冬训,Winter training
1)Winter training冬训
1.Acupuncture to Shanxi Province man medium distance running athlete winter training period immunity influence observation;针刺对男子中长跑项目运动员冬训期间免疫力影响的研究
2.The essential phase of winter training and the formulation of athletes best competing status rely on the science and implementation effect of the winter training plan.冬训是竞技状态形成的重要阶段,运动员最佳竞技状态的形成,依赖于冬训训练计划的科学性及实施的效果。
3.Through the analysis of test and evaluation on the 59 elite junior woman basketball players who were trained in winter during 2006~2007,the author found that the physical ability and basic skill of the players had changed and the winter training had obvious effect.通过对参加2006-2007年冬训对我国59名优秀青年女子篮球运动员冬训前、后体能与基本技术的测试和分析,揭示了参加冬训运动员的体能与基本技术的现状与冬训效果,并提出相应的建议。

1.A Research on Winter Training Contents of Guangxi s Excellent Sprinters;广西优秀短跑运动员冬训训练内容的研究
2.Physiologic and Biochemical Evaluation of Exercising Effictiveness for Superior Male Athletes During Winter Training;优秀运动员冬训期间训练效果的生理生化评价
3.Study on Training Control and Monitoring of China Sanda Team during Winter Training中国国家武术散打队冬训训练监控与机能评定
4.On the Scientific Winter Training of Beijing "City-construction" Women Football Team in 2001;北京城建女足2001年冬训科学化探索
5.Sports Achievement is Based on Training in Winter Period --Studies of Training Methods for the Athelete HU Zheng dong;抓好冬季训练是提高运动成绩的基础——标枪运动员胡振东冬训方法研究
6.SH is supposed to go to severe winter training very soon.承宪应该很快就要去接受严酷的冬训了。
7.Could you give some advice on how to make my winter training more effective?你能给我一些建议,让我的冬训更有效吗?
8.Analysis on the Efforts of Winter Training of Chinese Excellent Young Women Basketball Players from 2006 to 2007;2006-2007年我国优秀青年女篮运动员冬训效果分析
9.The Monitoring of Bio-chemistry Index of Shandong Sailboarding Team in Winter Training for the 10th National Game;备战十运会山东帆板队冬训期间生化指标监测
10.Preliminary Study on the All-Time Supervision of the Winter Preparatory Training for the National Women s Tennis Team;国家女子网球队冬训备战实时监控的初步研究
11.A research on the monitoring of some biochemical indexes of boxers at the stage of winter training;拳击运动员冬训阶段若干生化指标的监测研究
12.Statistics and Analysis on the 2001 - 2002 Winter Training of Chinese Woman s Super Youth Basketball Players;我国优秀青年女篮2001~2002冬训状况统计与分析
13.Investigation and Appraisal on Jiangsu Cyclist s Food During Their Winter Training;江苏自行车运动员冬训期的膳食调查与评价
14.Study on Functional Evalution in Winter Train of Excellent Modern Pentathlon Womon Athlete优秀现代五项女运动员冬训期间的机能评定
15.Based on winter training and this league match, the national team will determine 26 team members of the first group to attend the training camp.通过冬训和本次联赛,国家队将确定第一批参加集训的26名队员。
16.Comparative Study on the Lower Limbs Strength of the Chinese Junior Women’s Basketball Team during the Winter Training;我国优秀青年女子篮球运动员冬训期下肢力量训练的比较研究
17.A Study on Training Monitoring and Nutrition Control of Elite Cycle Athletes during Winter Training;优秀自行车运动员冬训期间的训练监控与营养调控的研究
18.Training load of Sun Lei,elite woman pole vaulter of China during winter period in 2004;我国优秀女子撑竿跳高运动员孙蕾2004年冬训期训练负荷研究

winter training session冬训期训练
1.The study aims to investigate the changes of immunofunction in athletes of beach volleyball during winter training session to find out the valuable sensitive immunofunction indexes, and detect the state of athletes during training to make the training better.研究目的:通过建立一个由T淋巴细胞亚群、自然杀伤细胞(NK)、自然杀伤T细胞(NKT)、外周血皮质醇(C)、睾酮(T)等多个免疫指标构成的检测网络系统,采用流式细胞仪检测等方法,观察男子沙滩排球运动员冬训期训练过程中机体免疫机能的动态变化状况,旨在了解运动员机体免疫机能的变化特点和规律,寻找有意义的免疫指标及有应用价值的检测方法,为更好的掌握运动员对训练方式和运动负荷的适应状况、及时掌握运动员身体机能的变化情况、提高运动训练质量提供依据。
3)winter combat clothing冬作训服
1.Design of the winter combat clothing system layers coordination and the application of new thermal insulation materials;冬作训服系统层次搭配设计和保暖新材料应用研究
4)winter training冬季训练
1.Effect of Chinese herbs on the winter training of the P.E. majors in senior middle school;中草药对普通高中体育专业考生冬季训练的影响
5)exercise load冬训期
1.On exercise load of high level middle-long distance racer winter training in college and universities;普通高校高水平中长跑运动员冬训期运动负荷的探讨
6)winter training plan冬训计划
