起点,starting point
1)starting point起点
1.Brief introduction to high starting point for the small-town s plan and construction;浅谈小城镇规划建设的高起点
2.Discussion on budget preparation mode based on starting point of objective cost;以目标成本为起点的预算编制模式探讨
3.Is "Taking the Three Instructions as the Guiding Principle " the starting point of Deng Xiaoping Theory;“三项指示为纲”是邓小平理论形成的起点吗?

1.source pump station(管线上)起点泵站
2.The race begins on Staten Island,起点设在Staten岛上,
3.The sea was flecked with foam.大海上涌起点点泡沫.
5.A goal post.终点柱赛马的起点
6.You've got to scrape up some courage, some daring.你要竭力鼓起点勇气,鼓起点胆量来。
7.A starting point, safety area, or goal.起点,目标出发点,安全场地或终点
8.Every little counts.点点滴滴都起作用。
9.appropriate point below the minimum of the pay scale低于起薪点的适当薪点
10.She nodded, beginning to cry.她点点头,开始哭起来。
11.What time do you get up? I usually get up at six.你几点起床?我通常六点起床。
12.When do you get up everyday? I usually get up at 7 o'clock.每天你几点起床? 我通常7点起床。
13.On the beginning,the reversing and the lodging Place of the problem of lightening the burdens on the students;论“减负”问题的起始点、逆转点和落脚点
14.Sollozzo said to the driver, "Nice work.他自己点着,抽了起来。
15.There is a misunderstanding over my ticket .我的标引起了一点误会。
16.He could get up no exultation that was really worthy the name.他一点都激动不起来。
17.hting-ignition cell起动点火照明用电池
18.since ten this morning,从今天上午十点起,

the Beginning起点
1.Commentary on the Research of the Beginning of Modern Chinese Literature;中国现代文学起点问题研究述评
2.In view of the existing situation,the paper will not put forward any preconceived assessment on these arguments arbitrarily,but hopes to present a clear development skeleton by showing the achievements of study and the evolution of the division standards on the beginning of Modern Chinese Literature in the past more than 20 years.针对若干提法,这里不先入为主地对它们进行武断的定性评价,而是通过展示20年来起点研究的成果和划分标准的演变,以期呈现一个清晰的发展脉络。
4)starting point起点起动点
5)Original and Destination(O&D)起点终点
6)initial point始点;起点

起点1.谓点兵出发。 2.开始。 3.开始的地方或时间。