模糊综合评估,fuzzy comprehensive evaluation
1)fuzzy comprehensive evaluation模糊综合评估
1.Research on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation index system of enterprise informatization;企业信息化模糊综合评估指标体系与方法研究
2.Eigenvector based fuzzy comprehensive evaluation on construction machinery performance and efficiency;基于特征矢量法的工程机械效能模糊综合评估
3.User oriented fuzzy comprehensive evaluation for government websites;面向用户的政府网站模糊综合评估

1.Blurred Approach and It s Application to Agricultural Land Assessment;模糊综合评估法及其在农地价格评估中的应用
2.Research on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation to Overall Qualities of Air Traffic Controllers in Civil Aviation;民航管制员素质的模糊综合评估研究
3.The quantitative analysis and Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation;课堂教学的定量分析与模糊综合评估
4.Fuzzy synthetic evaluation for fire risk of high-rise school buildings高层教学楼火灾风险的模糊综合评估
5.A Comprehensive Appraising Model Evaluating Staff Loyalty;员工忠诚度评估的模糊综合评判模型
6.Risk Assessment of ERP Project Based on Fuzzy Synthesis Judgment;基于模糊综合评判的ERP项目风险评估
7.The Application of Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation in Course Assessment;模糊综合评判法在课程评估中的应用
8.Condition Assessment of Fossil-fired Power Plant Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation基于模糊综合评判的火电厂状态评估
9.Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation for comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises;模糊综合评价法在企业综合竞争力评估中应用
10.A Method for Fuzzy Comprehensive Assessment of Comprehensive Strength In High School;模糊综合评价法在高校综合实力评估中的应用
11.An Application of Fuzzy-Comprehensive-Evaluation for the Parcel Land Appraisal;模糊综合评价法在宗地估价中的应用
12.Application of Comprehension Fuzzy Evaluation Model in the Real Estate Appraisal;模糊综合评判在房地产估价中的应用
13.Fuzzy Comprehensive Method for Post-evaluation on Investment in Higher Education;高等教育投资后评估的模糊综合方法
14.The Teaching Quality Judgment Algorithmic Model Based on the Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation;基于模糊综合评判的教学质量评估算法模型
15.Rises the Undergraduate Course Colleges and Universities Newly Teaching Appraisal the Fuzzy Quality Synthetic Evaluation Model Design;高校教学评估的模糊综合评价模型设计
16.PC-LINMAP Fuzzy Synthesis Judgment Student Work Achievements Appraisal Model;PC-LINMAP模糊综合评判学生工作绩效评估模型
17.Local Government Performance Evaluation Model Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation;基于模糊综合评价的地方政府绩效评估模型
18.Quality Evaluation for Contractor Service of Equipment Based on Fuzzy Comprehension Assessment基于模糊综合评判的装备合同商服务质量评估

fuzzy synthetic evaluation模糊综合评估
1.The combat effectiveness evaluation was implemented by using the fuzzy synthetic evaluation and analytic hierarchy process(AHP),according to the relativity,incomparability and indefiniteness of the RIS’index system.根据雷达情报系统性能指标的相对性、不可比性和不确定性,运用模糊综合评估方法和层次分析法对雷达情报系统作战效能进行评估,最后通过实例验证了模型的有效性。
2.According to the property of fuzzy number that is suited for quantifying fuzzy information,an approach to fuzzy synthetic evaluation based on fuzzy number is proposed by use of fuzzy sets theory.根据模糊数适于量化模糊信息的特点,运用模糊集理论,提出了一种基于模糊数的模糊综合评估方法。
3.the way of constructing fuzzy synthetic evaluation model is introduced and an example is given here which p.指出了现存损伤评估方法中存在的问题;通过研究导弹装备组织结构特点,给出了导弹装备损伤评估等级标准,结合现代成熟的评估理论提出了一种新的适用于导弹装备战斗损伤评估的模型方法,在此基础上阐明了模糊综合评估模型构建的基本思路并给出了算例证明了该模型方法的可行性。
3)fuzzy comprehensive assessment模糊综合评估
1.A fuzzy comprehensive assessment method of teachers′achievement at military colleges;军校教员业绩的模糊综合评估方法研究
4)fuzzy synthetic assessment模糊综合评估
1.By using fuzzy mathematical method,the assessment model for durability of reinforced concrete factory building is established,and a practical method on fuzzy synthetic assessment of durability for reinforced concrete factory building is proposed,and the practicability of this method is verified in the practical engineering projects.运用模糊数学的方法,建立钢筋混凝土工业厂房耐久性的评估模型,提出模糊综合评估的实用方法,并通过工程实例对方法的实用性加以验证。
2.The paper proposes a practical method on fuzzy synthetic assessment of durability for reinforced concrete bridge through discussion on reasonable assessment of durability.通过对耐久性问题的合理评估进行研究,建立钢筋混凝土桥梁耐久性模糊综合评估方法。
5)comprehensively fuzzy evaluation综合模糊评估
6)fuzzy com-prehensive evaluation method模糊综合评估方

地价评估趋势评估法地价评估趋势评估法 【地价评估趋势评估法】土地价格在一定的时间内由于受诸多因素影响,呈周期性的波动,但总趋势是上升的,因此,利用一定的数学模型,就可以求算出地价,一般要通过回归分析,找出土地价格与时间变量之间的函数关系,画出地价发展变化趋势图形,然后建立数学模型,进而推算出地价。若以Y代表历年地价,X代表时间,丫代表地价,其关系式为:y‘=a+bx(a、b为常数)。采用这一方法,需以长年积累起来的地价变动资料作为分析依据。地价的时间序列最好在ro年以上。因为时间序列愈长,愈能排除偶然因素和短期因素对趋势值的异常干扰。另外,用地价长期趋势图可比较两个地段地价_L涨的强弱程度,如果长期趋线越陡,则表明该地段地价升值性越强;反之,则表明该地价的升值性越弱。