受
14.On the Characteristics of Morphological and Physical Function of American Football Players in University高校橄榄球运动员身体形态与身体机能特征的研究
15.A Comparative Study of Height and Weight on Body Function and Physical Fitness of Male College Students;身高、体重对大学男生身体机能和素质影响的比较研究
16.A Comparative Analysis and Research on the Physical Functions and Qualities of Urban and Rural Adults of Hui in Xinjiang;新疆回族成人身体机能、身体素质城乡对比分析与研究
17.Enhances the functioning of white blood cells, helping to strengthen the body's immune system.改善白血球的机能,增强身体免疫能力。
18.Influence of aerobic training upon youngirls physical posture;有氧健身操对女青年身体形态和机能的影响

body function身体机能
1.The investigate on physical moephology and body function and physical fitness of Guangdong north adult粤北山区成年人身体形态与身体机能和素质的关系
2.Methods Questionnaire investigation and body function assessment were performed to assess the fall among the 124 old people aged 60 to 85 years old and the fall-related factors.方法通过问卷调查评估124名60~85岁社区老年人跌倒情况和跌倒危险因素,并测试其身体机能
3.Through the comparison of the body function between the students specializing in aerobics dancing exercises and those general university students, this paper makes a new study and exploration of the exercise value of aerobics dancing, and it further illustrates that doing aerobics dancing exercises frequently can have a good effect on the body.本文通过对体育专业健美操专修班学生与普通大学生身体机能的比较,对健美操的锻炼价值进行了新的研究和探讨,进一步阐明了经常从事健美操运动对身体产生的良好影响。
1.The writer,through investigation and study of students body shape,body function and physique,applies scientific methods to guide teaching and raises some useful measures to improve students health.为了进一步了解我校大学生体质状况,通过对他们的身体形态,身体机能,身体素质的相关调查研究,追踪观察学生的体质状况,运用科学的方法指导学校教学工作,增强学生锻炼身体的积极性,同时提高学生的体质,改善学校的教学环境并制定相应的体育教育措施。
2.The physical fitness index was confirmed,which included the form indexes,function indexes and exercise capacity.确定了影响中跑运动员运动成绩的体能指标,包括身体形态指标、身体机能指标、运动素质指标。
3.In order to promote college students physical function and fitness, and to helpe students take outside class exercise purposefully,14 sets of exercise prescriptions are designed to improve physical flexibility,stamina,strength,dexterity,speed,weight,and overall fitness(2 sets for each kind),and they have been experimented upon college students.为努力提高大学生的身体机能和运动素质,使学生有针对性地进行课外健身运动锻炼,制定以发展人体柔韧、耐力、力量、灵敏、速度、增重及全面素质为主要内容的7类(每类甲乙两套)共14套健身运动处方,并在大学课外活动中进行处方锻炼实验,探讨各类健身运动处方锻炼对大学生身体形态、机能、素质的影响。
4)physical functions身体机能
1.A Comparative Analysis and Research on the Physical Functions and Qualities of Urban and Rural Adults of Hui in Xinjiang;新疆回族成人身体机能、身体素质城乡对比分析与研究
2.An Experimental Research on the Effects of Yoga on the Physical Functions and Mental Health of University Students;瑜伽健身术对大学生身体机能素质和心理健康水平影响的实验研究
3.Through studying on effect of ansai waist drum on physical functions of college students,this paper discusses the physical exercise values of ansai waist drum and provides the scientific basis for entering the system of physical education curriculum and mass sports areas.目的:通过安塞腰鼓训练对大学生身体机能影响的研究,探讨安塞腰鼓运动的健身价值,为其进入高校体育课程体系及大众健身领域提供科学依据。
5)physical ability身体机能
1.This paper makes an analysis on body shape and physical ability of the old in Taiyuan city,at the age of 60~64 and 65~69 respectiviely,studies characteristics of physical fitness and its changing rule,and provides scientific basis for the purpose of improving the senior citizens healthy conditions.通过对太原市城区60~64岁和65~69岁两年龄段男、女老年人的身体形态、身体机能等指标的测试分析,研究老年人的体质特征和变化规律,为改善其身体健康状况提供科学的依据。
2.Comprehensive research on body form and physical ability of elite rhythmic gymnasts from Chinese National Rhythmic Gymnastic Team were carried out by using method of body form and physical ability test for exploring the relationships between body form,physical ability of rhythmic gymnasts and their physical training.结果显示:我国优秀艺术体操运动员具有体能训练的身体形态优势,身体机能水平在训练中较稳定,提示运动员有进行大运动量体能训练的潜力和空间,建议采用间歇训练方法加大运动强度和运动量,提高艺术体操运动员的成套体能水平,适应现代艺术体操技术发展对体能的需要。
6)body enginery and diathesis身体机能与素质

《大脑两半球机能讲义》  И.Π.巴甫洛夫著。苏联国家出版社1927年出版。本书有英文、日文和德文译本。1953年上海交通书局、1957年上海卫生出版社出版戈绍龙译的中译本。大脑的功能极为复杂,很难着手实验研究。在巴甫洛夫以前,也很少有关于它的牢固的科学研究结果。巴甫洛夫是用条件反射方法对大脑两半球功能进行客观实验研究的创始人,也是现代唯物主义高级神经活动学说的创立者。他接受并发展了И.Μ.谢切诺夫的反射论思想,用条件反射方法对动物和人的高级神经活动进行了多年的客观实验研究。本书是他前20多年的研究工作总结。全书共23讲。作者用客观实验事实分析、阐述了大脑反射功能的基本图景:暂时联系的形成,条件反射活动的形成和发展,基本的神经过程──兴奋和抑制,它们的相互作用、扩散和集中、相互诱导,大脑皮层的镶嵌网式结构,神经系统的类型,实验性神经症等。这些都是他的高级神经活动学说的基本内容。巴甫洛夫的工作超越了生理学的领域,对其他邻近学科也有重大意义。在苏联,他的高级神经活动学说被看作是心理学研究的自然科学基础。